Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV
The doorbell startled us both. Broken from the trance I looked down at our semi naked bodies entangled with each other. Before I could say or do anything she was throwing on a blanket and pushing me into the closet. How ironic. She kissed me and said "it's my friends from school they can't know you're here. I'm sorry." She kissed me again before closing the door.
I listened closely as she opened the door letting her friends in.
"Hey Bethany. Why aren't you dressed? Did you forget it was girls night?" One of her little followers said.
"Hey yeah sorry must have slipped my mind." She was stuttering clearly very nervous.
"Mind if we reschedule? I'm not really feeling up to company right now." She said trying to calm her voice.
Of course her little minions were eager to please her so they were ready to leave when one of them noticed two pairs of shoes and scattered clothes.
"Got a hot boy over is that it?" One of them said laughing. Bethany laughed with them.
"I wish." She said still laughing. They left without saying anything else. I'm curious about what rumours will be spread tomorrow. These may be her friends, but i know their type, they can't resist good gossip. 

I came out from where I was hiding to see Bethany in tears. I didn't know how to react. She's normally so happy and just so well collected. I went over to her and held her face in my hands.
"What's wrong." I say with genuine concern.
"Do you know how close that was? What if they saw you? What if it was my mum who walked in?" She said between cries.
"You're embarrassed of me?" I say trying to hide the concern in my voice.
"No. But you don't know my mum."
" What do your friends have to do with that. If they're your friends surely they won't care." I say trying to be comforting.
"My friends aren't your friends. They would hate me, banish me from all social events. I know that sounds pathetic to you and believe me it is, but this is how I was raised this is what's expected of me. I'm supposed to get good grades, date cute rich boys with good reputations, I'm supposed to uphold my family's reputation, make friends with my parents friends daughters. There's always pressure for these things. In this community if I was even seen with you by one person that knows my mum my life would be over, my parents would kick me out for damaging their reputation. Imagine if they saw me kissing a girl? They'd ship me off to some boarding school in England." She says aggression in her voice.
" You think my family are any different? Sure our reputation was damaged along time before I was born. But if either of my parents knew what I was doing here tonight they'd do more then just kick me out. They'd put me in hospital. Again. But if you're so afraid then I'll just leave. Forever. That means you can't come knocking at my door, you can't talk to me in school. Don't call or text me. We just go back to our usual lives." I say aggression in my voice as well.
"Fine. Leave. See if I care." She says and pushes me out of the door. 

Bethany's POV
As soon I slam the door I regret it. I know I barely know this girl but what I feel for her goes beyond knowing her favourite colour or any other useless facts. I know it's the right thing to do. She'll never understand, but reputation here is everything. I may not care about it but if I don't abide by the social rules then my life will be effected. I'll have no home, no friends and I'll be isolated at school. Not even the "scum" would associate with me. Total Social banishing. That's when it hits me. That's exactly what Lexi lives with at school. I head upstairs wanting to sleep through this pain instead of replaying the last half hour over and over in my head.
 Maybe if I keep my distance from her the feelings will fade. But even the thought of not seeing her, not being near her, makes me cry harder. But I can't be with her the easiest thing to do is to stay away.

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