Words That Can't be Tuned Out

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You tell me I can't

You tell me I'm wrong

You fill my mind with false lies

You make me feel like I'm unworthy

You make me feel like I can never win

What is it that makes you feel this way?

What gives you the right to tell me that my way is wrong?

Why do you feel the need to tear me down

And then say that you didn't do it?

You put the blame on others for the way I am

Then apologize

You realized that it wasn't anybody else's fault

Except my own

For being this way.

Why do you put the blame on others

But refuse to look in the mirror

And realize that it wasn't anybody else but you?

I can't.

I am unworthy

I am wrong

I can never win

Only with you.

I am fine with who I am.

Let me

Be me.

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