Chapter Twenty Seven

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Finally the day of the audition came, I looked at my phone and realised I had a text from Ella.

Good luck today Jo, You'll
Kill it! Xx

I smiled and typed a reply.

Thanks El, Nervous as hell
Right now :{ x

I put my phone away and grabbed my things before heading over to the theatre. It was weird not having Ella here with me,  we were with each other basically all the time during A very potter musical.
I sat with Darren and Brian.
"Hey Man" Brian said as I sat beside them.
"Yo" I said.
"Good to see you" Darren said "How was the holidays in Boston".
"Yeah they were great".
"..and how's Ella?" Ellas fine, she still going to doctors and stuff but she's pretty happy, she has full intentions of coming to see the show".
"Oh Brilliant, I've decided I'm not going to be in this show" Darren sighed "I want to be in the band, I can't be centre stage all the time" he laughed.
"Awh Man, we'll miss you up there" I laughed 

A few days after auditions the cast sheet was posted and I went to check it.

Joey Richter-              Joey Richter
Joe Walker-                 Dick
Jaime Lyn Beatty-      Sally
Devin Lytle-                  Miss Cooter
Ali Gordon-                   Vanessa
Alle-Faye-Monka           Tiffany
Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia-                                     The Old Snatch
Brian Holden-                Flopsy
A.J. Holmes-                 Joey's Heart
Corey Dorris-                 Big T
Arielle Goldman-          Weenie
Lily Marks-                     Sally's Heart
                                         High Council
Richard Campbell-      Rick
Joe Moses-                    Rick's Dick

I was confused after I read it.
"I play myself?" I thought.

At the first rehearsal, I got the script and I realised that I played a teenage version of myself and Walker played, well my dick.
This was going to be an interesting show.

"Before we start Nick and I have something to announce" Matt said standing on stage.
"We decided to edit the A Very Potter Musical and we put it up on youtube! We only put it up this morning so we haven't got that many views so I want you all to share it on your twitters! Your facebooks! Even hold a sign and stand outside if you want to! We just want to get this musical trending!".
Everyone in the room cheered and went on their phones immediately. 
I had a feeling this was going to be something big.

I sat in my bedroom at my desk reading when suddenly my phone started buzzing like mental. I picked it up and had a tonne of Twitter notifications along with a couple of texts.

I opened up my phone and checked the texts first, I had one from Joey, Lauren and Darren. 

I opened Darrens first.

Avpm now on youtube, share it!!

A very potter musical is on youtube?" I thought. I then looked at the text from Lauren.


I then opened Joeys text.


I immediately went on Twitter and saw that I was tagged in loads of tweets from all my friends all about Avpm. I retweeted as many as I could before I started writing my own tweets.


Nearly everyone retweeted it. I looked on youtube and the video already had 100 views and it was only put up this morning. 

I tweeted a few more times before going on youtube.  I clicked onto Avpm and realised that it already had 103 veiws and it was only put online this morning. I refreshed the page and the video had 108 veiws. I refreshed again. 113 veiws.  This was incredible.

I went into the phone app and dialed in Joeys number. It rung for a short mentioned before joey answered.
"Ella do you see this!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah! The veiws keep going up and up! Are you with everyone?".
"Not everyone, but there is a lot of us here".
"Who's there then?"
"Well there is me, Darren, Brian, Walker, Moses, Richard, Corey, A.J, Nicholas, Nick, Matt, Devin, Jaime, Arielle, Lily,  Ali and Alle".
"Woah there is so many, put me on loudspeaker".
Joey put me on loudspeaker and then shouted "Everyone it's Ella!".

I was greeted by everyone shouting. "Hey Ella!" "Ella!". "Oh my Gosh hey Ella!".
"Hey guys!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly there was a screaming in my ear, Jaime had picked up the phone and started screaming "Oh my God Ella! Are you watching this! We're getting so many veiws right now".
"I know Jaime it's unreal!".

Everyone was talking over eachotehr so I couldn't really hear what was going on.
I went on Twitter again and realised that Joey had posted a selfie with everyone in it. Everyone looked so happy, this made me feel really left out. It was like I was far away from home.

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