Turn Around (Lyrics)

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The bumps in the road feel like mountains

The potholes feel like there’s no escape.

The light likes running away from you.

Leaving you with nothing but darkness.


He doesn’t put these challenges in your life to watch you fail;

He’s right beside you

You just need to turn and look

Let Him in

Let Him into your heart

Let Him into your life

He’s here for you

You just have to let Him in,

There’s nothing to lose


Tears have fallen

Heart is broken

Wondering why it’s come to this.

Wondering what’s there to live for;

The world has left you alone

And doubting there’s a God



Can these feelings fade away?

Do rainbows appear after The Storm?

Is the grass really green?

The lies you’ve been told aren’t true,

Because faithfulness can come in time

Rainbows sparkle when the sunrays shine

And the grass if green even for those who can’t see.


Something good always comes out of heartbreak

And tears will always fade away

Dark becomes day

Just don’t give up your faith



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