Chapter 41

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Dipper was confused. That was the greatest understatement of the year.

When he had regained his consciousness, he found himself sprawled on the ground, wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. Behind him was the broken cement, which now he realized was the remains of the Gravity Falls Prison.

How did he even end up there?

He couldn't.
He couldn't think.
He couldn't remember.

The last thing he could easily recall was going through the woods to put up advertisements of the Mystery Shack. He was ordered by ... someone that he ought to know.

Their faces were blurry. Their voices were muffled. Rummaging through his memories, he realized that everyone he had known in his life were lost to him, as in he did not know a single thing about them. As if they never existed at all, but small memories in his mind. Was his life a lie? Did his parents even exist?

Hypothetically, someone had tampered his mind forcefully, to insure he would never found out about them. However, he couldn't think of any evidences that could support his hypothesis. And truth be told, this hypothesis was ridiculous. If suppose there was a man with super mind powers, then yes, it was a great possibility. But rationally, it was ridiculous.

There was another logical possibility that he had somehow hit his head hard when he bumped into a tree, damaging his brain and causing slight amnesia. A curious case of amnesia.

His mind pondered a few more theories, then decided to solve this conundrum later. He had to go back to the Mystery Shack. Then, he would proceed with the thinking.

Suddenly, he became aware of the screams around him. It made him aware of the scarlet sky and the humongous pyramid above him. It also made him aware of the situation he was in currently.

Dipper was doomed. And he still did not understand what was happening.

Why were there gigantic eyeballs with wings floating around, zapping citizens into stones? How did they even exist? Was he still dreaming? Or was this all just some psychological madness occurring in his brain, while the real him was locked down in a mental hospital?

Why was he even questioning the existence of everything? This called for drastic measures. Suppose the latter was true, he was only trapped in the illusions his supposedly insane mind had provided. If he called out that he was aware of the truth behind the illusions, would his mind eventually cure himself and go back to the real world? He would try.

From faraway, Dipper could see few creatures huddling to themselves, their hands carrying the human statues. The demons, Dipper assumed, seemed to be having a chat.

He started walking towards them.

"I'm not afraid of you!" He shouted, pointing his finger at the demons.

The demons, having heard this, turned their head abruptly to stare at the tiny boy. Dipper began to reconsider his actions when the pink demon laughed out loud. He was embarrassed at the sheer stupidity he just portrayed. He should've thought through. He was in a vulnerable state right now, and yelling that to the demons straightforward would only provoke them and end his life.

The pink demon bent down to Dipper's height and laughed. Tears were falling down from her one eye, her wide mouth widening that showed her buck teeth and fangs.

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