She is Mine

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~Moriarty's pov~

Sebastian came into my office and told me the monthly update on my kitten and sweet baby girl.

I broke out of a high security prison a while back but I guess it never hit the news. The government was I guess too "afraid" it would spread panic to all of Europe. Honestly I thought it would be quite hilarious.

The chaos would have been ever so delightful.

I'd been keeping an eye on my family for the longest time, just to make sure they were safe until I retrieved them.

"Boss, there's something you should know about Y/n."

I looked at him straight in the eye with my blank expression and picked up my pen.





"They convinced her I used her,"I told myself.

Sebastian nodded in agreement.

I started to chuckle, then a started a full blown laugh.

I slammed my fists against my mahogany desk and flung everything on it to the ground

My fury raged inside of me like a lion in a cage. Over the past year Y/n had been living with Sherlock, they convinced her that I didn't love her.

And apparently my doll believed that utter nonsense.

Figures. That's what happens when you kill a few people. Everyone thinks you're a heartless sociopath that doesn't seem to feel any type of emotion.

Which was true, but not anymore.

The only time I felt anything was with her.

My kitten.

My Queen.

She was the only person I loved (besides Annabeth) and now she had the nerve to think it wasn't real.

The maid came and interrupted my rampage.

I pulled out my gun from my desk and shot her in the forehead.

"Who. Does. She. Think. She. Is?"I said, gritting my teeth.

I straightened my Westwood suit and faced the window, looking out on the miles of forest.

"Where is she now?" I asked Sebastian.

He calmly replied, obviously used to my outbursts, "still living in 221B. But, things are I guess changing between her and Sherlock."

I turned my head and raised my eyebrow,"are you saying she's starting to have feelings towards that man?"

He nodded.

I turned my head towards the window once more and gazed at the abyss of forest.

"She won't get away with this."

"I'm going to take back what's rightfully mine, her and my daughter."

"I claimed her."

"I own her."

"She my slave girl."

I consulted Moran to keep an eye on her. I would soon have my revenge on Sherlock and my slave once more.

No one takes my things and gets always with it alive.

It's just business.




*munch munch French fries*

So yes, this is the end of this story.

But don't sweat, I'm making a part 2 that I hope will be way better than this one.

If you have anything to suggest for the next book, please be sure to DM me some idea's!

Thanks for reading, starring, or adding it to your library! It means a ton!

Scadoosh my dudes!

*Dusts w/ Dustin*

Slave Girl//Moriarty x Reader {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon