It's Time!!

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You breathed heavily as the driver sped to the hospital Jim reserved your birthing room at. Tears fell down your face as another contraction hit you like a truck.

Moriarty put an arm around your shoulder and shouted at the driver to drive faster or else he'd skin them alive. He kissed your forehead and held your head closer.

You screamed and clutched your stomach, squeezing Jim's hand.

"How much longer?" You sighed in pain.

He squeezed your shoulder a bit and said, "about three minutes darling, hold on."

He held you closer til you finally arrived at the hospital. He opened up the car door and ran inside. Seconds later, nurses, and Jim, came to your aid with a wheelchair, rushing you inside.

You moaned in agony as you swarmed through the halls, passing many people with many different problems. Jim jogged beside you, reassuring you that this will all be over soon.

"You say that, but you're not the one who's pushing a watermelon out of their vagina,"you gritted. He rolled his eyes, knowing it was just the pain talking.

Another wave of pain came over you as the nurses took you into your private room. Of course your boyfriend had to get the largest and most luxurious room there. He was always making sure you only had the best and nothing less.


Your nurses then helped you change out of your other clothes and into a hospital gown. They got you situated in your bed, putting a thin blanket on you. Once they made sure you were comfortable, or as comfortable as you could get, they started to check how far apart you were.

(Excuse me if I don't know the terminology. I'm in high school xD)

"Did you want us to administer any type of drug?" one of the nurses asked kindly.

Before you could answer, Jim walked in and answered for you,"no, she doesn't."

He smiled maniacally at her and the nurse stared at him, obviously frightened. She turned back to you and smiled,"the doctor will be in here any minute now."

She then grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze,"I hope everything goes well."

She then hurried out of the room, probably scared by Jim's actions.

You turned your head to Moriarty and screamed at him.


He pulled up a chair next to you and took off his suit-jacket. He took your hand in his and kissed it, rubbing it lovingly.

"I don't want my child subdued those toxic chemicals honey. And besides-" he looked at you in the eye, not showing the glimpse of any emotion.

"You don't yell at me and get away with it."

You looked at him in disbelief, tears threatening to fall.

"You son of a bi-" another wave of pain hit you before you could finish your sentence.

Jim smirked,"that was a close one."

The doctor came in, her bright, motherly smile making the situation feel less painful. She pulled back her brown hair into a quick ponytail as she pulled up a chair at the foot of your bed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw two nurses come in, putting on blue latex gloves.

"So Y/n, today's the big day! Do you know what the gender is?"

You smiled slightly,"Sadly no, Jim thought it would be more fun to wait and see."

Another contraction hit you, the pain almost unbearable.

And it hadn't even started yet.

One nurse with milk-chocolate skin handed a pair of gloves to the doctor. She swiftly put them on, asking you to sit up. Jim so kindly helped you prop yourself up and reposition the pillows behind you.

"You mind if I peep down there for a second, I'm pretty sure you're close to start pushing!"

You nodded in approval.

The doctor lifted up the sheet a bit and had you spread your legs apart. After a few seconds down there you could hear a very loud "OH".

You started breathing heavily, "what does that mean."

She smiled,"It's time girly."

Another contraction. Bigger than all of them smacked your body at full throttle.

It's time!

She made a few slight adjustments to your position and got ready for lift off. You grabbed Jim's hand and he pecked your lips reassuringly.

"On three,"the doctor said.




(A few hours later)

"Just a few more, you got this Y/n," Jim said as you screamed out again.

"I can't, it's too much,"you said through your sobs.

You were so tired you could barely keep your eyes open.

"Y/n stay with us hon,"your Doctor said.

"It'll be over soon."


You howled in pure agony as you did what the Doctor asked.

"Please make it stop Jim," you pleaded.

"It hurts so much."

He cupped your cheek, staring at you with sad eyes for the first time ever.

"I'm sorry, but the only way to do that is to keep going."

You cried as more pain flushed in and still no baby came.

"Just one more push,"the Doctor said.

"One more push for a lifetime of happiness."

You looked at Jim who smiled down on you.

"Okay," you breathed.

You gave it your final shot as you tried your hardest. Then the sudden relief came rushing over you. Your head fell back on the pillow, not noticing the commotion around you. You could barely make out the murmurs and shouts that seemed to be coming from James and the Doctor, your tired mind couldn't grasp anything.

All you could see were the nurses taking your baby and rushing it out of the room in a sort of crib. You knew something was wrong, but it was the last thing you thought about before being over come by sleep.

{So heY PEEPS, I'M NOT GROUNDED ANYMORE SO THAT'S GOOD! I'll be uploading more so I guess that's good too! Also, as you know this chapter I guess got deep?? So this book will go on for a bit more than I originally intended so hey, you guys get more stuff! Isn't that dandy!? THANKS FOR READING THIS GARBAGE, IT MEANS A LOT! Plus, I know the title is bad, I couldn't think of anything else.}


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