Chapter 16 : His Own Demons

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Josie Frank...

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Alex's P.O.V.

The big fight....

2 days ago, before Hailey's Arrival.....

“How can she be so rash, what have I done?”I thought asking myself...

“I've tried to be the perfect husband but it's like she doesn't see me”I thought grimly as I lossened my tie and stripping my suit jacket off.  I just came from a business trip abroad damn it and all she thinks about is this Jeremy guy!

“Is he really just a friend?

“Aren't you coming down for dinner”Ollie asks stepping into the room looking all lush and rosy with pregnancy.

“God how I craved for her body!

“Am not hungry yet for food but am starving to ravish my beautiful pregnant wife”I say smiling wolfishly grinning as I  step in front of her nibbling at  her neck.

“Is this it? Is it just because of the sex? and the baby am carrying. Is that only the real reason you married me?Ollie suddenly asks  staring at me with a pained expression on her face.

“I don't understand, I mean I was harsh on your friend and am sorry. But that's not enough reason for you to get angry”I say trying to calm her down.

“I just need you to tell me, answer my question”She says standing fierce unyielding.

“It's a marriage of convenience, I mean. I married you to take care of you”I say suddenly at loss of words.

“Do you really think I want to continue like this, I don't want to live like this anymore. I've tried my best for this marriage not to fail like the first one but things just keeps getting messed up don't you think? She asks with one eyebrows shot up.

“I don't understand, I thought we were fine. I like you Ollie, I care about you. No woman has made me feel this way before”I say trying to convey my thoughts with this very words.

“You know while you were away, I considered a lot of things or infact I considered everything. and I noticed our relationship is just physical, I don't want that. I want more than you are offering, I want love Alex, I want you to love me more than life itself”She says her face in a solemn look.

“But it seems you can't do that and I won't settle for anything less than that. I don't want any  makeup sex, you said you missed me but you actually don't. You probably just miss my body”She says trying not to let her tears slip.

“And I'm hurt you don't even trust me enough. How could you think so low of me, I would never ever cheat on you Alex. Talk more to bring a man you thought I was sleeping with to my own matrimonial home”She says angrily....

“Ollie, you've got to give me a minute. Listen to me Okay?”I say trying to get her to see reasons with me.

“It isn't as easy as she makes it sound, I've lost the people I love. It's like a curse, I lost my father and mother at a very young age and I had to start ruling the kingdom at the age of 7. With no one by my side I learned to stand for myself, and to be dependent on myself, it was like that all my life until I met her....

“Regina was bright, strong-willed, beautiful and daring. She burst into my life like a whirlwind, we were so young and In love but it seems my love for her became her downfall. At that time I had a uncle who wanted the throne for himself, he's always being against my succession to the throne and has always objected me openly and balantly Insulted me infront of my ministers.

“Then I was too young to see through his evil act, and when I was finally coronated king of Euronia I got married to Regina whose father is the Prime minster of our kingdom. But After our wedding night I had to travel to oversee a project I was working on, and that was my Downfall. It was stupid of me to have listened to her...

“She told me she would be fine Alone in the palace, I wanted her to come with me but she refused. It was then she told me she was pregnant and that she has been keeping it from me as a surprise gift. Hearing that news made me want to take her along even more but she refused so I had to leave her behind.

“I was an unfaithful husband, I should have been there when she needed me. Instead I left her to her death, she was stabbed my my uncle in her sleep. Thankfully we had a witness to his crime and I was able to put him behind bars....

“I had once loved openly but it all just ended up in bloodshed, I definitely don't want to put Ollie through that...”I thought grimacing...

“You don't have anything to say do you?”She says her eyes staring at me in a pleading tone to at least say something...

“So instead I did the opposite..

“I stayed silent!

“Well I Better go now Jeremy is expecting me.”She say her voice thickens as she hurries out the room.

“Am sorry Ollie, but have got demons that I keep at Bay . Me loving you means I'll be unleashing them”I say In a sad tone..

“I May not know much about your grief or the death of your wife, but I knew you loved her so much and those demons you've got if you don't face them they'll consume you too”She says as she stops to stare at me ...

“I know, but loving you means death. I don't want that because I care about you”I say as my heart squeezed at the look of shock and pain evident in her face.

“Death? You know you don't have to say such hurtful words just to avoid you saying the words“I love You”She says grimacing as she tries to wipe off the tears on her face.

“Those wall you've built inside your heart will cause you grief, don't you know that?”She says...

“You know what? I'm done. I better go now all this talking has made me hungry”She says faking a smile but it felt like a hole had been punctured into my heart.

“Ollie”I call out.

“There's just one thing I want you to do”Alex says raking his hand into his hair.

“What is it”She inquires her hand trembling on the door knob.

“Please don't make the mistake of falling in love with me ever, it will only bring us both pain. All the people I love end up dead and I don't want that for you”I say my face devoid of any emotion.

“Right”She says.

“It seems have already made that mistake, it seems I misread you Alex”She say fumbling with the door knob as she rushes out of the room closing it behind me.

Hy lovers,
So after going through the older version of this chapter...

I was like “What the fuck?

Seems I was drunk while writing...

Anyway have edited this chapter I hope you enjoy reading the novel.

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