Stay away

291 31 21

I was busy with my exams and many days passed I didn't met him. Thankfully Di helped me in my exams. I had although sometimes seen Bihaan driving, laughing and giggling with someone in his car. I just had saw his sight hardly for a minute. I was happy seeing him laughing... But...

I too tried to involve myself away from his thoughts as he did. Ofcourse he had forgotten me... I don't know anything about what's he doing these days... But yes I had seen him laughing and giggling... He must have got his freedom I guess. Okay whatever it is... I don't want to think about him. He broke my heart that day.... I wasn't recovered yet...but Di was the one who was always there for me.

One night after my exams I was feeling sleepless. I gazed on my mobile phone 2:15am it showed. I don't know why I was unable to sleep.. So I switched on my laptop, thought to watch any movie. But I saw some new files and folders in it. Di was slept so I plugged earphones before opening the files.

Ugh. No files were opening. I tried hard cause I wanted to know about them. Curiosity was hitting in my head. Finally a file opened. I was shocked when I realised that it was the recording of Bihaan's room, through the pen I had left in his room.... I opened a recording.

Bihaan was searching for something near the camera. Might the camera itself!! But soon a voice from his door grabbed his and mine attention. "Well played Bihaan Pandey" yelled the voice and the lights were switched off.

The video was blurry again... Ugh.. I patted the laptop but it wasn't worth at all. So I moved on the next video which was again damaged. I was irritated. When a last and latest file opened.

Bihaan was tied at the backside of his bed. The room was dark. When my gaze fell on the timing of the recording. It was live.

The man splashed a hunter on Bihaan's already wounded chest which was easily visible through his vest. The sound scared me. "Wake up you...." He groaned. Bihaan somehow opened his eyes to see his Bauji. I recognised Uncle this time as I knew about him... But not about the other man who was standing beside uncle. Bihaan smiled. "Why you always keep smiling.... Aren't you scared of me?" Uncle groaned. "I... I... feel glad to see you.... Since fr...from the last mo...month. And you... Kn... Know the re..reason" Bihaan uttered huffing and smiling at him when Uncle slapped him hard. "Don't play a double game with me" He yelled.

I don't know when and why my cheeks were wet. I was feeling his pain. But wiped them off remembering about the day he insulted me and my love. I mean I didn't wanted him to face all this... But he didn't wanted me even... So it's better to leave him on his own. But soon I realised that I was selfish.

"I'm n...Not.... Pl...playing any...any game" said Bihaan. "Oh really!! Then why you told about you to that stammering girl." Uncle yelled louder this time. "I...I had al...already told you... Sh...she just was mis...mistaken." Bihaan said in his semi-conscious state. "You know how much can I harm her right?" said Uncle squeezing Bihaan's cheeks. He huffed. "No..please I'm te...telling you that's mi...mistake" He said. "Don't forget that I'm your same Bauji from whom you were scared the most...." he hissed snatching Bihaan's hair. He moaned. " me...I had... mis...mistakenly kept my with its on. I don't kn....know how everything got reco....rded" Bihaan huffed. I was shocked.... Hell shocked seeing my Bihaan... He.... He was saving me... Me!! I again wiped my tears. "And how that recording was with her?" He asked splashing the hunter again on his arms. His closing eyes were opened abruptly. "I... I...had sent it to her....mi...mistakenly" He uttered. "I have to harm her then as your mistakes are unbearable to me" Uncle said dragging a chair in front of Bihaan. "No...I... I mean... I was del...deleting it... And I don't r...really know this ha....happened" said Bihaan shrugging about me. "Hmm I see... So you might had sent this to many people!!!" Uncle smirked. "No... I... Don't talk to an...anyone.... As you have ord....ordered." said Bihaan smiling innocently. "Oh really!!" Uncle held the hunter which was behind his chair, Bihaan's eyes were closed and my eyes widened when I saw him beating Bihaan without even a break.

I bended down my laptop as I can't see it more. Just I could hear the ear piercing splashing sounds of the hunter in a killing silence.... I can only shed my tears, helplessly. Finally when the sound stopped, I, slowly anyhow opened laptop again with my shivering hands collecting all my guts.

"Why she cares for you?" He asked taking a break and again sitting on the chair. Bihaan was silent... Might searching for answer. "I had always warned you to stay away from outer world right!!" groaned Uncle. "Right or not??" He was louder. "Ri..right..." He uttered. "Then how come she knows you??" Uncle yelled. He was continously gazing outside the window to see...... The Moon... which was the only witness about everything Bihaan had faced... Either it is pain...or love. "Say" Uncle groaned squeezing his cheeks and grabbing his face in front of him.

Oh Bihaan.... Now I was slowly understanding his every word he cried out to me. Which was full of pain... Full of darkness... He always tried to save me but I... I always was one to misunderstand him. I always thought him a stubborn. His every cry was echoing in me.

I'm not made for love.

Stay away

You will never understand Thapki.

I'm....I'm... a sin.

"Wait a second" said Uncle which grabbed my attention again towards laptop. "Do you love her!?" He asked throwing his semi conscious head away of his grip. "The answer is no right" Uncle said sarcastically. He laughed crazily saying "You and love.... I can't even imagine" said he between his crazy laughs. Although the room was dark... But in moonlight... I saw Bihaan's eyes getting wet when he looked at Uncle. "If she loves you... She's a big fool for sure" said he suddenly stopping his laugh. "The answer must be NO" He hissed grabbing his hair. "Don't wo...Worry..." Bihaan tried to speak but he wasn't able to open his eyes anymore. "Hey answer me first... Are you in love?" Uncle asked patting his cheeks worriedly. He opened his eyes again. "No.... Sh...she isn't...a fo...fool" He smirked managing his dizziness. My chest tightened at his reply. "Good then... You'll get your award now" Uncle laughed and he again closed his eyes.

I was feeling empty.... Useless... Helpless.. My Bihaan saved me and I... I was taking him so wrong... I was guilty... Feeling sorry for Bihaan. Just helplessly shedding my wrenching heart when....

"Yes here it comes" said Uncle when another man handed a filled injection over to him. Bihaan didn't saw it cause his eyes were closed...he looked so tired. Uncle injected it in Bihaan's other arm which was free of handcuff. He opened his eyes but didn't reacted anything... Might because he wasn't in his senses. After that injection he closed his eyes finally looking at moon.
"Now soon the day will come when my son will be in my control" said Bauji caressing unconscious Bihaan's head. I didn't understand what he meant by that. The other man opened his handcuffs and his lifeless hand splashed on the floor. "Throw him now" Bauji ordered before leaving. The man lifted him and threw him on bed. His one hand was swinging lifelessly down the bed and his other hand was spread on bed. The man caressed his head. I looked amazed. "Thank you Bihaan" said the man before leaving.

I didn't off my laptop cause I wanted to see him.... See him whole night... He again had won my heart and my love. He needs me... He will never accept it... But I want to gift him his freedom. This time I can't be fainthearted... I want to be strong like him.

"Hey you slept hugging this laptop!! But why?" I heard a voice and woke up all sudden. It was Shraddha Di. "Di... I want to talk something important" said I getting up and placing the laptop on my lap again. "Yes my princess... Say" said she. I opened the laptop but it was discharged. "Okay fine charge it first then I'll see it" she assured and left the room.

I got a phone call.

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