I'm with you

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"But I'm scared about that person, he will give him drugs which will stop him to go to rehab centre." Dhruv said. My heart wasn't allowing me to leave him there. "Are we doing any mistake by sending him there?" I asked. "Doctor has said to send him right? And that's your Aunty even!! So don't take stress, once he'll be sent there, everything will be sorted out." Yes he was right!! But something was stopping me. "I don't know how to tell him about the rehab centre" I sighed.

"Thapki" we three were shocked when a weak voice entered in the room. "Bihaan" I turned and found him standing leaning on the wall. We three were frozen at our places. Did he heard us? Did he heard everything? How's he going to react? Number of questions was hitting my head. "Thapki... I..." He was about to say when his legs trembled. He looked weak of course. Dhruv rushed to hold him. "Who told you to get up?" He asked making him sit on bed. "Are you alright?" He asked making him drink water. Bihaan removed the glass slightly pushing it away. He's weak but seemed angry too. "Thapki" He uttered again. "Yes Bihaan say..." said I holding his hand, sitting beside him. "I... I don't want to go there" He said when our hopes cracked. He was huffing when I rolled my hand on his back to make him comfortable. He leaned his head on my shoulder. "Are you fine?" I asked caressing his cheeks. He nodded. "I don't want to go anywhere" He said. I looked at Dhruv and he gestured me to keep hope. "Bihaan listen you will get fine there" said I rolling my hands on his face. His semi conscious eyes were opened now after I made him to drink some water. He detached himself from me. "Yes Bihaan... Everything will be fine then" Dhruv said sitting beside him. "And I know my b phor brother is b phor brave." He said throwing his hand around Bihaan's shoulder. "Bihaan... Everyone is concerned about you. Don't worry we all are with you" Di said coming near him. He was now everyones priority, he might be always seeking for!! Dhruv, his childhood best friend was again with him. "All we need to convince him for the rehab centre" said my mind. "Rehab centre?!!!" my heart was afraid.

He looked at everyone of us. "You... You all don't love me..." He fumed standing up, freeing himself from everyones hold. "The truth is you can't see me happy. That's why you are sending me there" He groaned. "I... I will go to him. Only he loves me" He declared. Of course the second person he was talking about. Fully mad at us. "To whom you will go?" I asked with a hope that he'll tell his name. "That's not your problem" He fumed. "Bihaan listen" I tried to calm him down. "Just leave me alone with him. He understands me" He groaned and his legs trembled again. "Okay come we'll talk later about it" said I when he looked little calmed. "No...You all are liar" He fumed and Dhruv held him again. "Leave it... Okay" He said making him sit again. I sat beside to calm him... He was finally silent after gulping some water. I released some tears tightening my eyelids. He looked at me and soon I realised that he noticed my tears as it fell on his hand. "Why are you crying?" His thumb wiped my split of tear. I was silently observing his concern for me. He asked again lifting his eyebrows. "Because of me right?" He asked. Oh Bihaan... I... I don't know what to reply. "That's what I'm saying Thapki... You'll get only tears with me.....Just leave me" He uttered. I can feel how guilty he was feeling.

"It's nothing like that... She didn't had eaten anything since morning so....." Di, thankfully shrugged. "I'm too very much hungry... Let us go for dinner. What say?" Di said trying to cheer him up. She always uses this trick on me. It felt good seeing her trying by her side. "Yes I am also hungry" Dhruv said. Bihaan looked at them and I at him. We wanted to take him out for some fresh air, his irritated mood will be changed then. "Let us go?" I asked hissing to him. We all knew Doctor Aunty had told that he will be irritated and mad on everyone, of course he cares for you all but remember he's not like before. The drugs had changed him. So we have to handle him carefully. "Say Bihaan shall we go?" I asked again. "You want to go?" He asked. I nodded. "Fine then leave me alone" He fumed splashing his palms together. I was scared at his behaviour. So irritated he was... I know it was not his fault.... But...But I can't see him like this.... I have to do something. "Okay fine... I'll also not go anywhere without you" I fumed folding my hands and throwing my face away of him. "Thapki you didn't had eaten anything since morning" Di said. "I don't want to" I fumed. I know my Bihaan, only this can change him this time. "No one cares about me... I don't want to eat even. I'm also a stubborn like others" I taunted Bihaan. He glanced at me. "Who's not caring for you?" Di asked. "No one cares... I will not eat" I pretended to cry, my tone was childish but was enough to make him agree for me. And he did. "Let's go fine!!" He gave up. And yes finally I made him to follow me. Wink. He's irritated, but my Bihaan still looks cute. "Come we are waiting" Dhruv said and they left leaving me and Bihaan. We stood up to follow them. "Drama" my shocked steps stopped and my eyes widened suddenly at the fuming voice from behind me. "What Drama?" I uttered without turning back, thought it might shrug my embarrassment. But it didn't. A strong grip wrapped my arm pulling me in before I stepped out.

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