13. An unwanted arrangement

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You woke up with a smile on your face. Kakuzu's gorgeous face in your mind, the thought of his soft lips against yours. You noticed the other Akatsuki behind you yesterday, you just let them follow you. You got dressed and sat at the kitchen table eating cereal. You looked at your messages from last night. As soon as you got home last night you got a message from Kisame saying he is going to Itachi's house. You were so excited to find out what happened. What if Itachi liked Kisame back? They would be so cute together, you internally fan girl screamed. You washed your bowl and sat on the couch, your mother was sitting on the couch as well. She shot you a dirty look and folded up her newspaper. "We are going out for dinner tonight so dress nicely, I bought you a new dress", she said. You raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. Was she being nice or was this part of her evil scheme? You had no idea but you also didn't really care, as long as it was someone else paying for your food cause you were gonna get shit tonnes. You heard a knock on the door and answered it. Of course it was Kisame. You got into his car and drove off towards school.

"So how was Itachi's?", you asked, raising an eyebrow. Kisame swallowed hard. "Don't avoid the question Kisame". He sighs and clears his throat. "Well we hung out for a bit and then I went home", he mumbled. You shook your head and folded your arms. "Don't hold back any information". He rubbed the back of his neck, nervously smiling. "Well when I came in we both reached to close the door and we touched hands, then Itachi ran off to the bathroom". You gasp. "Was he blushing?", you ask. Kisame shrugs. "I don't know, he turned away as soon as it happened". You tapped your chin with your index finger as thought. "He might like you... but don't take my word for it, if I was wrong I would feel like an ass for misleading you". He nodded in agreement.

That day went by really fast, math was fun. Passing notes back and forth between Hidan, trying not to get caught. Mr. Hatake got frustrated and made us sit in the front of the class, but that didn't stop us. Hidan drew a really inappropriate picture of a naked woman, I drew clothes on her and made it look like Yellow, Hidan blushed. I couldn't help but laugh, he never blushed. Next period I had science, it was really boring because we were learning about electricity. (A/n: Honestly me right now, electricity is the worst thing to learn in science). Tobi was your lab partner and he kept messing up the circuit. Orochimaru-sensei wasn't too pleased when we blew up one of the light bulbs. Tobi also snuck in some lollies and we were eating them throughout class. After that I had Music, Kisame and I worked on our song. We had the guitar part down, all we needed was the lyrics to the song. We thought for ages but nothing came to mind. Maybe I could think of something later. Kakuzu drove you home and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before driving away. Now you just had to see what your mother had in store for you.

You walked into the house. "I'm back!", you call. You mother comes down the stairs and smiles at you, you found it really uncomfortable, she never smiles at you. "Hello dear, your dress is up stairs, have a shower and then put it on, the reservation is for 6". What is this bullshit, first she buys something for you and secondly calls you 'dear'? What is this witchcraft? You knew that something was going to happen, but you had no idea what exactly. You got changed and sat on your bed watching anime until there was a knock on your bedroom door. Your mother's head popped around. "Hey we are about to leave". You nod and close your laptop, then get off you bed, walking out of your bedroom. Red was there too, he was wearing a suit. You see you mother in the kitchen putting stuff in her purse. "Hey mom why are we going out?", you ask. She lightly chuckles. "Well I have some friends in town and I thought we could all go out and have dinner", she responded. Who was this woman and what happened to my bitch of a mother. You all got into the car, your mother in the front with Red, while you sat by yourself in the back seat. "This is going to be great fun", Red chuckled. You ignored him and looked out your window.

You arrive outside a fancy restaurant. Your eyes widened, holy shit we are definitely being payed for. The cost of a meal here would be the worth of our entire house. You walked in through the giant glass double door. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling and there was a small band in the corner. Not any you would be interested in, bleh classical music. A waiter came forward, then spoke to my mother. "How may I help you ma'am?", he asks, gently bowing. "We are having dinner with Will and Elizabeth", she says. "Right this way". You follow the waiter to a table with six chairs around it. Three of them are already occupied, a man, a woman and a boy around my age. "Oh (mother's name) it is so nice of you accept our offer", says the man. He stands up and kisses your mothers hand. The boy stands up and reaches for your hand, you pull away. No way is this kid gonna kiss my hand. He raises an eyebrow, then returns to his seat. You are forced to sit next to him. "So you must be (Y/n)", the man says. You nod your head, resting your cheek in your palm. "What school do you go to?", the woman asks. "Konaha high", you put no emotion into your response. "Well our son Jay has been attending Konaha boys academy", she brags. You roll your eyes and look out the window. Your mother growls at you. "Oi slut be nice". You flip her off under the table. She tenses but leaves it. "So your mother tells me that you used to be in a band", the man says. "Well she's wrong, I'm in a new band". "What kind of music do you play?", the woman asks. "Well rock and metal, none of this pussy shit". You smirk at their reaction. "Mother I'm just gonna go home", you say standing up. She grabs your wrist and sits you back down. "No we have to discuss the arrangement", she snaps. You raised an eyebrow. "What arrangement? Are you secretly selling them drugs or something?". Red smirks and shakes his head. "No Darling your marriage arrangement", your mother smirks. Your eyes widen. "What the actual fuck, I ain't marrying anyone except Kakuzu", you growl at her. "Which boy would that be, you've been bringing so many of them over lately". "Ugh ass hole, whats your problem most of my friends are guys OK, now get off my case I not marrying this twat". "You will do as I tell you too". "No". You pull out your phone and call Kakuzu. You walked off to the bathroom.

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)Where stories live. Discover now