I'm not a problem child... You're just the problem

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They tell me I can't

I go ahead and do

And laugh when I prove the world wrong

They tell me I'm wreak

I show them I'm strong

They knock me down

I get off the ground and show them what I've got

They tell me I'm a poser

When I show them that they're the ones acting like me

They tell me that my beliefs are wrong

I just shake my head and say "Too bad"

They tell me I can't fly

So i Just spread my wings and jump

They say i'm a loner

I show them the world, which is on my side

They spread rumors about me

I shake my head and ignore them

They want to fight

But I tell them no

Even though they say I'm scared

Inside I know i'm not

I'm just trying to be the better person

They're Jerks to me

And always will be

So I kill them with kindness


tee-hee >:D I love killing people with kindness. It gets the job done and it's not messy ^.^ lol let me know what you think of it! Feedback people!!!!!!!

Okay i think i made my point.

Kay bye!


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