Chapter 11: Rivalries Begin

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  I got up in the morning yawning and shook my head. We had a fight every single day since Cole. Granted we won every time without complication. Until today that is.
  I showered, put on my clothes, ate, and left for the cave.
  On my way there, I saw a man in a hood. "Do you need a hand?" I asked.
  "On my wall." The guy said slashing at me.
  I barely dodged. He didn't give me time to morph. He kept slinging his metal claws at me.
  I dodged every time. I pulled out Excalibur and fought him with that. "You're an expert with that blade. You may be a challenger yet red ranger." He said.
  "Who the heck are you?" I asked.
  "Call me Blade." He said and we fought.
  "Enough!" I shouted fire blasting him. "It's morphing time! Go, go Wolf Force!" I shouted pressing my button and morphing.
Blade got up and we battled on the street.

  Morning came and I got up stretching. "Time for another day at work." I said stretching still.
  I took a shower, put on my clothes, and ate breakfast.
  I whistled as I walked to the mountain through the beach with my shoes off and jeans rolled up.
  Arrows flew at me, I ducked avoiding them all. "Okay, what was that?" I asked.
  "The blue ranger, I'm Demon and I am your worst nightmare." He said.
  "Nah bro, I'm not afraid of you." I said.
He pulled out his wings and flew at me. I dodged barely. He wasn't giving me time to morph.
He wrapped his chained hands around my neck. I gripped them unable to break his hold.
"Ha!" A familiar voice shocked and Demon flew into the rocks. "You good?" Cole asked.
"Thanks to you, yeah." I said.
"Then I believe it's morphin' time." Cole said.
I smiled. He really was cool. "Go, Go Wolf Force!" We shouted in sync morphing.
He pulled out his double Hook Swords and spun them. I pulled out my Shashka Blade and we both charged at Demon and started fighting him.

"There you are, oh and he's a ranger. The green one too." I said looking though my binoculars with a cigarette in my mouth.
  "Did you find him?" Gipsy asked beside me.
"Yeah, look." I said handing her the binoculars.
She looked. "Oh, yep there he is. No little yellow though. Darn." Gipsy said handing me my binoculars.
"Do you know if there is a way we can get him?" I asked.
"Not that I've seen so far." Gipsy said.
"That's frustrating." I said.
"I still don't know what you're planning on doing when you do get him." Gipsy said flipping her hair.
"Settling the score." I said.
"Now I'm intrigued. How?" Gipsy asked.
"Torture on a large scale." I said.
"Where will you take him?" Gipsy asked.
"Well dad wants Cole out of the way just as much as I do. I was thinking the Cath realm. He may only be the green ranger, but he pays the biggest threat to the Ectonurites." I explained.
"That's true." Gipsy said.
"Why does your dad force you to stay down there? You and I weren't originally one of them." Dylan said.
"He swears that I'm safer down there than I am up here." Gipsy said looking away.
"I can safely say you're safer up here with me than you here down there with him." I said.
Gipsy smiled at me blushing and I smiled back a quick smile. I went back to watching Cole.

I got up in the morning yawning and smacking my tongue. I showered, put on clothes, and ate breakfast.
  I started walking to the hideout and I saw a woman in an alley. She sounded like she was crying. "Excuse me miss, are you alright?" I asked walking closer to her.
  I screamed as ropes flew at me tying me up.
  The rope fastened my wrists and ankles together behind my back. Then it wrapped around my elbows and arms tying them behind my back. I couldn't escape.
  The crying turned to evil, maniacal laughter. "Oh that's cute, you rangers are so gullible. My name is Reya, and I am Dojan's wife." She said kicking me onto my stomach. I grunted and she stepped on my head. I cried out. "Ah, ah, ah...shhh." Reya said putting grabbing a ball gag.
  Reya lifted my neck up with her wing making me look her in the eye. First she shoved a choke pear down my throat.
  Then she put the rubber ball in my mouth and pushed it between my teeth. She pulled the strap back and tied it to the back of my head as tightly as she possibly could.
  She moved her foot from under my chin and started beating the shit out of me. I was to the point where I was crying and screaming. I heard feet running my direction.
  "Leave her alone!" A guy shouted.
  He jump kicked Reya into the wall holding his right shoulder.
  He cut me loose and picked me up in his arms. I saw his face. "Hayden?" I asked weakly.
  "Don't speak, I've got you. I'll make sure you get taken care of." Hayden said.
  "But...mmm...what about you?" I asked weakly. He looked pretty bad too.
  "I'll survive." He said.
  "There you are!!" A male voice exclaimed.
  "Uh-oh." He said.
  He sat me down and started fighting the guy. Reya got up. I stood up weak and we both started fighting. We got our asses handed to us.
  They tied the two of us together back to back and started beating us.

  I got up stretching, took a shower, put on clothes, ate breakfast, and then headed off to the hideout.
  As I was walking I heard screaming. I ran towards it morphing on my way and I saw Hayden and Scarlett getting beaten to death while tied together.
  "Hey creeps! Leave my friends alone!" I shouted pulling out my Katana blades and ran at them slicing through them. They stumbled back holding their abdomens. After I turned, I saw that they were shaking like they were going to disappear.
"We need to recover!" The boy said.
"We'll be back!" The girl shouted throwing down a ball and a huge puff of smoke came. I coughed and just like that, they were gone.
"Hayden, Scarlett!" I shouted de-morphing and cutting them free with one of my Katanas.
They were out cold. I lifted Hayden onto my back, and lifted Scarlett into my arms. I ran through the town and then to the mountainside where the hideout was. I saw Cole a little scratched up sitting outside on a rock.
"Cole!!" I shouted.
He looked up, his eyes got wide and he ran meeting me halfway. "What happened?" Cole asked.
"They got attacked and beaten...bad." I said.
"How bad?" Cole asked taking Hayden off my back and putting him in his arms.
"If I hadn't shown up when I did, they would have been too dead to save." I answered.
We ran them into the infirmary in the hideout and let Luyu and Scout work on them. I sat outside of the room on a bean bag chair and Cole looked at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked sitting beside me on one of the other bean bag chairs.
I looked at him. "It's just...they could have died." I said.
He pulled me in and I cried into his chest. He rubbed my back. "Shh, it's okay. They're gonna make it." Cole said holding me.
I slowly started to sob and then I stopped entirely. Scout came out and we both stood up. "Well?" I asked.
"They all three have some serious injuries. Some fatal, Luyu has the nurse bots wrapping them. They'll need lots of rest and several weeks of recovery. It'll just be you two fighting the Ectonurites and Dojan's monsters." Scout said. We looked at each other. "Can you manage that?" Scout asked.
We nodded.

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