The Gun #2

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The cool metal rubbed against your fingers. You looked at Moriarty, he smiled maniacally. You shivered.

"What do you want me to do with this?"You asked him in a shaky voice.

He put an arm around shoulder, "I want you my dear to shoot that lil friend of Sherlock's."

You quickly turned your head to John, who had that same expression as you. Scared and confused. So confused...
You turned back to Moriarty, your eyes teary.

"I-I can't shoot John. He's my friend."

Moriarty came even closer now, "I don't care. Remember what I said before, princess." he said as he kissed your cheek.

Sherlock shook his head rapidly.
"Don't do it Y/N, there will be another way."

Jim giggled, "You see Sherlock, if she doesn't do what I say, so many bad things will happen to this wallflower. Do you want that?"

Nobody answered.


John stepped in, "No, he doesn't."

"Nobody does."

John turned to face you with a gloomy smile, "it's okay Y/N, I'll be alright. I'm a soldier remember?"

You kept shaking your head.

"No no no, I can't."

"Do it Y/N, it's the only way you'll be safe, and it's the only way me and Sherlock will get out of here." John said, his voice cracking.

Sherlock brought his gun up, "we can take him on John. Y/N has no experience with a weapon."

Moriarty tapped his gun on his head, "nuh uh uh, remember what would happen to Y/N."

He walked closer to Sherlock. So close they were practically touching.

"Oh how fun it would be to cut her so slowly and painfully that she would cry tears of blood," Jim sighed.

"You'll know I'll do it Sherly. I get bored veeeery easily."

Moriarty backed away towards you again. John eyed you once more, this time talking to you more sternly.

"Do it Y/N"


You started to cry as you raised the gun towards John, your hands shaking.

"I'm so sorry John" you said.

"I know," John said, taking in a shaky breath.

Moriarty sighed, "Enough of the chit chat. SHOOT HIM ALREADY!"




You pulled your finger back and slid it against the trigger.



The smell of gunpowder.

And the smack of a body hitting the ground.

(HEY GUYS! Yes I know this chapter was short and had very little detail. I KNOW AND I'M SORRY! I just got home from school and I'm exhausted. Also, next chapter will be longer and most likely have smut.

*bro what are you doing? Having smut so early in the fanficton is bad!*

Dude, shh. It is my FANFIC AIGHT?! Well, I hope you at a MARVELous day! *heh, see what I did there?* bYe)

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