The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13

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He seems to really enjoy bugging her. Bastard.

I could hear Amber complaining about how hot it was outside, and I smirked. It was pretty hot, and I could feel the sweat on my forehead. Plus, I was wearing all black. I might as well carry a huge sign saying 'BURN ME.'

I wiped at my forehead with the back of my hand, and grimaced as I watched Brandon toss the football in the air and catch it.

"Ready?" He called towards me. I nodded, and got ready. Brandon went cross-eyed at me before whipping the ball to me again. This guy's pretty damn good at this.

"Brandon," I said when I caught the ball, almost dropping it. "Do you actually play? Like at school or something?"

"I was on the team for a few years," he shrugged. "I was Quarterback."

"And you quit?" I raised an eyebrow, playing with the football in my hands. When Brandon nodded, I asked him why.

"I don't know, really," he admitted as he ran over to me. "I was kind of sick of it. Plus, I--" he stopped mid-sentence, and scowled. I looked at him with confusion, and he just waved it off, telling me not to worry.

Okay then. I decided not to bug him, because I'm just too amazing.

"Are you actually going to the Hudson's tonight?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, do you want to?"

"Why, are they going to suck my blood or something?" I raised an eyebrow, passing him the football. Brandon chuckled.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did," Brandon told me, and then I watched as his cheeks turned pink.

I smirked teasingly. "I don't think I want to know what's going through that head of yours."

Brandon laughed, and playfully punched me in the arm. Holly and Amber were singing 'Goin' Down' by The Pretty Reckless in the background, and my head snapped to their direction. They both had sunglasses on, their heads bobbing together as they belted out the song at the top of their lungs.

They're so weird.

I couldn't help but crack a smile, though. Holly's always been weird. I don't really know Amber as much, but I swear all these girls are weird. Especially Ally.

Brandon collapsed onto the grass, laying on his stomach. The sun was really hot today, and we all had to basically squint our eyes from the scorching sunshine.

I looked down at Brandon, and then shrugged before sitting next to him. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Amber, I think we fixed it," Jordan said, talking about the car. "Your fuel line was just clogged."

Amber sat up straight, and tilted her sunglasses down her nose to look at Jordan over them. "Say what now?"

Jordan rolled his eyes. "It happens, sometimes from dirt. We just put some cleaner in it, the car should work now."

"Oh, okay thanks guys!" Amber grinned, shot them a thumbs' up, and then laid down again. Holly giggled.

The cabin door slid open, and out stepped Morgan, holding two water bottles. Jordan looked up from the car, and I was utterly amazed at how those two looked at each other. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but they're really good together. Jordan's been inlove with Morgan for as long as I can remember. Matt and I've been friends with Jordan and Damian for a really long time.

Brandon grimaced when Jordan ran over to Morgan and started eating her. Sorry - he wasn't actually eating her. Well, he could have been, the way they were making out like that. In front of us.

The Lavery TwinsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant