My mom smiles at me and I smile widly, "You have good taste." She blushes and cockily responds, "I know right. Just wait till you see Harmony's dress. Its gorgeous too." She pauses and looks at me and then shouts, "Go change!!!" I get up out of my chair and I trudge to the bathroom mumbling, "Crazy woman." under my breath as I go.

Once in the bathroom I slip my dress over my head, making sure its perfect in every place. I turn towards the full body mirror and im mesmerized by my reflection. My black hair with its green streaks seem healthier, and my dark green eyes seem lighter and my tattoos seem to bounce of my skin, and then my smile is just filled with happiness.

I can tell that this day is going to be the bestest day of my life, Marrying Harmony is my life's destiny. I love her with all my heart... I would do anything for her.

Harmony's POV

My wedding day... I never thought it would come fast enough. My family and old pack has been very excited about this day. Calla has been great to me over the past couple weeks, always being loving and caring. We went out on dates, had dinners together and we even went to the pack doctor together.

Our little baby is perfectly healthy. I don't have a baby bump yet thought which is great, I don't want to look fat in our wedding photos. If anything im just nervous... like what if I mess up my vows? Or if someone in the crowd speaks out when the minister asks is anyone dosnt agree with this marriage and asks them to speak up or to forever hold their peace.

My mom slams her hand down on the table and I look up to see her glaring at me, "Harmony Summers! No one is going to speak out against your marriage! Your being paranoid for no reason!" I sigh and face palm my face, "I cant help but be nervous. Normal wedding jitters, right?"

She rolls her eyes and goes back to doing my hair. Calla and I wanted to have the same hair style so we decided on having our hair in an braided updo with strands of hair purposely out on the sides. I think it was a good choice.

I looked at my refelection and I couldn't help but smile, my mother had done a really good job on doing my hair, she was just making sure it wouldn't fall out, and then my makeup was nice too. It was a simple makeup job, white eyeshadow, mascara and a tiny bit of this under eye glitter that was a beautiful white.

My mother came in front of me to look over everything she had done. Once she was satisfied she grinned at me, "You look perfect! Calla is going to faint when she sees you!!" I blush from her compliment, "Thank you Mom... for everything..." My mom smiles at me and tears fill her eyes. I pull her in for a bone crushing hug. We stay like that for a few seconds while she cries happy tears. She pulls back and whispers, "Anything for my baby girl."

I giggle, "Im not much of a baby anymore Mom." She glares at me and pretend slaps me on the arm, "Don't talk about it!!" We laugh at her tone and then she looks at the time and jumps up, "Go change intro your dress and put on your shoes now!" I nod and run towards the bathroom.

Mother had said it was on the hook on the back of the door. I quickly unzipped it and gasped when I saw it. My dress was a floor length, strapless white dress that bunched up at the breasts. It was beautiful... If mine was this pretty then I cant wait to see Calla's! I slip it on over my head and I walk out looking for my shoes.

I yell for my mom, "WHERE ARE MY HEELS??" I listen for her answer and now I know she is in the other bathroom, "BY THE DOOR! DO YOU HAVE YOUR VOWS MEMORIZED??" I run over to the door, being careful not to trip on my dress and I smile, "Of course I do... its from the heart."

My mother comes out of the bathroom wearing a lovely purple dress that stops right above the knees, its a one shouldered dress and she is for sure rocking it! And then its completed with purple heels and an amethyst necklace. I giggle, "Wow Mom! You look amazing!" She blushes, "Thank you Dear... Marie and I got the same outfits." (Marie is Calla's Mom, and Eseme is Harmony's Mom) I roll my eyes, "You guys act like teenagers!!!" She smiles before leading me out of the room towards the backyard where everyone was waiting.

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