Chapter 3: Cole Matthews

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READ AT OWN RISK!! Gruesome content, viewer discretion is advised. So be mature and just be prepared.

I arrived on an island bearing my unborn son. I could feel him coming. They took me to a prisoner who was a doctor and a good man. He helped me give birth to Peter. Peter came out with the umbilical cord around his neck weight at a tiny 2.2 pounds.
"Cole Drew Matthews." I whispered and then I passed away.

I took care of the kid when the guards weren't torturing us for pleasure and when we weren't fighting for the warden's entertainment.
When Cole was older, they started to torture him day in and day out. But day in and day out he trained to get better, faster, stronger.
He became what the warden feared.

They unchained me from the cell, attached a jougs collar (an inner spiked iron collar with a short chain that the guards can use to drag me around the prison), put Hell-Shackles with a metal bar between the clamps (pincer-like clamps that cut into my ankles and wrists. I couldn't stand, sit, move, sleep, or squat unless the guards forced me to and trust me...they did).
They got me out into the middle of the prison and ripped off my shirt. They chained me to a metal column with wires tied around my arms, hands, and wrists to shock me.
I heard them bringing out buckets, whips, a knife, stencils, and Dylan.
"You're a real thorn in my side, you know that? So I'm doing the marking ceremony a little early. You're only ten, it's no big deal." Dylan said.
I felt the shock go through me and screamed. I had seen these "marking" ceremony's happen all the time...but not where the warden did it.
He looked through the stencils. "A dragon, how fitting." He said grabbing the stencil. He held it on my left side back and bolted it into my back. I screamed out as the bolts hit my rib bones in my left rib cage.
"Now for the outline." He said. Dylan grabbed the knife and traced the stencil in my back with the blade's edge. I grunted and then the voltage went up in the wires and I screamed.
He then took a whip and made the scales, spikes, and horns. He traced over the knife marks with a burning iron rod and then he had powdered colored chemicals that he used to color the dragon.
He ripped out the stencil and I screamed. Dylan dragged me back to the torture chamber.
  He put me in a straitjacket (a straitjacket consists of a piece of cloth with sleeves, the sleeves are longer than my arms and are equipped with special ties...with these ties the warden crossed my arms and ties them behind my back and then pulls them forcefully over my head to my chest. With this violent upwards wrenching of my arms, my shoulder joints get dislocated and my elbows and wrists get broken).
Then Dylan put my feet inside boots for torture (which is made of four metal planks bolted together around each of my feet and made to fit my feet. Once my feet were in the boot, a wedge was hammered into my foot by a pulley device creating pressure and armed with spikes on the inside). Enough to hurt, but not enough to make me pass out.
Then he put my legs in leg screws (which is two metal plates measured to fit my legs to just below my knee with spikes on the inside). After that he put my knee in knee splitters (these are created from two spiked wooden blocks that were placed in front of and behind both my knees. The blocks are connected with two large screws and when those screws get turned, the blocks closed into each other destroying my knee and rendering them useless).
Dylan tied a rope around my thighs and then put my waist into a Bowen device (is made to rip off all the pubic hairs on my penis). Then he put my neck in a Heretic's Fork (this device was blacked between my breast bone and my theist just under my chin and secured with a leather strap around my neck and makes it impossible for me to talk...especially hanging upside down).
Next he taped my eyes open, heated a metal plate to infinite infinity* infinite infinity* infinite infinity* one million* one gazillion* 5,000°K, poured alcohol into both my taped open eyes, put the plate on my eyes, and bolted it to my head to keep it on.
After that, he put my head in a Scold's Bridle (this device has an iron muzzle inside an iron framework that encloses my head. There is a cub plate that is 1-2 inches that projects into my mouth studded with spikes and was put on my tongue to keep me gagged).
In addition to that, he put a choke pear (a pear-shaped metal body divided into spoon-like sections that the warden operated by turning a screw and is used as a gag), he forced a pair of dirty socks down my throat, put a dirty cloth down my throat, shoved a dirty rag into my throat, tied my mouth with a chain heated to infinite infinity* infinite infinity* infinite infinity* one million* one gazillion* 5,000°K, tied a cloth around my mouth, tied a thin rope around my mouth, and added five layers of gorilla duct tape over my mouth. Hell of a gag right?
Anyhoo, once he had me secured...he used me as a punching bag over and over again.
I was still weak from the "marking ceremony", that I couldn't do anything.
After a get hours of wailing on me, he yanked me down and untied me. He grabbed a device called the Rack (a device that consists of a rectangular, wooden frame slightly raised off the ground with a roller at both ends. He fastened my ankles to one roller, and chained my wrists to the other roller. He uses a pulley and lever system attached to the top roller to gradually increase the tension in my chains and strain the ropes).
Dylan put my all ten of my fingers and all ten of my toes in thumbscrews (a vice that crushed my fingers, toes, big toes, and thumbs). He put my feet in Kia Quen (he position three bamboo boards connected with a rope between my bare feet, the warden used the design to snap open and closed at my ankles like butterfly wings, and also used it to gradually tighten my feet. The rope gets pulled to violently snap at my ankles and slowly squeeze my feet right.).
Once that was done, he put a cloth over my face and poured ice cold water into my breathing passages.
He did this over and over again. Once again he unchained me and sat me down in a chair with spikes.
He secured me there by using a leather strap to my ankles, wrists, neck, head, waist, thighs, chest, and abdomen to the spikes. He left me there like that for a few hours. He pulled me off and tossed me into my cell. I coughed and Ronnie held my back.
"We're getting out of here." I said holding my throat.
"How?" Ronnie asked.
I held the key I stole from Dylan and unlocked the cell. I went to the command booth, slammed the two guards heads into each other and pulled the lever to release all the prisoners.
We all ran out and got on the barge to home. "What happens to me now?" I asked looking at Ronnie.
"Why don't you come live with Caitlin and I? Your mother told me you have an older brother, but he lives with us. So you should too." Ronnie said.
I smiled and leaned into his chest. We got to his house and the first thing I did was shower while Caitlin and my older brother Jamie bought me some stuff. I put on pajamas and slept on Jamie's chest in the room we shared.
School was brutal, high school especially. I was the guy who stood up to the assholes and bullies for the other kids. I landed a permanent spot in detention...but my choir teacher, my musical teacher, my soccer coach, my cross country coach, my hockey coach, and my track and field coach all really liked me and really needed me. So they decided to let me stay.
It was nice being a good player and everything else.

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