Learning Weston Secrets

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Professor Michaelis, who also doubled as the blue house's dorm supervisor, excused me from class the rest of the day to help Ciel get settled in. He didn't bring much except for expensive clothing with him, along with a pillow and come candies.

    "Would you like one? They're very sweet." he offered me a candy. I took it curiously, looking over it and recognizing the Funtom label. I blinked and a wide smile spread across my face as I opened it, eating it. I felt nostalgia from my childhood, remembering a stuffed Funcom Co. rabbit I had as a little girl.

"Thank you." I said, feeling light-hearted. I walked over to the spare wardrobe in the room and placed my hand on it. "This one is yours. I don't have many rules to my dorm but all I ask is that my wardrobe never be opened."

"No offense, but I don't usually find wardrobe rummaging as a hobby of mine." Ciel said, obviously finding pride in his sarcastic remark.

I blushed, feeling embarrassment well up inside of me. "Well I-"

Ciel cut me off. "What are you hiding in there, anyways? A body? Opium? A guilty pleasure?" he teased, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.

No, just some bandages and panties.

"Ha-ha." I said. "You have quite the sense of humor."

Some time passed before I decided to show Ciel around campus. Cricket time started at five p.m., and usually everyone attended. I figured it would be the perfect time to allow Ciel to meet some of the students. Maybe I'd get lucky and someone would be willing to squeeze in a third dorm mate. But of course, that was only hopeful wishing. It wasn't before long that the large bell began to ring, indicating it was five o'clock. I decided to be polite and ask Ciel if he would like to go join in with cricket, although in reality he didn't have a choice.

"Why not." He stated. Seconds later student began emerging from the dorms and making their way to the cricket area. I myself never liked playing the game, but it was amusing to watch, especially seeing all of the more competitive students argue with each other.

I led him to the cricket area, and there were students from all four houses conversing and getting ready to play. I spotted the most handsome boy in all of school from the Green Lion house, and my heart fluttered.

Edward Midford.

His blonde locks were unlike any other, and his eyes were as green as the house he was so proud of. I felt myself swooning, a blush on my cheeks and Ciel was glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. "Are you alright, Victor?"

I snapped out of it. "Oh, yes. I'm perfect, actually." Out of all of the boys at Weston College, Edward had always been the only boy that truly caught my eye. He was talking to a friend, but his gaze would shoot over to Ciel and I every couple seconds. Finally, the friend walked away and he began walking over to us. My stomach dropped. I didn't even know if he knew my name or not, why was he walking over here!? I felt as if I was going to throw up, and butterflies fluttered energetically in my stomach.

"Phantomhive! What are you doing here?" Edward demanded to know. "All the way at Weston? Did you purposely come to harass me?"

Not even caring that I wasn't being acknowledged, I took the chance to admire his features up close. He was even pretty like this. Ciel sighed now, closing his one visible eye.

"Victor, this is Edward Midford, my cousin." Ciel said, looking somewhat irritated.

Cousins? Wow. This was my luck.

"I know who Victor Ashdown is, Ciel." Edward said.

"You do?" I said. "I mean, of course we know each other." I was blushing now. Dammit, why couldn't I just be normal?

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