Dream Girl

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We're walking

Hand in hand

 On the beach

You whisper you love me

You tell me I'm beautiful

I giggle nervously and unbelieving

"For I am not beautiful

Nor special you see

For I have these scars on my hands and cheek

I am short and not that thin

I am no model you see in the poster"

Then you pull me in and hold me close

But I keep on speaking

For I am nervous can't you see?

"I am not perfect

My hair isn't blonde

Nor is it light and fluffy

My eyes aren't the color of the sea

And I sometimes get mixed up when I speak

For I can not do everything your dream girl can do

For I can not cook"

As I keep rambling on

 You listen quietly

Wanting more than anything to prove me wrong

Because you love me

And want me to see the good things about me

You keep on listening

And when I'm done talking

You speak kindly

And you say

"For you can not see the beauty that I do

Others want to be around you

Some want to be you

You may not be a model where you're so skinny you look almost dead


You are much more prettier

You always imclude everyone

And you always include everyone

And you're very thoughtful

Maybe you can't cook

B ut you make a great sandwhich

Which is all I need

You're funny and  sweet

But stuborn and  sassy when you need to be

You're honest in your doings

And always help others when they're down

You stand up for yourself and your beliefs

Even when people say the best things in life aren't free

I wish you could see

yourself through my eyes

I know we've had this conversation before

And we'll keep having it until you believe

The beautiful and perfect thing you are

You may not think you're the prettiest

But you are to me

Inside and out

Which is hard to find

You dance as if no one is watching

You sing like no one is listening

You live like you're dying

And you laugh like it'll be your last

I love you

And I've screwed up so much

That I don't know why you're here

With me

Because you're one in 6 billion

You're my dream girl"

You whisper you love me

And then kiss me softly

And this time I finally believe

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