The not so drunk confession

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You were alone in yours and Sherlock's flat, watching your one and a half year old daughter. She was playing with alphabet blocks while you were watching an Indiana Jones marathon on TV, devouring the classic first film all over again. Once the time was around 7:30, you decided it was time for Annabeth to be put to bed.

She didn't protest as you picked her up and walked to your room. You laid her down in her crib and she instantly fell into a deep slumber, just waiting for the next day to come. You smiled down on her and whispered, "I love you."

You went back out into the living room once again and started to crawl back into the world of Indiana Jones. Right at the part where we meet Marion, your phone buzzed.

You picked it up and read the message.

We need to talk.


You raised an eyebrow and replied.

What about?

The phone stayed silent. You sighed and went back to your marathon.
About 20 minutes later, another buzz came from your phone.



You rolled your eyes at his very short messages and went back to binging the movies.

Over the past year or so, you realized that the love you shared with Moriarty wasn't real.(or so you thought)With the help of Mary, bless her fabulous soul, John, and Sherlock, they helped you see that he didn't really love you

And that hit you hard.

Sherlock said some things that John and Mary thought were uncalled for, but you felt like it was right for you to hear it.

~Ooh a flashback~

You sat on the sofa in Sherlock's flat. Mary was sitting next to you, while John sat in one of the chairs, and Sherlock was in his mind palace.

"Y/n, he took advantage of you. He used you to get to John and Sherlock, while using you as his little toy. You have you see that,"Mary said, clutching your arm.

You shook your head,"He did love me, I'm sure of it."

John sat up in his chair and folded his hands,"Y/n, he kidnapped you. He made you shoot me. He knew that you cared about me but he made you do it anyway. You specifically said you did NOT want to do it, but he made you. He threatened you and others. If he ever loved you, he wouldn't have put you or anybody that you ever cared about in that situation."

You stumbled on your words as you tried to defend him and your love. The quiet arguing between you, John, and Mary went on for a while. Nothing could back up your case. You decided you had enough and stormed to your room, like the child you were.

You laid on your bed, your hands resting on your stomach. Thoughts swirled and twirled in your mind like dancers.

Did he ever really love me?

Of course he did, but maybe in the beginning he didn't.

Why give me Annabeth? What was in it for him?

Why ever get me pregnant in the first place?




Maybe I just was his toy...

Your thoughts trailed on for the longest time.

Slave Girl//Moriarty x Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now