"Why Hello Kitten"

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  When you awoke you were in a large, spacious room. You saw a couple of doors and a TV on the wall in front of you. You were underneath the most a luscious comforter that was silly to the touch. You sat upright, remembering you were kidnapped. Fear set in.

"Is anyone looking for me?" was a thought that went through your mind

Then you realized that no one would. No one would care enough for that, especially your family. You looked around and saw a window. If it wern't for the small crack between that drapes you wouldn't have seen that it was nighttime outside. You tried to get up but pain swirled in your head and made you sit back down. You turned the lamp on that was rested on the nightstand next to you. The bright light made you blink a bit, but once your eyes adjusted you saw a small piece of paper on the stand. Looking it over, you saw it was a note. You reluctantly picked it up and read it over.

Dear y/n,

When you awake I'm sure that you'd like to take a shower and I'm assuming you can find it. You will find your clothing in the closet and you are welcome to watch telly. I will see you in a bit kitten ;)


You were so confused. For starters, how did he know your name? And who the hell was J.M? Two, if he was her captor, why the fuck was he being so "nice"? And three, why the fuck did he choose to call you kitten? Was it some messed up kink? These questions whirled through your head, but truley, you did feel really gross. You got up and wobbly walked to one of the doors and grasped the handle. It was locked. You thought it most  likley led to the rest this house or flat or whatever this place was. You tried the door next to it and opened it. When you stepped inside you were greeted with a huge bathroom. You eyes widened in wonder.

"This guy must be a billionare or something," you mumbled to yourself. You slipped off your clothes and into the shower. It felt nice to be clean and you almost forgot that you were being held captive. There was a small shelf that held all the girl products for a shower or bath. Fruity smelling soaps, a loufa, a razor, and even a shower cap. Was this planned?

You tured off the shower, slid the door open and stepped out. You grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom and to the closet. There was only one word that could describe it. Massive. All of your clothes had been hung and folded with care.

What is going on?

You glided farther into the closet and looked at all of your clothes. You were kind of creeped out at this point, not that you weren't creeped out before. Somehow this man, whoever he was, managed to get all of your wardrobe in here in a short period of time. Or had it been a few days? You decided not to make yourself anymore terrified than you already were and decided to pick out some pyjamas. You decided on a black pair of comfy pants you got at Hot Topic a few weeks before with (your favortie band) on them and a pair of underwear and bra. You looked around the closet and couldnt find one of your baggy shirts anywhere in sight.

Did he get rid of them?

You looked around some more to find a large white shirt, it was perfect! But then you relized it wasn't your own and it had to be your kidnappers.

"Oh well," you sighed. It's not like he would hurt you for wearing a shirt. His shirt. His shirt he bought specificly for himself. You let your towel drop to the floor as you went to grab your undergarments. You slipped them on and went for your pants, slowly you lifted one of your legs. Your inner thighs hurt for no apparent reason as you lifted it.


You gasped, trying not to tear up at the thought. Could he have raped you? You slowly finished getting dressed and put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. You walked out of the wardrobe and shut the door behind you. Before you even turned around, a voice greeted you.

"Why hello kitten."

(Yo I made a second chapter! WOAH, I FEEL FABTASTIC! Honestly I hope you guys like it so far, I've been trying hard to make it so peeps like YOU will want to read it. Oh and thanks to the people that added it to their list, it made my day {or night, it's like 11:49 here XD} AnYwAyS, give me some feed back, good or bad, it's always good to get peoples opinions. Also, if you have any requests I'll be sure to look into a few of those! Thx for hearing me talk AHG! WelP, GOtTa BLAST!)

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