Chapter Fourty

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I was woken up By Ellas phone ringing beside me.
"Ugh who is this" Ella groaned reaching over for her phone.
"Hello.?" She said answering.
"Are you serious!". "Oh my Gosh this is amazing" She screamed.
She hung up and threw her phone on the bed and started dancing while screaming.
"Joey I got the job!" She shouted.
"Are you serious!" I said excitedly.
"Yes oh my god I'm so happy!" She yelled throwing her arms around me.
"I'm so happy for you" I smiled.
But in reality I was devastated, this meant that she would have to move up here permanently, and I lived across the country in Michegan. I would rarely see her. She would be up here by herself with Nate.  This terrified me.

I put on a smile though, I had to be happy for her.
"Joey this is amazing" I gasped.
"I'm so proud of you" I said hugging her again.
"We have to celebrate" She said jumping up "We will go out for lunch! Ooh I'll invite Nate". She grabbed her phone and called him.
This was going to be fun, I sighed dreading the occasion. 

At around one Ella and I left the hotel,  she had spent the last two hours calling everyone she knew about the job. Seeing her excited only made me feel worse, I didn't want her to have to go even further from me.

We walked to a restaurant that Nate recommended and sat down inside. We were only there for a short amount of time before Nate arrived.
"Ella!" He exclaimed coming over.
"Hi Nate" Ella grinned.
"Congratulations!" He smiled.
I realised that he hadn't even said Hello to me when he arrived. He didn't even look at me. I really did not like him.

"So isn't this exciting" he said "Youre going to be moving up here! But don't worry Joey, I'll look after her".
What did he just say? He is trying to get to me and it was working. I was getting pissed.
"Oh I'm pretty sure Ellas capable of looking after herself" I said putting on a fake smile.  Ella suddenly kicked me under the table. 
"If she's capable of looking after herself what's she doing with you then?" He laughed "I'm kidding, I'm kidding".
He wasn't kidding I knew he wasn't.  This guy was seriously rude.

"Its really weird though,  I got this job and I don't even know what I'm voice acting for" Ella  laughed.
"We didn't want to tell you until you got the job for sure, but I guess I can tell you now".
"Please do!".
"Well it's a kids cartoon that is about these twins Zeke and Zander , I play Zander, who are basically spies in a weird and crazy world that they don't belong in. And you play this Geeky, Scientist, child prodigy and basically you're the one who gets us our things for our missions".
"That sounds really interesting, my character sounds awesome" Ella said with a big grin.
"She is, I saw some of the animation and it is so cool too".
"Well I am thrilled to part of it".
"Cheers!" Nate said lifting his glass.

I stayed mostly quiet for the rest of the lunch. Nate was gloating as usual and Ella was just going with it.
At the end we all gathered outside and Ella hugged Nate, "I guess I'll see you soon".
"Yeah Ella I can't wait!" He smiled.
I didn't bother saying goodbye to him. When me and Ella walked away she spoke "Joey do you actually like Nate?".
I hated having to lie to her.
"Yeah he's fine" I said.
"You were really quiet that whole lunch" She sighed.
"I just didn't have anything to say" I replied.
"Just be honest Joey" She said sternly.
"Okay okay,  I'm not his biggest fan, but like if I was with another girl you wouldn't be too impressed either".
"Like that time with Jessica?" She said quietly.
"Sort of" I said.
"Well actually this isn't like that, because you and Jessica used to be a thing and Nate and I have been anything so I don't think it's fair".
"Yeah I'm just being silly, let's just forget about it" I said not wanting to start an argument.
"At least try" She said.
"I will, anything for you" I said, but is a wasn't sure I could. 

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