Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


Today was the day. The day that Ginny would be returning to Hogwarts for the first time without any of her brother's to support her. She had been putting off the thought of going back to Hogwarts all summer because she didn't want to believe that she was actually going back there. Ginny knew that the school was going to be extremely different this year without Dumbledore there and because Snape had now been elected Headmaster. This year was going to be harsh.

"Ginny, come on dear, otherwise we're going to be late." Mrs Weasley ushered Ginny to the car trying not to break down into tears. Ever since they had had a letter through the post saying that all students, even seventh years must attend Hogwarts as it was compulsory. In theory, Harry, Hermione and Ron should have all been returning to Hogwarts, but Harry and Hermione weren't and if anybody came looking, the ghoul in the Weasley's attic had been made to look like Ron with Spattergoit.

"I'm coming Mum." Ginny sighed, placing her trunk in the boot of the car then walking around to sit in the back seat. Ginny wasn't going to lie to herself or to anyone, she was nervous about the upcoming year at Hogwarts, but she knew she had to be strong for everyone.

The drive to Kings Cross Station seemed to be quicker than usual and before Ginny knew it, Mr Weasley was pulling into the car park for the station. Ginny took a deep breath and climbed out, pulling her trunk from the boot of the car. The three Weasley's walked in silence as they shuffled along the platforms trying to find nine and ten. They weaved quickly around the people that were all Muggles stood on the platforms.

Ginny took a large in take of breath as they arrived at the wall between Platform's nine and ten. Ginny watched as her Mother ran at the barrier first and then Ginny took her turn. She quickly ran at it with her trolley and waited for her dad to come through the barrier. As the three walked down the Platform and placed Ginny's things on the train, Ginny couldn't help but notice how the atmosphere was different to what it usually was. Ginny could feel the nerves in the air and she could see them as children clung on to their parents. They obviously didn't want to go or return to Hogwarts as much as Ginny didn't want too.

"Ginny dear, promise me that you're going to be careful this year. I really don't want you to go but they'll hunt us down. I'd usually tell you to write to us but I don't think you should this year. Letters are being intercepted and we don't want anymore trouble." Mrs Weasley told Ginny, her eyes watering.

"I know. I promise I'll be careful Mum. I won't write, take care of yourselves and please tell me if you hear anything from you know who I mean." Ginny whispered to her Mother.

"Of course dear, we'll try our best. Be careful." Mrs Weasley sighed, kissing her daughter's forehead and hugging her close.

"Be careful Gin, whatever happens, stay out of trouble, you have no idea what they might do to you." Mr Weasley reminded her.

"Of course Dad." Ginny replied. However, Ginny knew that as soon as she had said this that it was a lie. She was probably going to give them hell.

Ginny peered up at the clock on the wall and took a deep breath. It was one minute to eleven so she had to go. She quickly waved goodbye and hugged her parent's, then climbed on to the train just as the whistle blew. Ginny felt the train begin to move as she weaved through students down the train. She knew that she had to find a familiar face just to stay sane, she couldn't sit by herself. When Ginny reached the end of the train she sighed as she saw Neville, Luna, Seamus and Dean sat in the end compartment.

"Thank god you lot are here." Ginny sighed as she walked in.

"Ginny!" Luna cried, jumping up to give her a hug.

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