27. Hello again

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"Pew pew pew pew!", came a voice from beneath my bed. I lent over the side of the bed and peered under. Ella was laying on her stomach underneath my bed with a toy gun in her hands and sunglasses covering her eyes. "What are you doing?", I question. She giggles and crawls out. "I want to play a game!", she exclaims. I look at the time on my phone and sigh. "Its so early", you complain. Ella pulls the sunglasses down slightly and gives you her world famous puppy dog eyes. "Fine what do you want to play?". "I wanna play spies". I smirk and head over to my wardrobe. Inside sat a lone box at the very bottom next to my shoes. "What's in there?", Ella asks. "Well when I was younger my brother and I always played spies". I open the box and pull out two walkie talkies. Her eyes light up when she sees them. "Those are so cool". I turn them both on and hand one to her. I briefly explain how they work and we are ready to go.

"So what's our mission?", I ask her. She thinks for a few seconds before answering. "Lets spy on Kazu!", she whisper yells. I giggle and nod my head. This is going to be really fun.

Ella and I split up, she hides behind a bookcase in the hall and I sneak into the living room. "Do you have his location?", Ella asks. I peek over the couch and see Kakuzu laying on the other, scrolling through his phone. "i has the location of the target", I whisper. "OK now what are going to do?". "How about we see who can get the most amount of stuff in his hair without him noticing?", I suggest. "Good idea, I will be at your location soon". I turn my walkie talkie off and wait for Ella behind the couch.

A minute later she crawls through the door way and towards me. She leans her back up against the back of the couch. "Here I got these", she says holding out two erasers. I take one and pull a small chunk off. I then peek over the couch and throw it, it flies through the air and lands in Kakuzu's hair. I duck behind the couch and smirk at Ella. "Your turn". She nods and goes to throw hers. It lands in Kakuzu's hair next to mine, Kakuzu scratches his head still unaware of our presence. I go again and it lands on his hair line. Ella takes her piece of eraser and throws it, hitting Kakuzu directly in the eyes. He rubs his eye and grunts in annoyance. Once he is distracted again I take my shot. Kakuzu yawns, stretching his mouth wide. My piece of eraser flies through the air and lands in his mouth. He shots a glare over at the couch we are hiding behind, Ella and I duck down just in time. Ella peeks over and throws a bit, it his him directly on the nose. This time he stands up and stomps over to the couch we are hiding behind. I grab a blanket and pull it over both me and Ella, masking our presence.

"I can still see you", he says. I quickly stand up and thrown the blanket in Kakuzu's face. "Abort abort, report back to base for further instructions", I yell, jumping over the couch and running to my room. Ella follows close behind me and then Kakuzu after her. I lock the door behind us, Kakuzu tries to open it but fails. "Come out". "You will never catch us alive!", I exclaim. I can hear him chuckling from the other side of the door. "I'm going to get both of you". "How are you going to get in if the door is locked, or do you know how to pick a lock?", I question. "No but I know how to use a key". He leaves and heads to the kitchen to get the key. "Time for breakfast!", Jodi calls. My stomach growls and do does Ella's. Suddenly I have an idea. I pry open the window and jump onto the roof below, I then catch Ella and place her next to me. I close the window and we climb off the roof.

Kakuzu puts the key in the lock and opens the door. "I know you're both in here", he calls. There was no response. He began searching the room. After 10 minutes of looking he gives up and heads down stairs. "Where were you?", Jodi asks. "I was looking for-". He stops when he sees (Y/n) and Ella sitting at the table eating breakfast. "How did you get down here?", he asks. "We used the window". He sighs and sits in a chair beside you. "Did you have fun looking for us?", I ask. He shakes his head and begins eating. I lean over him and kiss him on the cheek. His face turns bright red and he tries and fails to hide it.


Kakuzu drove both of you to school. "What took you so long?", Konan complains. Kakuzu shoots you a glare which you return a playful smile to. You hold his hand and give it a gently squeeze, he returns it. Finally he has calmed down. "That photo of you and Ella is so cute!", Konan fangirls. I giggle and nod. The bell rings and you all head towards class.


It was the end of the day and unfortunately you had detention. You and Hidan had been passing notes again and Mr Hatake gave you both detention. You couldn't care because it was only half an hour of sitting down writing apologies to who ever you dared to offend. So while writing you passed the time by passing notes... again. I open a scrunched up piece of paper Hidan has just thrown at me. 'Apparently there is a surprise at school tomorrow'. I look back at him and then write my reply. 'Do you know what it is?'. I throw it back and watch him open it. He looks back at me and shrugs his shoulder. I was really curious now, what was this surprise? A few minutes later the time was up and we were let go.

I walked out of school and towards Kakuzu's house. I told him to go home after school because I didn't want him to wait for me. It was actually really relaxing walking home by myself. Suddenly I hear foot steps behind me. I turn and grit my teeth at the sight of the person. "What do you want, Jay?", I growl. "Am I not aloud to see my fiance?", he asks. I glare at him and continue walking, but he doesn't give up that easily. "Are you going to your school ball?". "Yeah, why do you wanna know?". "Well then we will go together". I stop and face him, glaring angrily at him. "You need to understand that we are not together and we aren't getting married, I have a boyfriend and I don't need some rich asshole following me around like a lovesick puppy". He smiles and tries to hold my hand. I rip my hand from his grasp and continue walking. "That is what I like about you, you're so fierce and strong, you would make a fine wife for me". I grab him by the collar and shove him up against the wall, raising my fist. "Listen to me, if you keep this up I punch you somewhere much further than unconsciousness", I threaten. He swallows hard and I let him go, walking away as fast as I can.

I get to Kakuzu's and see that he is waiting for me. "Are you ready to go?", he asks. I drop my bag off in my room and get into the car with him. As soon as we pulled out of the driveway I fell asleep.

I was awoken by Kakuzu once we reached Pein's house. When we got there everyone was waiting us. "What took you so long?", Sasori complains. "I got detention". He rolled his eyes and began tuning his bass. "Are you ready to do song I gave you?", Pein asks me. I nod and pick up one of the guitars, then I make my way over to my spot on stage. Kisame and I start off by playing the first part which is just guitar. Soon the others come in and then Pein sings the first line.

If I could hug my love, could I try
For your wings to cover me and let them fold
Half alive, I heard the most brilliant lie
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn

Can't stutter when you're talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a big day

Cry on black rain, cry on black rain
Cry on black rain

If I could hug my love could I try
For your wings to cover me unless I fall
Sleepless eyes, close the light
And rest your mind while you burn

You can't stutter when you're talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood lets running from a black day

Cry on black rain, cry on black rain
Cry on black rain
Black rain, cry on
Black rain, cry on
Cry on

You can't stutter when you're talking with your eyes
By cutting out your tongue you save face
Feeding on the blood that's running from a black day

We finished and smiled at each other, happy with the progress. "So is that one of the songs we are playing for battle of the bands?", Kisame asks. Pein nods. "We will do this one, the one from last practice and we will learn the last one on Thursday". We all nod. "Do you think you guys can win?", Konan asks. Before anyone can speak I but in. "Hell yeah we can, don't even question it we are gonna kick ass!". Kakuzu chuckles and pats my head. "We sure are".

I love writing this story so I hope you like reading it. Its kinda sad but the end is near, but do not fear I am writing tonnes of other stories and don't plan on stopping. Sorry if this type of music isn't your style, just read the chapters and ignore the music parts. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)Where stories live. Discover now