"Hi Luna." Ginny laughed as she sat down next to Luna.

"I didn't think you'd come Ginny after everything that's happened." Dean said as she sat down.

"Yeah well it's compulsory and we've told the Death Eaters that me and Harry had a nasty break up so that they won't target me. You have no idea how much Hermione was worried about me." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"She has every right to be." Seamus told her.

"Do you know where they are Gin?" Neville asked. Ginny sighed. She should have known that everybody would be curious as to where Harry actually was.

"No, and I'm not lying to you. All I know is that they've gone to finish whatever Dumbledore started. Trust me I asked and they wouldn't tell me anything. Hermione said that it was for my own safety." Ginny sighed. It was killing her to know that she didn't know where any of them were.

"Does anybody know?" Dean asked.

"Nope. None of them would say a word. I'm surprised Ron and Hermione know, Harry tried to go off without them one night." Ginny laughed half heartedly.

"Typical Harry." Neville rolled his eyes.

"I know." Ginny replied.

"How was it after they arrived at the wedding Ginny, me and Father left abruptly because we didn't want any trouble." Luna answered.

"Everybody fought for a bit and then they all questioned us in the house. Obviously they didn't find anything out because none of us knew anything." Ginny told her.

"Poor Bill and Fleur, they ruined their wedding." Luna sighed. As soon as she said this, the train suddenly stopped, causing everybody to go flying forward. Ginny grumbled and sat back on her seat by the window.

"Oh no. This can't be good." Seamus sighed as they watched the black shadows zoom past the window. It was the Death Eaters.

"They can't honestly think that Harry will be on the train to go to Hogwarts!" Ginny rolled her eyes. Sometimes Voldemort and the Death Eaters were extremely thick.

Everybody fell silent as two Death Eaters threw the compartment door open. Ginny watched as they looked underneath seats and on the shelves. However, she wasn't expecting a Death Eater to grab her by the collar and pull her out of her seat.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Put her down!" Neville cried, getting out of his seat.

"Where is he Weasley?!" The Death Eater sneered in Ginny's face.

"I have no idea! I already told your friends that!" Ginny cried.

"He's not here you morons, you really think he'd return to Hogwarts?!" Neville rolled his eyes. The Death Eaters took a long look at Neville then dropped Ginny to her feet. Ginny sighed in relief and took her original seat next to Luna. The Death Eaters turned to exit when then unexpectedly turned, grabbed Luna by the collar and apparated away.

"Luna!" Neville cried, a pained look on his face.

"Where did they take her?" Ginny cried, jumping up trying to grab the air where Luna had just disappeared.

"Probably to their headquarters to question her." Seamus said, still wide eyes after what had happened.

"But why Luna?! It makes no sense!" Neville cried.

"Neville, don't worry, we'll get her back." Ginny comforted him. However, Ginny was just as worried as Neville. The Death Eaters could do anything to her, never mind Voldemort.

"I hope so! They can't just take her like that!" Neville argued.

"Neville's right, it was a little out of the blue." Dean agreed.

"That's Death Eaters for you." Ginny sighed, running her hands through her long ginger hair.

The journey to Hogwarts was as slow as ever and all Ginny could think about was how it was going to be when they arrived at Hogwarts and of course, Harry. She never stopped thinking about him. He was running through her mind twenty four hours a day.

Neville carried on stressing out about Luna's abduction for the rest of the journey, which made Ginny suspect that Neville maybe had feelings for Luna. From the way he reacted when she was taken, to the way he was acting now. It all added up to he same conclusion, and Ginny was sure that she was right. Currently, Neville was pacing in the compartment, running his hands through his hair in frustration. Ginny could tell that it was starting to stress both Dean and Seamus out.

Ginny let out a shaky sigh as the train began to slow down and began to stop. That meant that they were at Hogwarts. As soon as the train stopped, Ginny slowly rose, followed by Neville, Dean and Seamus. When they exited the train Ginny could tell that life at Hogwarts was already starting to change, and they weren't even inside the castle yet.

Hagrid had gathered all of the first years up, and they were all now heading to the boats as every other year group lined up to go through the gates. Ginny stayed close behind Neville as they passed through the gates. Four Death Eaters were stood at either side of the gates, looking suspiciously at everyone and their faces, probably making sure that there weren't any people that weren't meant to be there in the crowd.

However, once Ginny had passed through the gates, she turned around when she heard a screaming from behind her. She watched as one of the Death Eaters grabbed a girl and held her back from the crowd. He restrained her and tied her hands and feet together as he looked through the crowd for any more people.

"Ginny, come on, we just have to keep going." Neville pulled on her arm.

"But Neville, the girl." Ginny tried to pull from his arm.

"She's Muggle Born Ginny, we can't help her, I'm sorry." Neville sighed.

Ginny glanced behind her once then carried on following everyone up the hill to Hogwarts. This was the first time she had ever been made to walk up the hill to Hogwarts. Every year they had used the carriages, but this year, everyone was walking except the first years.

After around twenty minutes later, they had made it to the castle. Professor McGonagall was stood at the doors, which made Ginny sigh a little in relief. She was glad that there was one familiar face there. They all slowly made their way into the Great Hall and Ginny immediately sat down at the Gryffindor table. She glanced up at the teachers table and frowned at the two new teachers who were definitely Death Eaters.

As the first years made their way in, they all sat down at the Slytherin table rather than being sorted, which Ginny immediately thought was rather odd. The Hall suddenly fell silent as Snape stood up at the front of the hall in the chair that was rightfully Dumbledore's.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts. Now many of you older students are probably wandering why the sorting ceremony hasn't taken place, and that is because every new student shall be immediately sorted into Slytherin House. This year, I'm sure if everyone follows our rules, then nobody shall be punished and everyone shall have a safe learning environment. Nobody gets hurt." Snape growled his last sentence.

Ginny definitely knew from then on that Hogwarts was going to be hell that year. Especially whilst Snape was in power.


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