The Broken One

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"Bihaan... Listen.. It's totally fine if you are not in mood..." I followed him to the balcony... "My handsome hunk is shy..." I giggled pulling his cheeks. He was standing on the balcony glaring at the moon without noticing me. His fists gripping the railing harder. I can sense about something seriously wrong he was talking about. I silently was standing near him. He wasn't yet considering me....still glaring his best friend... The Moon, the witness of his every pain. "Bihaan relax... You were not wrong" my tone turned serious. I found his eyes glittering in the moonlight. Painful more than beautiful it was. I tickled his fist tugging my tiniest finger on his tiniest one. He looked at me finally. I threw a smile quite hesitated I was. He sighed again glaring at moon. "Are you fine?" He escaped himself from my touch. This was weird!!

Might he was hesitated as this was his first time but so what!! So was mine!! There was some other reason I'm sure. "Bihaan don't spoil your and my mood" I caressed his arm and he threw himself away from my touch. This was really getting weird now. "At least speak something" I was impatient and irked in a way, of course. He sighed inhaling his anger with his closed eyes and tightened fists. "Thapki go" He hissed with a tear splitting out of the edge of his eyes. I was stuck at my place..... My mind and heart wasn't really ready to follow his orders. "I said leave" his voice was louder this time. I was stuck still. My stammering will kill me one day sure.... "Why" I struggled so much to utter. "Because I'm saying so" He frowned giving me a jerk with his words. "Bihaan is there anything related to your past?" my mind or may my heart, or may both, forced me to ask. I found him turning away from me in response. Of course not a new thing... But it surely confirms my strong intuitions. "Tell me Bihaan I'm here" my stammering was less as I wasn't facing his red angry eyes showing anger more for himself than on me. He was silent. Surely shedding tears on the other side. I can feel. The Moon left us, and hid behind the clouds, with the dim light of his room's light, at least we were visible to each other. "Bihaan please" I insisted.  "Nothing like that... I... I'm just scared of darkness... That's it" He replied yet not looking at me. He was lying of course! Firstly so much of stammering and secondly his exact words were this is wrong, I can't do it.. How can he then think me to trust him on this!! My hands were shivering yet I managed to place it on his shoulder. "Say it Bihaan... Let your all pain come out today" I hope he can sense the consoling smile of mine and tells me everything. To my surprise he threw my hand away. "Why you want to interfere in every matter" He groaned. Hope no one in the house is awaken of his loud voice. "I told you the reason that I'm scared of darkness right!! What you want now!!" He was angry, not angry but was scared, scared of thinking what would happen if I came to know. "Bihaan.... I love you... And as I always say that I'm with you..." My voice was soft. I can read his eyes trying hard to concentrate on the lie that he's trying to convince me with. He again turned away ignoring my questioning eyes...tired of facing toughness of life. "I love you too Thapki... That's why I'm asking you to go" He replied... His voice, not fuming, not groaning... Just in pain. "Say it Bihaan" He sighed at my insistence. "I had a bitter childhood.... And I don't want to ruin your today" He was searching for Moon which wasn't yet visible.

It hurts when someone so close to you is insecure to share his painful past with you.... Just because he can't afford to lose you!! It really hurts.

I rushed towards him glaring in his watery eyes. "Bihaan please.... You are making me helpless again... I want to be with you Bihaan... Be happy with you" my soft voice dropped some more straight drops off his eyes. "Is it relating to your Bauji?" I asked and he widened his eyes. Yes I was right!! I can't ask him about the other person but I can at least clarify everything what Bauji had done to him. "Say?" He nodded tightening his eyelids and his head bent down. It is painful it means!! Dark!! My stammering again disturbed me... I was actually in lack of guts to listen what more that animal can do to a kid!! "What he did Bihaan?" I asked making myself ready to listen something painful. "Just leave me alone Thapki... After all you will leave me after knowing the truth... Then why not now!!" his rough voice was cracking now. Cracking in pain, cracking in fear... I can't actually figure it out. "Only this much trust Bihaan!!!" I was disappointed of course... But he was hurt. I know that I want to listen him but he more wants to tell me... Just insecure of course.

The Broken One (Dark) (✔)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon