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"Mmmm Keith" I said. He smirked and kept going.
"You like that huh??" He said in a low voice.
"Yesssss keep going don't stop.....ahhh" I let out a moan. It's been about a good hour and this shit feels amazing. Then all of a sudden he stopped. "Yo why'd you stop" I said.
"Because my hands are starting to cramp. I need to be able to hold a mic." Oh wait y'all thought we was fucking? Hell no I ain't a cheater. Nope. I don't know why but something told my dumb ass to put on heels and we went to the mall. When we got back my feet hurt so bad they almost were swollen. He was giving me one of the best foot massages I've ever had. So good that I made him keep going for an hour. Y'all nasty asses thought I'd drop my panties because his fine ass told me he loved me lol naw I thought about though.
"Omg you complain so much. Your hands will be fine"
"Ugh no I'm done. So anyway back to what we were discussing. I really do love you girl. I know it hasn't been that long but it's something about you. I just wish we could you know be together" he said looking me in the face. See after he told me I acted like I got a call so I could avoid it all together but here we are back right where he left off.
"Keith I hear you. Trust me I do but right now I can't say too much" I looked at him and he had his head in his hands. I knew he was upset but what else can I do. I love Bryshere and that's my guy Keith is amazing though. He says all the right things when they need to be said. Everywhere Bry is lacking Keith has. This whole thing is too much for me. I'm not used to any of this. This is definitely not for me. I don't want to hurt nobody. How the hell did I get here. This mess with Keith and Bry is enough. Then Algee ass too. They on some shit.
"I'll wait I guess. I'm not going anywhere so when he fucks up I'm going in for the kill." He said. Instead of responding I gave him a peck on the lips. His lips were soft.
"Mmm that's what we doing now" he said.
"Boy don't get carried away now. Because remember you lose them how you get them. But I'll keep what you said in mind." I checked my phone and I had a couple text. One from Mari seeing where I was and some from family.
I can't wait til you drop Yazz and get with a real one. -Al
Ugh how tf did this nigga get my number. I'm not about to deal with this nonsense so I just ignored the text. I look over and I see Keith falling asleep.
"Wake that ass up. Drop me off and then you go to bed"
"I'm too tired to drive. Just stay here for the night" he said.
"Uh no. You know damn well I can't do that. Come on get up."
"Just take my car and I'll get one of the guys to pick me up for practice in the morning." He said giving me the keys. I wasn't about to say no. I get to drive his nice ass car. Bet. I got up and was about to leave then he grabbed me.
"Damn no goodbye kiss hug nothing??" I stood there for a second and thought why not. I gave him what I thought was going to be a kiss on the cheek but this nigga turned his head and our lips met for the second time today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this but let me not get carried away.
"Keith we can't do that"
"Too late it's done. But I'll stop. Good night best friend." I waved and got up. "Yo fuck up my car and I swear that's your ass" with that I left.

As soon as I got back to the hotel I parked and went to the room.
"Babe I'm back." I got nothing in return. I was thinking maybe he left or something so I got comfortable and relaxed. Then I heard the door open and close.
"Bae I know I'm a little early but I figured the sooner the better" I heard a female voice say. Now I know I'm not in the wrong room so maybe she is.
"Miss who are you? I think you got the wrong room" I said. This bitch has the audacity to look me up and down.
"This is room 802 right?"
"Yeah" I said.
"Well this is the right room. Who are you?"
"Nah can't be. This is me and my boyfriends room. I'm sure you probably got the wrong room" I said.
"How can I have the wrong room when the key works?" She was right. This got to be a damn dream.
"Who is your bae" I asked her.
"Yazz the greatest duh" Did she just duh me? I stood there and let out a laugh because this can't be right. This has to be a dream especially because she called him Yazz the greatest like girl this not Instagram.
"Oh. " was all I could stay. Then again the door opened and in walks Yazz the Greatest himself. He has his head down at first but when he looked up and saw me and her he looked like he was about to run off somewhere.
"Yazz who is this girl? Why is she in your room? Her fat ass said this was her and her boyfriend room" this bitch just called me fat?
"Sis you know what you can have him and this damn room. And you can have my ticket too." I said. This nigga ain't said shit yet. "Bryshere we will talk this out later. But just know it's over. It's been real." I started to walk out but before I did I punched this twig bitch so hard she fell out. I grabbed the keys and left. I didn't know where I was going but I was going.

Above the Average ? (Keith and the girl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن