Roses are red (Haters)

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You ignore me when I talk

You treat me like I'm dirt

You beat me to the ground

And you push me around

When I've done nothing to you

So I get off the ground

And brush myself off

Thinking this won't happen again 

That you won't do what you normally do

But the truth is

You will do it again

And you'll keep doing it

Because you're a hater

Because you're my hater

You will always hate me

And judge me with you're little eyes

But the more you kick me down

The more it truly helps

So for all my haters

I have a little poem for you:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I have five fingers

And the middle one is for you

So next time you should better think twice

Before you decide to mess with me

And please remember that

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I still have five fingers

And the middle one is still for you

So thank you for being a hater

'Cuz I wouldn't be here without you

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