11. Ice cream incident

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You woke up in the middle of the night to your phone buzzing. You checked and saw that you had a new message from an unknown number.

??- If you want your photo back meet me in the park at 12 pm

You smirked and turned off your phone, that ass hole was gonna get it.

The next morning you woke with the rest of the girls freaking out. "What if they spread it around?", sighed Ino. "W-what if Naruto sees it?", Hinata stuttered. Tenten went bright red thinking about Neji seeing it. "OK guys calm down its fine, you are all so beautiful and we are going to get that photo back and get our revenge", you chuckle, rubbing your hands together. "How exactly are we gonna do that?", Konan asked raising an eyebrow. You pulled the girls in and you whispered your plan, the girls smirked and nodded. That ass hole is never gonna see whats coming.

You arrived at the park, you wore a red crop top and a short black skirt. This was all part of the plan, you made sure all of the girls wore sunglasses for effect. You got out of the car and approached the group of boys, Hidan stood in front smirking. "Damn (Y/n) looking good", he smirked. You lightly giggled and slowly pulled off your glasses. "Give us the photo and you can all go home unharmed". Hidan shook his head. "Of course but I want something  in return". You nodded. "Of course anything, but first I wanna ask you something". "What?", he asks, his smirk not leaving his face. "How come you never told me you liked Nekos?", you asked, an evil grin on your face. You hold up a picture of Hidan dressed as a neko, licking his paw. "How the fuck did you get that?!", he yelled. You folded your arms and smirked. "I have photo's of all of you that were in the car last night, also Dei cause his grandmother gave us some, if you want these photos then give us your phone", you say holding out your hand. "Ass hole just give it to her, my mom had heaps of embarrassing pics of me, no one needs to see them", Kisame growled. Hidan stepped forward and gave you the phone, you gave him the rest of the photos. You see the photo and blush. "Holy shit we look good", Konan whispers. "Its looks like we are about to have an orgy", you giggle. You delete the photo and continue to scroll through the rest of Hidan's photos. "Jesus Hidan you have a lot of porn on here" you laugh. His face goes red and he runs over to you to grab the phone. But it was too late, you scream and throw the phone. The other girls scream along with you. "Ah Hidan what the fuck man, I can never unsee that!", you yell. Hidan picks up the phone and realizes what you saw, his face turns even redder. You recover and playfully jab him the ribs with your elbow. "Who are you sending those to Hidan?", you wink. The boys all start laughing. "Well ass hole, you've seen me I've seen you I guess we are pretty even". He swallowed hard and rubbed the back of his neck. "(Y/n)-chan is so cool", Tobi giggled. You smiled and ruffled his hair. He looked at you tattoo and smiled behind his mask. "(Y/n)-chan's dragon is so cool, can Tobi touch him?". You nod and Tobi runs his finger over the dragon causing you to giggle. "Tobi didn't know that (Y/n)-chan is ticklish", he smiled. Before I could run away Tobi jumped on me and attacked my exposed stomach and arm pits. You couldn't help but laugh, he kept going until he accidentally brushed your breast. "Tobi is very sorry", he nervously said getting off of you. You giggled and nod. "I want ice cream", you state. "Is that all you eat?", Konan asks poking you in the stomach. You giggle and hug her. "Tobi wants some!", he yells. "I'm paying if anyone wants one", you say. You turn and walk over to a conveniently placed ice cream truck sitting next to the park. You walk up and get ice creams for your friends, free of charge because the guy was a big Blue Dragon fan. "How much was it?", Deidara asks. You smile and wave back at the ice cream truck guy. "It was all free, a big Blue Dragon fan". He rolls his eyes and looks over at Ino who was sitting next to him. "Hey uh Ino", he started. Ino turned to him. "You have ice cream on your nose". Her cheeks tint pick and she quickly licks it off. "Damn they are so cute", you say quietly. "Who are?", giggles a voice from behind you. You turn and see Yellow with a large smile on her face. She hugs you and smiles into your neck. "Hey Baby Blue you had me and Black so worried", she said. You shrugged your shoulders and looked down at the ground. She forces you to look up into her eyes. "Blue we love you like a sister and if anything ever happened to you we would kick the shit out of who ever did it". You smirk and kiss her on the cheek, you pull away and she does the same to you. "How is the replacement?", you chuckle. Yellow rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "She calls herself the pink slash and thinks she top shit, I would kick her ass but Red would have my skin", she chuckled. "Well the Pink whore can have my place, I'm in a new band", you announce. "Aww Baby Blue that's so good, but the masked will never be the same with out you", she sighs. "Yellow always come over to visit, I hate when I don't get to see you". She nods and kisses your forehead. She catches you looking over to your right. Kakuzu sat licking an ice cream. "Wishing that was you?", Yellow smirks raising an eyebrow. "Oi shut up, I can't let him find out", you growl. "Well its good to see you moving on, you were with that other ass hole fore nearly two years". You sigh remembering the guy you used to date. "Keep your chin up girl, your gorgeous I bet he likes you", she said playfully nudges you. You blush and hide your face behind your hair. "Oi you fucking annoying blue bitch where are you?!", Hidan calls. You sigh and flip him off. He walks up to you and smirks looking Yellow up and down. "Whose the blonde cutie?", he asks. Yellow's face turns bright red and she flirtatiously giggles. "Hidan this is Yellow, Yellow this is the reason why I want to die". Hidan rolls his eyes and swears under his breath. "Well I gotta go now Baby Blue, don't forget to call me and see ya Hidan", she winks. You sigh as you look at Hidan. His is currently staring at Yellow's ass with drool dripping from his mouth. "Hidan's got a crush", you sing. "Shut up bitch", he growls. You sigh and turn you head and see Kakuzu laying on the grass staring up at the clouds. You walk over and sit next to him. "Whatcha doing?", you ask. He smiles at you. "Was a bit bored so I decided to look at the clouds, wanna join me?". "Yeah sure", you reply smiling. You lay next to him. "That one looks like a sheep", he says. You look to where he is pointing and see the cute sheep. "That one looks like a dragon", you giggle. He smiles. "That one looks like a taco". "And that small one over there looks like Hidan's dick", you laugh. Kakuzu and you both laugh, rolling on the grass holding your sides.

Across the park on a bench sat everyone else. They stared at the two and chuckled. "They are so cute", Konan coos. "We have to get them together", Tenten smirks. "Tobi wants Kakuzu and (Y/n)-chan to be boyfriend and girlfriend", he giggles. The entire group starts discussing how they are going to get the two together.

I stopped laughing and wiped the tears from my eyes, I noticed something off about Kakuzu. "Hey are you OK?", you ask. He hesitates. "It's just that I've seen the photo that Hidan took". You smiled at him. "No its OK, I don't care about that at all, it was only because my friends were in it". He smiles back and turns his entire body to face her. "(Y/n) there is something that I want to tell you", he says. You nod your head and stare into hid green and black eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but you hear someone calling your name. You turn and see (bf/n) running over to you, his face bruised from your brutal attack at Itachi's party. You sigh and stand up. "What do you want?", you ask. "I love you and I want you back", he says coming closer, trying to grab your hands. You dodge him and scoff. "Ass hole you were cheating on me". "I'm sorry I didn't mean it I will never do it again, I love you", he says again. "No go away!", you yell at him. He smirks. "I'm not taking no for an answer". He grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him, his hand goes up your shirt and he firmly grasps your breast. You gasp and knee him in the crotch. He stumbles backwards and you kick him back onto the ground and begin punching him. Tears streaming down your cheeks, you feel some one pull you off him. It was Kakuzu, you hug him and cry into his chest. Everyone else comes running over. "OMG what just happened?", Konan asks. You don't bother answering. You stop crying but you don't let go of Kakuzu. You felt safe in his arms, and you let sleep take over you.

Kakuzu felt you relax in his arms. You had fallen asleep. "Oh my god is she alright?", Konan panics. Kakuzu sighs and shakes his head. "He groped her". Konan gasps and looks down at your sleeping form. "Poor girl", she sighs. "Come on lets take her home", Pein instructs. They all nod and Kakuzu carries you to the car. He sits you on his lap and you rest your head against his chest. "So pretty", he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. They pull up to your house and Kakuzu carries you out, then knocks on the front door. Your mother opens the door and sighs at the sight of the two of you. "Her ex boyfriend touched her and she fell asleep crying", Kakuzu said. Your mother just walked away with out a word. Kakuzu walked inside and closed the door with his foot, he then walked up stairs and into your room. He lay you down on your bed and tucked you under the blankets. "So beautiful", he whispered, a gentle smile on his face. He lent forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He got up and walked over to the door, he looked back one last time and then left. His heart beating faster than usual and his hands sweaty. He sighed and walked out of the house and then back in the car with the others. "How did it go?", Kisame asks. You smile and give them a reassuring nod. They smirk and drive away. "Hope you didn't steal a kiss", chuckled Pein. Kakuzu's face turned red and Sasori raised his eyebrow at him. Kakuzu avoided their eyes and stared out the window admiring the clouds. How could looking up at the clouds with a beautiful girl end up with her crying into your chest and falling asleep?

SO CUTE! I love writing this story, its so fun. I want to get Itachi and Kisame together so no one judge me please, I just think that they would be so cute. The song has nothing to do with the story but I love it and Ihascupquake. Ugh I watch too much youtube. Anyway please vote and follow me. Thank ya XD

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum