Chapter 1:The Betrayal of A Twin

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Okay guys....

This is this is the first chapter.
Hope you enjoy.


Olivia's P.O.V.

Olivia's P.O.V.

"Yes dad"I say gripping my phone tightly as I sigh out in frustration.

"You know what dad why don't I call you back real quick. Am heading home to see david I need to check on him, he called in sick today and am really worried, so am going to surprise him with some homemade porridge"I hurriedly say.

"I gotta go dad, love you bye..". I say as I try to end to call as quickly as I could.

"Ok... sometimes I think you love him more than me, am your old man you know I need some homemade porridge too "He says with his voice in a teasing tone.

"Don't be jealous, don't worry I'll make some for you soon"I say smiling as my heart fulls up with warmth.

"I Love you too...."I murmur, I knew he wanted to say more with the way he keeps on pouting so I ended the call immediately. I know dad hates David, he doesn't really hides his true feelings.

Let me tell you little about myself. My name is Olivia Dane and I have a twin. Normal people would think it's so cool to have a twin sister but it actually isn't that easy, in appearance it might seem so but in reality it's more like a twin tug of war.

We literally hate each other, or maybe hate is a strong word but it's the truth and we have this twin war going on right now but for me I just think it's all in Hailey's head. But she's quite adamant that we do have a sort of competition going on between us which doesn't really help with our bond as sisters.

While my dad hates David who is my fiance, Dad doesn't like him much and always made it his life mission to tell me how David is not good enough for me and also tells me to cancel the upcoming wedding saying he's going to pay for the expenses being spent if i do as he says obviously since his so rich and egotistical and thinks everybody else is wrong and he's right!

He's always been difficult that way especially with the men in her life, he thinks nobody is ever good enough, he also sees them as leeches who are after his assets which of course will be inherited by me.

I mean no offense, he's my father, But he sometimes think he knows what best for me. I guess every parent thinks the same way but I do have my life to live and I get to decide where I find my own happiness and who is right to be my husband. I get the fact that he's self conscious since he doesn't have a male heir and I and Hailey are his only true heiresses to all his holdings and financial assets but his restrictive and selective choices were too much for me to bare.

As the heiress of the Dane fortune I've always had men vying over me, Suitors from literally everywhere even business investors trying to make a merger with marriage with their sons. I mean it's no news that "The Dane Dynasty" is one of the biggest conglomerate companies that's we stretched and affluent with its vast subsidies and sub companies under the Dane dynasty investment and financial holdings varying from fashion brands, electronics brands, import and export Infact there is literally no place you walk around in New York where you would not spot a car designed and produced by the Dane dynasty motors or a fashion brand that is popularly worn.

That shows how far stretched daddy business and influence is hence his overwhelming and overprotective attitude when it comes to the men in my life not to talk of the man am about to spend the rest of my life with!

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