Chapter Twenty Eight

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Over the next few days Avpm just kept getting more and more popular. I had gained over 9000 followers on Twitter, I was like a mini celebrity.
Avpm had 1,000,000 veiws on youtube, it was all over Twitter and Tumblr, it was one of the top hash tags on Twitter and it was just extraordinary.

I got a call from Nick that morning.
"Hey Nick!" I said answering.
"Heya Ella, How're you doing?".
"Yeah I'm doing great how're you?".
"I'm doing wonderfully, We were planning a bit of a celebration for Avpm, since we hit one million, and it really would be amazing if you could join us. Do you think there is any way you could get here?".
"Well I'm not entirely sure but I can see what I can do. I would love to be with all you guys again".
"Well Ella, just see what you can do, No plans are final yet but we just wanted to know when you could come so we know when to plan this for, but yeah just get back to me as soon as you can".
"That's perfect Nick, I'll see what I can do".
"Okay, Chat soon?".
"Yeah of course,  I'll see you later".

I hung up the phone and let out a cheer of excitement.
"MOMMM!" I screamed. 
My mom rushed into my bedroom.
"Oh my Gosh Ella! Are you okay? What happened?" She exclaimed.
"Oh nothing happened,  I just am so excited that A Very Potter Musical got over a million veiws on youtube" I beamed.
"Honey are you serious?!" She siad rushing over to my laptop. She looked over at the veiws and let out a cheer of glee.
"And mom I just got a phone call from Nick, They want me down there to celebrate with them, please please please can I go down there, I've never wanted anything more in my life".
"Ella I know you do honey but it's just tough,  it's really far away".
"But mom I know how to look after myself, and Joey will be there, and it will only be there for a week, less even! A few days will do!" .
"I think I should talk to your father about this but I wouldn't get your hopes up".

I was suddenly filled with rage.

"Mom are you actually serious! I'm not a little kid anymore, you can't keep me held hostage here! I've been through hell and back, a break is the least I deserve".

"I know that but Ella you have to be reasonable!".
"Just get out of my room" I said blankly.
She stood up and left the room.
I know what I just did was childish but I just wanted to go so bad.

I picked up my phone again and dialed Joeys number. 
"Hey El " Joeys said answering the phone.
"Hi" I said quietly.
"What's up babe?  Are you okay? You sound down".
"Yeah well I just got a call from Nick and he asked me to come to michegan to celebrate with you guys and when I asked my mum she said I shouldn't get my hopes up about going. Joey I've never wanted anything so much in my life".
"I know Ella but I do see where she's coming from, Michegan is pretty afraid away".
"Youre agreeing with her?!".
"Well yeah kind of, I mean I just see it from her point of veiw".
"Youre my boyfriend you're meant to be on my side".
"Of course I'm on your side I just---".
"I thought you'd like me to visit you".
"Ella you know I'd love for you to vis--"
"Just leave it Joey" I said hanging up the phone.
Why did I feel like the whole world was against me.

Not Alone: A Starkid Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora