Chapter Twenty three

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It was finally the 21st, I was so excited as I waited in the airport.
The last few months have been pretty tough with out Ella. College just wasn't the same without her.
I've been chatting to her loads though,  she was release from hospital two weeks ago. she can bend her legs now and she's in a wheelchair.  Which is better than being stuck in a bed anyways.

'Call for flight 394 to Boston now boarding'

I picked up my things and headed towards the gate. I handed the air hostess my ticked and boarded the plane taking my seat. I plugged in my headphones and prepared for takeoff.

When I landed I collected my suitcase and headed towards the pick up area, where I met Ellas father.
"Joey" he cheered as I approached "So wonderful to see you again, Ella is so excited".
"I'm excited to see her too".

We hopped in the car, "So this is your first time in Boston right?" Matthew asked.
"Yes sir" I replied.
"Well this is Logan Airport, our house is just a ten minutes out of the city, Ella has plans to show you all the sights, but with her wheelchair it makes it tough for her to be transported around. You can drive right?".
"I sure can".
"Well if you want, you can take my car whenever you need to get out of the house, I'm sure you don't fancy two weeks of being stuck in the house, and you know Ella, she hates being stuck inside too".
"Well that would be wonderful,  thank you".
Her Dad kept talking and I barely got a word in.
Eventually we arrived at her house.
"You can get your things out of the car later" he said as I got out of the car.
He led me inside and I was immediately greeted by Ellas mother.
"Hello Joey dear, so wonderful to see you, come inside, come inside, I have cookies in the oven just wait til you try one".
"Thank you very much,  it's great to see you again too".
Ellas younger sister Alex then gave me a huge hug "Joey!" She cheered.
"Alex!" I laughed.

"Oy Richter! Did you come all the way here to see her or me".
I looked up and Ella was sitting there. I was thrilled to see her.
"Here to see Alex, sowwy" I laughed standing up.

I went over and gave her a long hug. "You look beautiful" I smiled not wanting to let her go.

We went into the living room where i sat down with her.
"So how are you" I asked taking her hand in mine.
"I'm great now that you're here".
I laughed and smiled.  I was so happy to be with her.
"Hows therapy going" I asked.
"I'm out of a bed anyways and look" She said excitedly. She slowly lifted her leg and put it back down again.
"I can move them!".
"I'm so proud of you" I said giving her another hug.
"How is everyone in michegan?".
"They're all doing wonderfully, they gave me loads of thing to give you".
"Awh they're so sweet".
"They also wrote a new play too, I don't know if I'll audition though".
"No joey you have to audition! What's it called?".
"Me and my dick" I said laughing.
She burst out laughing.
"Joey you have to audition! It would be so funny!".
"It wouldn't be the same without you though".
"Don't worry about me, do it for you".

Just then Ellas mum came into the room. She put down a tray of coffees and cookies.
"Look the cookies, straight out of the oven, I really hope you enjoy them, I always make these cookies at this time of year becau--".
"..mum?" Ella said cutting her off.
"Sorry rambling I know,  I'm working on it" She said while leaving the room.
"She's a lunatic" Ella laughed.
"She's great" I smiled

Later on that night, Ella and I decided to go out for a bit. I wheeled her put of the house and down the drive.
"So where do you want to head" I asked.
"Turn left,  there's a big park we can go to" She said.

We arrived at the park, it was a large green area with plenty of trees and a large play area. We went down the path. The path was empty and since it was getting dark, most of the park was empty.

We went over to the play area I sat on bench while Ella sat beside me.
"It feels like an age since I was free" Ella sighed.
"What do you mean?".
"I mean like the only time I ever leave the house is to visit hospitals, and now out here I just feel like I can breath".
"It must be tough" I sighed.
"I just miss everything, Michegan, I don't know if I can ever go back, I'll have to repeat first year and I'm not sure if studying History or Spanish is what I want to do".
"Well what do you want to do?".
"I want to be on stage, I want to sing, I want to dance, I feel like I belong out there. But of course there has to be something holding me back".
"I know but Ella, it's obvious that where you want to be and if you really want it you will work and you will do everything in your power to do so".

Ella and I sat in silence. Ella spoke again changing the subject "You see that slide over there".
"I had my first kiss on the top of it, I was 12 years old and it was one of the worst things I've ever experienced".
"Was it that bad" I laughed.
"Remember that kiss you and Bonnie did in avpm? It was like that but a million times more disgusting".
"What like this" I said sticking out my tongue and leaning into her face.
"Ew joey no!" Ella shrieked pushing me away.
"I'm kidding" I said laughing.
"Try it again, but less gross please".
I smiled, cupping her face in my hands, I kissed her softly.
After we pulled apart, Ella spoke.
"Is it weird if I say I missed this?".
"I was thinking the exact same thing".

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