Level 10:\Sandbox -How to Make a Monster?-

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Crikhei galloped towards him and sank its canine teeth on his right thigh. Hatsya tried to move his right leg, but unable to shrug the creature off. His right thigh bled more pixellated blood, If this was a virtual reality game, I'll develop alligator phobias at this rate!

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Radiant Prism Sanctuary>

Hitomi, Bellatrix and the eleven angels watched Hatsya and the Crikhei monster duke out in the rainforest through a large holographic screen.

"Hatsya! Can you poke its legs?" Hitomi yelled at the holographic screen as if she can be heard by her twin brother in the rainforest.

Eden hovered through the large holographic screen and crossed his arms, "Go, tell 'em!"

Three of the angels pitched energy balls onto Eden's face. "Tch! I thought we all made this game for all audiences?"

Eden collected all of the energy balls and tossed them back to the angered angels. He winked at the three, "Take a chill pill, angels! The Grandmaster and I have longed for this kind of interaction in games"

"NOAH will lose its casual newcomers if you keep this up!" the bulky angel raised his fist.

Eden's words struck his coworkers, "So what? That's their half-assed decision to begin with"

The white-haired in-game god looked away, snapped his fingers loud. Large band-aids taped the three angels' in a snap. "If they don't like how my world's rules, they can always find another online game to spoonfeed the fanbase"

Bellatrix gave Eden a glassy stare, "That's just too harsh, Eden!"

"Shut up about it, look at your twin brother, Hitomi" Eden pointed the holographic screen and they witnessed bloodied Hatsya jabbed the monster's legs and got away from the new creature.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Miyamoto Rainforest>

Hatsya popped out a small red vial [Healing Vial Lv1] and bathed his wounded thighs. His wounds, those pulsating blood red hexagonal grids all over his thigh, flushed away by the red curative fluid. He ran away at a wolf's pace, Yeah, you're right Eden. You made him a force to reckon with!

Crikhei lunged forward and gashed Hatsya's nape. Volumes of pixellated blood gushed from his nape cut and stumbled down on the grassy mud. At this rate, Hatsya's good as a hapless food for the crocs and if ever, land-crossing sharks!

"Many of his attacks cause bleeding, Eden!" Hatsya tried to get up until Crikhei feasted on his back.

The wolf-like crocodile tore a lot of reddish blocks out of the helpless fencer. Hatsya's cried in pain as he heard his flesh and bone got torn apart by the wolf. He saw the whole rainforest all in red until it shifted into hazy black patches.

"Friendly advice: there's always next time" Eden laughed as he saw his creation had fun consuming Hatsya apart.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Quezon City\Kanlaon Mansions>

Henry curled his lip and covered his nose and mouth when Crikhei snapped his avatar's neck. "Hey Eden! Can you tame the violence a bit?"

Eden laughed, "Nope, good thing that the blood effects here are all crystals, glasses-boy!"

It's too unnerving! This supposed to be an anime-ish game, but with all the blood, what the heck!

He scrolled his mouse wheel outward and his screen zoomed towards his dead avatar. His skin tightened at a sight of his pixel blood-bathed avatar. The pain he dealt in my avatar, it's so magnificent! It's cringe-worthy!

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