Chapter 4 :Wanderlust

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Hmm you're making a real tempting offer. Okay fine I'll spend the night at your place"I say to him conceding to him not thinking about where this little decision of mine could lead.

"Although deep down, I knew something is definitely going to play out tonight. And I intend to play along with it instead of running and hiding from my own desires.

"I find Alex real attractive and sexy even in my present emotional state, well am pretty sure any woman would. There's just something about him that makes me go all hot and comfortable. A feeling that is quite strange and weird for me to feel about a complete stranger..

"Even in my time with that jerkass my heart has never fluttered this much. His every words and every sound he makes seems to hang over me making me Wanderlust.

"I was then snapped out of my thoughts as he drives and parks his car into what seems to be a VIP parking space. Well seems I can't back down now since we've already arrived, I open the car door stepping out as I take a deep long breath silently praying that I did not just actually make a reckless decision.

As I reach for my shopping bags, grimacing at just how much I spent on just clothes. Seems the quick shopping spree actually helped get my mind off those dark thoughts.

"I've got you, there's no need for you to do that You're my guest so you don't have to stress yourself, leave the bags I'll handle them"Alex says smiling, as he steps out of his sport car rounding the corner to meet me, then lifting the shopping bags out of the car.

"But I can......"Before I could complete my statement he's already off strolling into the building and into the lobby turning to smirk at me with a look of challenge etched in his face and a starstruck expression on my face

"Don't worry this guns aren't just for decorating"He says flexing and showing off his arm muscles. Besides my mother trained me to be a gentleman, and what kind of gentleman would I be if I let my lady handle this heavy stuff".He says smiling showing his pearly white set of teeth.

"Fuck my life!

"With the way he keeps aiming that smile at me, my knees go weak and wobbly.....

"Damn that smile!

"Is there some scientific explanation how just one simple smile could make one so much handsome?" I thought to myself sighing out dreamily like some highschool fan girl. Cursing at myself for getting lost in the moment I rush up to him standing in front to the elevator trying to get a hold of the current situation of my hormones and mental state.

"Well, your Mother is such a wonderful woman then"I say witfully trying not to smile too broadly at him.

"Pretty sure that would weird and freak him out!

"We then step into the elevator and as we passed each floor going up to the top and last floor the heat inside me intensifies to a certain degree and red alarm signals goes off blaring in my head but it seems my body chose to ignore my mind.

"So am guessing you'll be staying  in "Euronia" for long?" He ask arching his perfectly arched brows.

"I'm not sure yet, and don't mind the amount of clothes I bought. I just decided a shopping spree is better than being stuck at home with nothing to do"I say, my voice coming out in a tiny squeaks.

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