Chapter 7: It's Morphing Time

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Detention got out, once again I hot wired a car and drove us to the mountains using my feet as my eyes. I put the car in park and we came to a huge cave-like structure. The badass hottie grabbed a stick. "What do you guys say we introduce ourselves?" The football guy asked.
  "Okay, sure. My name is Troy." The geek said.
  "I'm Hayden." The football player said.
  "Call me Cole." The badass said.
  "I'm Scarlett." The cheerleader said.
  "Kara." I said.
  Peter wrapped some sort of cloth around the stick and lit it by striking two rocks together. "That's sweet, how do you know how to do that?" Hayden asked.
  "'s a long story for another day." Cole said. He walked holding the torch he made.
  "This place is metallic." I said feeling the wall.
  The cave opening closed behind us and we all gasped. "Okay, stay close together." Hayden said.
  "Couldn't agree more." We all said in sync.
  We all slowly walked one behind the other. There was a door and it opened for us. Lights came on and Peter put out the fire. "Incredible." Troy said. His voice echoed.
  A wolf-feeling robot came barking at us. I took the stick and tossed it at where I heard him. "Oh dear, I didn't mean to startle you." He said.
  I tossed another stick at him. "Why is he talking!!" I exclaimed.
  "Hey relax Kara. He seems friendly. Hey, what's your name?" Cole asked. I felt him kneel down as the rest of us hid behind him.
  "My name is Scout, I'm harmless and I only wish to help you." The talking robot-wolf-thing said.
  "Hello Scout, my name is Peter. The girl who threw sticks at you is Kara. The bigger dude is Hayden, the geeky kid is Troy, and the other girl is Scarlett." Peter said squatting down.
  "Pleased to meet you all." Scout said and he looked at Cole's necklace. "It really is you." Scout said.
  Cole smiled and stood up. "See guys, he's totally friendly." Cole said.
  "Sorry for throwing the sticks." I said.
  "It's quite alright, I'd have done the same thing in your shoes." Scout said. "Come, come follow me." Scout said.
  We followed and the door shut behind us. There were five pedestals with what looked like smart watches. "That there is what we call Watch Morphing Devices." Scout said.
  "What do they do?" Scarlett asked.
  "Well, go to the watch with the corresponding color to your necklaces and find out." Scout said.
  I shrugged. "What the hell, anything is better than being at home." I said walking to the one with the feel of ice.
  "Right behind you." Cole said.
  "Same." Scarlett said.
  Troy and Hayden looked at each other and walked to the pedestals. "Hold you dominate wrist over the watch at the same time." Scout said.
  "One." Hayden said.
  "Two." Troy said.
  "Three." Cole said.
  "Four." Scarlett said.
  "Five." I said.
  "Go!" We all shouted in sync sticking our dominate wrists over the watches. When we did they flew up onto our wrists and attached to our skin. We all panicked.
  "Red morpher on." A male voice said. "Blue morpher on." It said again. "Green morpher on." The male voice said again. "Pink morpher on." He said again. "Yellow morpher on!" That same guy shouted.
  I looked at the watch and it had "氷" meaning ice in Japanese on the screen.
  A screen turned on and a wolf-sounding lady appeared.
  "Hello rangers, my name is Luyu. I am a Loban and I used to be a ranger like you." Luyu said.
  "Hold up, hold up...what do you mean 'rangers'?" I asked.
  "Scout you haven't told them?" Luyu asked the robotic wolf.
  "I thought you should do the honors." Scout said.
  Luyu chuckled. "Rangers, as in Power Rangers." Luyu said.
  We all gasped in shock. "Power Rangers?" Hayden asked.
  "I suppose I should just show you. Mind your step." Luyu said and it was like we were moving through space. "My home planet was peaceful, until the Ectonurites invaded. We fought a brave and futile war. To beat the Ectonurites and their leader Dojan, the five guardians created the five gemstones you wear upon your necks. These gemstones have many abilities that are unlocked as you train and fight. I was the yellow ranger like you, young Kara. With each watch, you get a zord controller. Those you have to find outside of the ship. The swords placed in the holes of each pedestal are specific to you. For the red ranger, you get the sword everyone calls Excalibur. For the blue ranger, you get a Shashka. For the green ranger, you get a double Hook Sword. For the pink ranger, you get a Butterfly Sword. And for yellow, you get a two Katana blades. Now that you are rangers, you will not stay at this age forever until you stop morphing permanently." Luyu said.
  They looked at the swords and smiled. I felt mind and smiled. "This is too cool to be real! I have to be dreaming." Troy said.
  "Trust me when I say, this is no dream. You are the next generation of Power Rangers. Your generation of Power Rangers is called Wolf Force." Luyu said.
  "Awesome!" Cole said.
  "However, now that you've been seems that Dojan has returned." Luyu said.
  "Luyu, who is Dojan?" Hayden asked.
  "Dojan is an evil dark arts master. He has monsters from a world hidden here on Earth called The Cath. It contains baddies from all over the universe." Luyu said.
  "'Universe', that's a vast and big place." I said.
  "It is Kara. It is your duty to destroy those monsters and keep the Earth safe." Luyu said.
  "That's a tall order for five ordinary teenagers." Scarlett said.
  "The gems chose you for a reason, they saw something extraordinary in you five that they did not see in countless others that have come to this place." Luyu said.
  "Is there a way that these, uh...morphers can be disguised?" Hayden asked.
  "Scout." Luyu said.
  "Press the button on the side." Scout said.
  We all did and they shrunk into ordinary touch screen smart watches. "There you are." Luyu said.
  "Cool." We all said in sync.
  "Now that you have the watch disguised, I'll teach you how to morph." Luyu said.
  We stood side by side. "Everything you do has to be in sync, or it will not work." Luyu said.
  "Alright, it's morphing time!" Hayden shouted.
  We all turned our watches front side facing Luyu. "Go, go Wolf Force!" We all shouted in sync touching the button.
  The watch grew back into the morpher, the element in Japanese popped up on the screen, and then popped up in front of us in a sort of floating ink the corresponded with the watch and the necklace.
  Hayden had "火災" meaning fire, Troy had "水" meaning water, Cole had "自然" meaning nature, Scarlett had "空気" meaning air, and I had "氷" meaning ice. The symbols wrapped around us and put us in Power Ranger suits that stuck to our skin and fit our bodies.
  "This is crazy cool." Cole said looking at his hands.
  "No way!! I'm an actual Power Ranger!" Troy exclaimed looking at his hands.
  "Press the button on the side." Luyu said.
  We did and it put the visor down. We looked at one another and smiled.
  "Now how do we de-morph?" Hayden asked.
  "Just think about it." Luyu said.
  I did and I un-morphed. Everyone else did the same. "Is there any other way to de-morph?" Scarlett asked.
  "Your suits will automatically de-morph when you take too much damage or get severely hurt." Luyu said.
  "Oh." We said in sync.
  "That's enough for today. You may go home and tomorrow I'll begin training you." Luyu said and we left.
  "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to camp out here tonight." Cole said.
  I smiled. "I think I'll stay too." I said pulling my jacket over me the arms too big for my hands.
  They all smiled and we started a fire and sat around it. "What do you say we all get to really know each other, like for real?" Hayden said.
  "Yeah." Troy said.
  "Alright, I'll start." Hayden said standing up. "My mom passed away after I was born. My dad raised me and my older brother. He hit the bottle pretty hard after mom died. He would take out all his anger and frustration out on us by torturing us. Every day when he got home from work." Hayden said showing us his upper body. "When my brother turned 18 he became my legs guardian. He arrested my dad on a mass rape charge and he went away for life. I have a dog named Delgado...he's a German Shepherd." Hayden said.
  "How did you wind up in detention?" Scarlett asked.
  "I got into fights with some jack asses on the football team." Hayden said.
  We all nodded and Hayden sat down. "I guess I'll go next. Umm, my mom put me up for adoption and a slave owner adopted me. As soon as I could walk, he threw shackles onto my wrists and ankles and made me work in his fields. I was beaten, whipped, burned, and shocked. He umm...he branded all of us." Troy said showing us the horseshoe brand with the initials L.C. on the sides. "But Charlie turned eighteen and he made a foster home for us kids there. He works two full time jobs and his wife cooks the best food. I have a Golden Retriever named Buddy." Troy said.
"How did you get detention geek-a-zoid?" I asked jokingly.
We all five laughed. "I blew up the science lab...multiple times." He said.
"Wow!" We said all laughing.
"Cole?" Hayden asked.
He stood up and clapped. "My dad died a month before I was born, and my mom was taken to a hellish island by some bad people. She gave birth to me there. I weighed 2.2 pounds and had the umbilical cord around my throat. They called me: 'the miracle baby'. Anyhoo, these guys were awful. They tortured me day in and day out 24/7 in every way you could think off. I turned ten and then they marked me." He said taking off his shirt. We all gasped at the scars all over his upper body. "The mark is a dragon. I got tired of their shit, and blew up the whole place. Ronnie and Caitlin adopted me and now I'm happy. I have a Timber Wolf and his name is Seth." Cole explained putting his shirt back on.
"That explains why you are freakishly ripped with abs of steal. How did you get into detention?" Hayden asked.
"I kicked this guy's ass who was bullying a 'geek' or whatever." Cole said sitting back down.
"My turn. Um, my mom and dad were sex traffickers. When I was old enough to walk and talk, they sold me on the sex trafficking website. It was mostly guys who wanted to do BDSM role play, but I wasn't consensual. I was passed around trafficker to trafficker and treated like a prostitute. The FBI hit the house I was in and they saved me. After that, I was passed from foster home to foster home where I was sexually abused and psychologically abused. I'm finally in a home for abused girls. They are so nice there, they treat you like a princess and it's great. I have a Border Collie named Kali." Scarlett said.
"How did you get detention?" Troy asked.
"I sort of punched a cheerleader at cheer practice because she was being a little bitch." Scarlett answered.
"Got you." Hayden said.
"Well, you're the last one Kara." Troy said.
"Oh yeah. Ahem, my mom died when I was born. My dad sold me to this horrible, god awful man. He umm, he..." I started to tremble.
"Hey if you don't want to, you don't have to." Cole said.
"Yeah, it's alright. We won't judge." Scarlett said.
"I need to. This man waited until I could walk and talk. He likes to do BDSM role play. His favorite is when he hand cuffs me to the bed wearing lingerie he buys, I'm blind folded and he rapes me. He also likes to take off all my clothes and display me in a sexual manner above his head where he can see. I get blindfolded and gagged and he stares. If I try to go to sleep, a dog collar with my name on it shocks me to keep me awake. He injects me with some sort of chemical to keep me sedated to keep me from fighting him, but he somehow keeps me conscious and makes me watch him do what he does. I sleep in the basement chained to a pole or I am displayed over his head. He rapes me, beats me, shocks me, burns me, and whips me. And he put this on me to show I'm his property." I said showing them the brand.
"Have you told anyone?" Troy asked.
"I do, but he is such an upstanding citizen Kenny is. He works on the police force as a detective and does community service. He even feeds the homeless!! No one knows what he's really like. It's awful!! Everyday after detention he picks me up, takes me home, and does whatever he wants to to me. Every single god damn day." I said crying.
They all stood up and hugged me in a circle. I cried and cried as they held me. "That's awful. I think you have it the worst." Troy said.
"How did you get detention?" Scarlett asked.
"You won't believe this, but I got into a fight every day with whoever I wanted just so they'd have to put me in detention. I wanted detention, I wanted to be there. It keeps me away from Kenny longer." I said.
"We do believe you, and we're going to get you out of there...I swear it." Cole said gripping me.
"Where would I go, if I go into foster care I'll just get more abuse. I have no one." I said crying.
"You can come live with me in the home for abused girls. I promise you it's really, really good." Scarlett said holding my arm.
  "You don't understand, the cops and the FBI they won't touch Kenny. I'm never getting out of that house as long as I live." I said.
  "We'll think of something." Hayden said.
  I cried. "Hey, how come only one eye has tears and the other doesn't?" Troy asked.
  "I was born without my right eye. They put an artificial one in. It's lighter in color and doesn't produce tears like a normal eye." I answered.
  "Let us see." Scarlett said.
  I pushed my hair behind my ear and they looked at it. "It is lighter, but it's pretty. You look like a husky." Cole said.
  I smiled. "What are those glasses?" Troy asked.
  "They keep me from seeing anything, another curse given by him. I feel everything using my feet." I said.
  "That's why you don't wear shoes?" Hayden asked.
  I nodded. "I've never seen a star, the moon, the sun, a night sky, a morning sky, or a sunset ever." I said.
  "Do you see shapes or colors?" Troy asked.
  "Nothing but pitch black." I said.
  "We're going to get you out of there...I swear it." Cole said hugging me.
  I laid on his chest and felt his arms around my shoulders. I closed my eyes and slept on his chest.

  "She really has it rough doesn't she. She's never seen anything with her own eyes." Hayden said.
  "It's awful. She has never seen a single sunset for sixteen years." I said.
"Nothing." Hayden said.
I sighed.

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