21. Dress shopping

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The school day started off quiet. No one really spoke, it was pure silence. Why? Because a certain fangirl hadn't arrived yet. I walked beside Kakuzu, casually chatting when I heard a distant scream. "OMG I CAN"T WAIT!", it yelled. I was tackled into a hug, struggling to push the overexcited blue haired girl off of me. "What are you so excited about?", you ask. "Well today all of us girls are going dress shopping for the ball". I nod my head and force a smile. You weren't really into shopping, for some it was so fun and exciting but you just found it tedious. "Ugh I hate shopping", you groan. Kakuzu raises an eyebrow. "I thought all girls liked shopping?". I give him a disappointed sideways glance. "Don't stereotype my gender you ass". He smirks and goes over to talk to Kisame and Itachi who have just arrived. "Come on (Y/n) don't be such a downer, it will be fun I promise". I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "Yeah whatever, I will come but I'm picking my dress, no one is going to pressure me into something I don't like", you state. Konan nods and grabs your hand, shaking it. "I promise... but I know a few dresses you would look cute in". "Don't even try it".

I sat next to Tobi in science and stared out of the window. Everything outside seemed so amazing compared to the boring classroom, your eyelids felt heavy and you let sleep take over. Your cheek rested on your palm and a cheeky Tobi sat beside you silently plotting. He pushed your elbow and you head butted the table, waking up with a red mark on your forehead. "Ow what the hell Tobi?", you groaned. "Hehehe Tobi got (Y/n), she was sleeping and Tobi got her", he giggled. "Are you going to spend the entire lesson headbutting your table or are you going to actually listen?", Orochimaru-sensei growled. "Sorry I stayed up late last night". "Doing what exactly?", he asks. "Horror movie marathon". He chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't care what you do in your spare time just as long as you don't stay up too late", he smirks. I smile innocently back at him. "Will keep that in mind".

Lunch was so boring. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion and that was something you despised. "Hey (Y/n) are you alright?", Kakuzu asks. I looked up at him with tired eyes, I yawned. "Sorry I'm just a bit tired". You lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep. "I told her to go to sleep but she's so stubborn", Kakuzu sighs. "What were you two even doing?", Sasori asks with raised eyebrows. "Horror movie marathon". "(Y/n)-chan feel asleep in class so Tobi made her headbutt the table", he giggled. Kakuzu shook his head and smiled softly down at his sleeping girlfriend, wrapping his arm around her waist. She stirred in her sleep and nuzzled her face into his chest. "Do you two sleep in the same bed?", Konan hints. Kakuzu chuckles and shakes his head. "We used to but now she has her own room or she sleeps next to Ella". "How is Ella taking it?", Kisame asks. "She loves (Y/n), they're like sisters". The group spend the rest of lunch casually chatting about (Y/n) while she slept silently on Kakuzu. The bell rang and Kakuzu carried (Y/n) to music.

I woke up to being slightly shaken. "Hey wake up, we have music", Kakuzu says. The word music makes you jump straight up. "Music where?". Your music class all raised their eyebrows at you. "(Y/n) you can sit down now", Miss Yuhi sighed. You nodded and took a seat, sending glares to Sasori and Kisame who were failing to suppress their laughter. Tayuya blushes and waves at you, you wink back. Music was pretty fun, 10 minutes of theory and then she just let us play around with the instruments while she had a secret meeting with Mr Sarutobi. I played songs for the class and even serenaded Tayuya.

Then before you knew it, it was the time you dreaded. You walked out of school with Kakuzu by your side only to hear a stampede behind you. You turned and saw the girls running towards you at full speed. "(Y/n) lets go shopping!", Konan yells grabbing your arm and pulling you away. You wave to Kakuzu and get into the back seat of Tenten's car with Hinata and Konan, Ino sitting in the front. "Are you ready?", Tenten asks. "To die, yes", you mumble. "Hey cheer up, I promise you this will be fun", Konan says excitedly. "Y-yeah (Y/n) w-we are g-going to have so much f-fun", Hinata giggles. You shrug your shoulders and join in on the laughs, making you feel ten times better and less tired.

You pull up at a mall and the girls run inside. You didn't really understand the hype of shopping so you just tried to make the most of it. You look over at Hinata who is looking at a variety of different dresses and decide to ask her a question. "Hey Hinata what is the theme for the ball?", You ask. She looks up from the dresses and smiles at you. "Its masquerade". You mentally fangirl scream. Yayayayayay you can wear your blue dragon mask and look hella good. That filled you with motivation and you began searching the store for a dress.

'Nope not this one, eww too frilly, what the hell is this color, UGH I WILL NEVER FIND ONE!' you mentally complain. One of the shop staff saw your sudden annoyance and came over to you. "Are you alright ma'am?", she asks. I shake my head, a displeased look on my face. "I can't find a ball dress that I like", you complain. "Well there is a dress someone ordered but canceled last minute, do you want me to bring it out?". I nod and she walks off into the back room. A few minutes later she comes back with a long (color) dress. "Here go and try it on", she says. I nod and head to the changing room. The dress was truly beautiful, I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. "Hey (Y/n) are you done yet?", Tenten complains. You step out of the changing room and everybody's jaws drop. "Holy shit girl you look gorgeous", Konan says. You blush and turn to the shop keeper. "Well you can get it if you want, it was originally really expensive but because your the Blue Dragon I will give it to you for a good price", she winked. I smiled and followed the woman to the counter and paid for my dress, which was really cheap compared to the original price. You all got back in the car and drove towards Kakuzu's house so you could be dropped off. "I wish I got that dress", Konan complained. I smirked. "To bad your not the Blue Dragon". "Shut up I have no musical talent". I smile sweetly and pat her head. "Don't worry your dress looks great on you". She rolls her eyes and you pull up at Kakuzu's. "See you bitches later", you say, while getting out of the car. They flip you off and drive away. You walk up to the door and knock loudly, you can hear talking inside. Jodi opens the door and hugs you. "Hey where did you go?", she asks playfully. "Ball dress shopping", you reply. She jumps up and down excitedly. Kakuzu comes over. "Can I see your dress?". You shake your head. "No your gonna have to wait for the ball, if you look then I will take Konan and you can take Pein", I smirk. He rolls his eyes, Jodi grabs your arm pulling you upstairs. "What are we doing?". "Your gonna show me and Ella the dress". You nod and quickly slip it on and call the two girls in. They look at you with wide eyes. "Wow sis you look so pretty", Ella squeals. "Like a princess", Jodi whimpers on the brink of tears. Kakuzu knocks on the door. "Can I see?", he asks. "NO", we all say in synchronization. We all laugh leaving an annoyed Kakuzu walking off to sulk in his room. Ella and Jodi leave my room so I can get changed. I come out of my room and head to Kakuzu's, his door is closed. I open it and step inside to see him laying on his bed, his back facing the door. You lay beside him, hugging him from behind. He grunts and rolls over, facing you. "I wanna see it", he complains. "Well too bad, you can wait", you giggle. He groans and then gets on top of you. He looks down into your eyes and smirks, then attacks your lips. You smirk into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck, deepening it. He licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you deny. He grunts and tickles you stomach, opening your mouth. He slips his tongue in and explores your mouth, then pulls away leaving a train of saliva between your mouths. You roll you both over so that you are on top of him, resting your head on his chest. "Didn't know you were such a good kisser", you smirk. Kakuzu smirks and buries his face in your hair. "Does that mean I can see the dress?". "Shut up or I will go with Tayuya".

Well now you have your ball dress, the ball won't be for a while though so lets just wait for that. I dunno about you but shopping for me is really boring, but that depends on what we are getting or if I'm the one with the money. If you have money then you will have so much fun, but if your poor like me you struggle to stay awake. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara