Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Ginny squirmed uncomfortably under Umbridge's stare. At the moment, Ginny, Taylor, Colette, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Cho Chang were all stood in Dumbledore's office.

After Umbridge and her group of High Inquisitorial Squad caught the members of the DA in the Room of Requriement, the Inquisitorial Squad had grabbed the members that were at the top of the list and brought them straight to Dumbledore's Office, where Umbridge had called the Minister of Magic.

"See Cornelius, this is what I have been telling you right from the start!" Umbridge snarled, staring at Dumbledore accusingly.

"Well, it seems Minister that you have caught me in the act, I-" Dumbledore tried to admit.

"No wait Sir! It had nothing to do with him it was all us-" Harry jumped in. Ginny's mouth fell open as she realised that Dumbledore was going to take the blame for the DA.

"So kind of you Harry, however there is no need. It is true, I asked Harry to get a group of students together to start an army." Dumbledore said.

"He admits it!" Percy cried. Ginny glared at her brother. She couldn't believe that Percy had chosen power at believing the ministry rather than his own family.

"Shut up Percy." Fred hissed.

"Be quiet Weasley!" Umbridge cried.

"Are you writing this down Waladby?" The Minister asked Percy. Ginny stifled a laugh and Taylor snorted. The Minister couldn't even get Percy's name right. Shows how much thought the Minister gave towards Percy.

"Of course Minister." Percy glared at Taylor.

"Shacklebolt, alert the ministry, the story might just make tomorrow's edition of the daily prophet. Dawlish, alert the Dementors that a new prisoner will be arriving Dawlish I-" But Dumbledore quickly cut off the Minister.

"Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag Minister. You see, it seems to me that you think that I will, what's the phrase?, come quietly. I don't intend on coming quietly." Dumbledore told the minister.

"What? What are you talking about?!" Umbridge shrieked.

"Don't play games Dumbledore." The Minister warned.

"I don't actually intend on coming at all." Dumbledore said.

"Grab him!" The Minister ordered.

Suddenly, Dumbledore's Phoenix, Fawkes, flew forward. Dumbledore clapped his hands as Fawkes flew over his head and Dumbledore had suddenly disappeared into a blaze of flames.

Ginny shielded her face as the fire roared forward. Umbridge, Kingsley, Dawlish and the Minister all fell to the floor as the power of the flames threw them backwards.

Ginny watched, still in awe as the four slowly got to their feet. How had Dumbledore done that?

"Minister, you may not like him, but you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style." Kingsley nodded at the Minister, obviously impressed.

"This is outrageous! Alert the Aurors that we have a Dark Wizard on the loose!" The Minister cried.

"Dark Wizard." Taylor laughed.

"Be quiet girl!" Umbridge cried. "As for all of you, you have obviously been out under the Imperius Curse so we will lift it and let you go."

Umbridge cast on spell on them all, obviously a counter curse that was used to lift the Imperius Curse. However, it'a didn't affect any of them.

"Get out of my sight!" Umbridge screeched.

We all slowly made our way down the stairs from Dumbledore's Office and back up to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"I can't believe that Dumbledore owned up to it. He took the blame." Colette whispered to Taylor and Ginny.

"I know, I would have rather been punished." Taylor shrugged.

"Dumbledore's gone, that is a punishment because now nobody can stop Umbridge from doing what she wants with us all." Ginny sighed.

Taylor and Colette just nodded in silence. It had finally just hit about how bad the school was going to be from then on.


The next morning, Ginny, Taylor and Colette slowly made their way down to the Great Hall. Ginny couldn't help but notice how quiet the school was this morning. They had probably all noticed that Dumbledore had gone.

Ginny slowly sat down in a spare seat next to Hermione. Harry and Ron where sat across from her eating in silence. Harry kept glancing up every now and then at something behind Ginny that she couldn't see. Ginny turned around after the fifth time that Harry looked up to see Cho Chang sat on her own at the Ravenclaw table eating her cereal quietly.

"What's wrong with Harry?" Ginny frowned at Hermione.

"After yesterday and we found out that it was Cho who gave us away, Harry's heart broken. It's horrible Gin." Hermione sighed.

Ginny discretely looked over at Harry and sighed. He was immensely pale and his eyes were bloodshot. This immediately told Ginny that he had had hardly any sleep the night before. The spark that Ginny usually saw in his green eyes had disappeared and he was just like a dead person.

Ginny knew that things had to change. She just didn't know how quickly they would change. But for Harry's sake, she hoped that it would be soon.


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