Chapter Thirty Three

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My alarm rung loudly the next morning waking both of us up.
"Crap I have rehearsals" I groaned, I was still tired from last night.
I sat up and got out of bed.
"Ughh" Ella groaned.
"You can stay here if you want" I suggested, putting on clothes.
"Can I" She yawned.
"Yeah of course, we're just going over music so I shouldn't be too long. I'll text you when we're done".
"Mkay" She said rolling over.

I grabbed my things and left the room shutting the door behind me. 
I went to the theatre and everyone was there.
Darren, Nick, Matt, Walker and Brian were like Zombies, sitting down half asleep.
"Can I join the club" I said collapsing down beside them.
"Were all wrecked" Darren sighed.
"And we have to go clean the girls mess up at two" Brian chimed in.
"Is that Jaime passed out on the stage?" I yawned.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure she walked home last night, she didn't get home to like six in the morning".
"Geeze that's like two hours sleep".

"Did yous actually get arrested?" Nicholas said shocked.
"Yup" Nick sighed.
"You badasses'' he laughed.

"Matt are we going to sit here for the next three hours or can I go home" Devin said.
"Just leave" he said.

Devin ran to the stage and started shaking Jaime to wake her up.
"See yous at two".
"Can the rest of us leave too?" The others asked.
Everyone left and it was just Me, Brian, Darren, Nick, Joe and Matt left.
"Is there any point in even going home, should we go out for coffee or something".
"Waffles sound good" Walker sighed.
"Come on then, let's go".

We all piled into Darrens car and he drove to a nearby diner.
We were all half asleep at the table, "Coffee?" The waitress cheerily asked holding a pot and some mugs.
"Oh please" We all said grabbing the mugs.
"And will you be having something to eat today?" She asked.
"Waffles all round" Joe said.
"Okay Perfect, I'll get those to you guys as soon as we can" She smiled.

We all chugged the coffees. 
"So you and Lauren seemed awfully close last night" Nick said to Walker.
"I was just comforting her, she was upset" Walker said.
"Swooping in more like" Darren laughed.
Joe very clearly blushed.
"Hes blushing!" Matt shouted.
All of us roared with laughter.
"What about you Brian?  You and Meredith eh".
"Yeah Brian, are yous like official?".
"I'm keeping my mouth closed" Brian smirked.

"And you joey you and Ella have been going out for ages".
"Literally five months tomorrow" I smiled.
"Awh congrats man, Do you have anything planned?".
"Yeah I'm driving her into Chicago city,  and I have dinner reservations and then we are going to see the Mamma Mia show".
"Ah man, she will love it".
"Yeah I really do hope so".

The waitress brought our food to the table, we devoured it quicky.
"This is so good" Matt said.
"Yeah good idea Joe" Brain said.

I had to go home and get Ella so we could go clean up the mess.
Darren dropped me off at my house and I ran upstairs. Ella was laying on my bed on her phone.
"Hiya" I said as I slipped through the door.
"Joey where we're you? You were gone for so long" She said angrily.
"Oh rehearsals was cancelled so we went out for coffees".
"You went out and left me here stranded".
"Well like it was just the guys yano".
"You think I wouldn't have liked to have been with you and the guys?"
"No i just mean--".
"I'm only kidding Joey, I don't care".
"Oh thank god" I sighed.

Ella and I went to Brians Apartment where we met the others who were already cleaning outside.
"Well look who finally decided to show up" Lauren shouted.

We got out of the car and slowly walked towards them. "Go scrub the benches over there" Joe said pointing at a bucket "..and take these".
Ella and I began scrubbing at the benches.

"I'm dying!" Jaime suddenly screamed.
"What the hell wrong with you?" Lauren asked.
"Because unlike you Lauren we had to get up for rehearsals at eight oclock".
"Okay okay Chill".

"What time did everyone get home at last night?" Brian asked.
"Around half four" Lauren said.
"Six" Jaime spoke.
"Half four too" Joe said.
"Must've been about five by the time we got home" Ella sighed.

"Yeah it was a stressful night" I said.

"At least we're having fun now right?" Lauren said trying to boost everyone's moods.
"I brought a speaker we can put on some songs from the ninetys, you know the ones that are really corny but everyone loves them. I'll put on those!" She said grabbing her phone.
"Youre going to love this one" She said.
the song started and we all recognised it immediately.  It was 'No scrubs'. We all started singing together,
"I DON'T WANT NO SCRUBS" We all stand simultaneously.
It definitely boosted everyone.

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