Chapter Thirty Two

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All the boys were watching a movie in Brians Apartment when Brians phone rung. "Oh it's Lauren" he said answering. 
"Hey Lauren, you're on loudspeaker by the way" He said.
"There's been an accident" Lauren cried. I suddenly got really worried.
"Oh my god what happened?".
"It's just Ella, and Merideth, everyone! There's no time to explain, you need to come to the hospital now".
"Ella!" I gasped "Lauren what the hell happened!".
"Just come quickly" Lauren cried hanging up.

"Guys come on this is serious we have to go" I said standing up.
"Yeah man grab the keys" Brain said rushing out the door, followed by everyone else.
We all rushed downstairs, we got outside and we were shocked to see a line of all the girls standing outside.
"Oh crap" I said turning around. They had us completely surrounded.
"FIRE" one of them shouted.
We were suddenly being covered in paint, they all had guns and some were even throwing balloons filled with paint.  I ducked behind Darren and Jim screaming.
"HAVE MERCY" Walker screamed.
"WE SURRENDER" Joe shouted.

The girls kept throwing and shooting the paint at us until they ran out completely. They then out down their guns and gathered in a group again and began laughing hysterically.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" Brian screamed.

Everyone's clothes were destroyed.
"Were not even sorry" Jaime laughed.
"Oh we'll make you sorry" Darren screamed as he ran over to the group. We all charged after him. I noticed Ella was slowly moving away from the group and I charged toward her.
"No joey don't,  this is unfair I can't run" She screamed.
"Tough" I said throwing my arms around her covering her in paint.
"Joey you ruined my dress" She moaned.
"I don't care" I laughed.
I looked into her eyes and she gazed into mine.
We both leaned in and began kissing. We didn't care that we were both covered in paint, the moment just seemed so right.

Just then Ella and I were covered in even more paint. We pulled apart wiping our eyes. We saw Lauren standing there holding a now empty bucket of paint.
"Lauren!" Ella screamed.

"What like this" I said leaning in and kissing Ella again.
"Buzz off" Lauren said laughing.
I walked with Ella over to the rest of the group. We were all laughing and having fun.
Just then two police cars arrived and came over to us.
"We got a call that there was graffiti artists, and here they are at the scene of the crime, all covered in paint".

"It's really not what you think--" Lauren started saying.
"Its exactly what I think it is! We will have to sort this out at the station, I don't know if you realised but graffiti is quite illegal. There is fourteen of you here so I need another two copies cars here".
He buzzed into his radio and made us all sit down as the other cars came as quickly as they could.

I don't think this is how any of us thought our night would go. We were not expecting to be arrested.
We all stayed pretty calm, except Lauren who was having a meltdown, she felt horrible because apparently it was all her idea.

Eventually the other cops showed up and loaded us all in to the cars. I stayed with Ella the whole time, who although she tried not to show it, was really worried.
We were put into a holding cell at the station and all of us squeezed in together.
"This isn't how we planned our night" Jim sighed.
"This is all my fault" Lauren cried, Walker put his arm around her "Lauren don't worry about it, we're going to be fine".

"Guys I'm just going to be honest and say there's no other way I'd like to be spending my night" Darren smiled.
"In a holding cell? Really Darren?" Nick sighed.
"Well I mean, we're all together, that's what matters".

We seemed to be in holding practically all night, Ella had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I felt myself beginning to drift off too.
"Okay then" A police officer said opening the cell door.
"We have decided that we won't charge you but you will spend tomorrow cleaning the mess you all made".
Everyone let out sighs of relief.
We all exited the cells and left the police station.
We all burst out laughing.
"What a night" we smiled.

All of us had to walk home and we all went our separate ways. I Walked slowly beside Ella, She was trying to go as fast as she could but was really struggling.
"Joey I need a break" She said sitting down on a bench at the side of the street.
I sat down beside her.
"It must be so late,  do you have the time?" I asked.
"Nope my phone died, I also left my purse in Merediths car so I can't even pay for a cab home".
"I left all my things at brians".
"There's no way im going to be able to walk home".
"I could carry you?".
"Joey it's too far, your back would be broken".

"What do we do then?" I asked taking her hands, they were freezing.
"Ella your hands! They're so cold" I gasped "You should've said" I said taking off my coat and wrapping it around her shoulders.
"I'm fine Joey" She snapped.
"Oh.." I said quietly.
We sat in silence for a moment. 

"I'm sorry joey, I'm just pissed off at these dumb legs" Ella finally spoke.
"They're not dumb" I said.
"Why don't they work like everyone else's then? Why do I have I deal with the shitty pair?".
"Ella only yesterday you were still in a wheelchair and look at you now, you can stand on two feet".
"Yeah after what three months?  How long is it going to take for me to walk without help".
"You know it's going to take time, but you will get there''.
Ella didn't say a thing, it was late in the night and I guess that she was just tired.

Just then a car pulled up and rolled down its window. 
"You guys need a lift" Darren said from inside the car.
"Darren you are my savior! " Ella exclaimed getting up.
Ella and I hopped into the car.
"What are you guys even doing" He asked.
"Everyone left after we were released, we had no phones or money".
"Jesus guys, good thing I found yous".
"Thank you so much" Ella said appreciatively.

Darren dropped us off at our buildings, we got out of the car thanking Darren.
"Do you want to come up to mine?" I asked.
"Um yeah sure" She said.
We both went into my apartment and she sat down on my bed.
"Do you want a drink or anything".
"Honestly joey I just want to sleep" she said lying down and closing her eyes.

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