Where is He?

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"I love you Thapki... I love you" said he kissing my hands. "I love you too Bihaan..." I smiled with some tears wetting my widely carving cheeks. "Gajab" he smirked getting up of his knees. I smiled.

"Bihaan..." I cuddled more and OUCH I fell of my bed. Yeah, sometimes I'm silly. After calming myself to the normal breath the alarm disturbed my thoughts. I got up shutting it.

Two three days has passed since the day Dhruv said about the punishment. But thankfully Bihaan is safe. From that day our friendship became much stronger. We used to spend time together at parks, walking on streets, visiting to restaurants. And I enjoy his company too much. We laugh, we giggle, we tease, we fight. And the most happiest thing is he didn't looked down or cried or anything in these days. Although sometimes he used to be sad, but our company boosts him up. I even never asked him did he got that punishment or not? I mean it'll sound awkward cause he doesn't knows that I know it!! And I had observed him  closely these days, I think he's learning to live. And I don't want to hit him in feels asking him about such idiots.

Combing my hair I gazed myself in the mirror. "I'm not that fat... Or am I?" I remembered Bihaan's word.

Yesterday, when we were walking on street. I saw Golgappas again. We both rushed at its stall chasing each other. I acted like I got a hit in my legs, he stopped for me and yeah... I won. We laughed a lot. I love his smile. And he mine! "Again so spicy..." he scoffed with his red wet eyes. I giggled making him drink water. After calming him down I continued with my Golgappas. "You look fat these days" he commented gazing over me. "Haww... Really?" I questioned keeping the plate away. He was caught because of his uncontrollable laugh. He ran and I chased him.

My phone rang suddenly. I rushed to pick his call but it's maa. I assured her about my wellbeing and disconnected the call saying about I'm going to college. She blessed before disconnecting the call. I continued to get ready arranging my dupatta.  Bihaan didn't called me yet!! I should do. No I will not... Let him be first this time!! I disconnected his dialled number as fast as I could. "I'm not fat.." I consoled myself like every girl do in front of her mirror.

It's too late. Bihaan didn't called me yet!! Oops... My lecturer's glare pulled me out of Bihaan's thought. I managed this time. Hush.

My phone rang finally when I was taking my scooty out of parking area. And guess what... It was Bihaan!!

"Hel..." before I could say something.
"Chuk Chuk gadi..." said he.
"Where are you today...??" I was about throw my bundle of questions on him.
"Thank you..." said he interrupting in between.
"Are you drunk?" I asked observing his voice.
"Nope... No not at all... Ju-just... Scared of injections" he giggled with his drunk voice. I was amazed at his behavior. "Do you remember our beautiful moments?" he continued.
"Yes I do... Now tell me where are you..." I asked.
------Silence ------
"In... In your heart..." he uttered.
"Bihaan... Are you fine!? What happened?" I was concerned of course!
"Just wanted to thank you..... Chuk Chuk gadi" my heartbeat getting irrelevant at his weird behavior.
"Bihaan... Stop your nonsense and tell me what had happened!??" I groaned with all my stammering,  fearing about him.
He *smirked*
"Thapki... Thank you for everything you did for me and...." he's sleepy "...and sorry... Sorry for whatever I did to you... " he continued.
"Bihaan.. You..." I was confused about how to react. "Dhruv... Had Dhruv did anything??" I asked with a sudden click in my head.
"HE did" said he.
This gave me goosebumps, my body shivered a little. "Are you fine?" I managed to ask.
------Silence again----
"Hello Bihaan...... Hello"
"Hmm... Hmm.. I... need to go.." said he in his sleepy voice.

I rushed to Dhruv's classroom as fast as I could. "He's absent today" one of his classmates said leaving me in shock. I rushed to Pandey Nivas accelerating my scooty more. His words are hitting something inside me. "Aunty... Where is..." I reached to vasu aunty who was busy in some call. She gazed over me after keeping her cellphone down on the nearby table near tabela. "These are my friends" Gulabo and Rampyari busy with their respective foods. I remembered about Bihaan's innocence. "Yes Thapki..." vasu aunty grabbed me out of my thoughts and I touched her feet. She smiled and blessed me like she used to. I saw uncle standing there too feeding both Gulabo and Rampyari. I touched his feet. He too blessed me smilingly. "What were you asking?" questioned aunty. "Umm... Where... Where is Dhruv?" I ended up asking about that jeark. "He's in his room!!" she answered. I rushed to his room. "Dhruv" I groaned. "Yes... He asked gulping popcorns sitting in front of his television. "What a surprise... Are you here for the project?... Not today please my favorite team is on ground" he said. I switched off the television and he looked at me amazed. "Thapki... There's much time for the submission please" he requested. How normal could he act!! "Stop your nonsense and tell me where is Bihaan?" I groaned. "What do you mean by that??" he again sound amazed. "Don't act smart Dhruv" I yelled. "Listen... I don't care what that sin does and what not..." he scoffed. "Where is Bihaan?" I yelled louder. "I don't know where he is.... Might be in his room or outside... I don't know... Seriously" said again switching on the television. I thought to tell him about the call but what if it becomes risky for Bihaan!! So I rushed to check his room but no one was there. It is useless to ask about him here. I left.

The sun is set now, it's getting somehow dark. But I didn't yet found about him. I started the scooty aimlessly. "Bihaan..." my heart cried and my eyes poured more. His words are pinching my heart. Then I saw something. Something far away. A car's front part is stuck damaged to the tree in front of it. Seems car faced a hard splash with the tree. The inner is filled with some black smoke. I should help. The inner vision was not so clear. But it was something enough to fill me with thrill. I rushed throwing my scooty away.

"Bihaaaannn...." I cried patting the window. His closed eyes opened slightly I think after the patting voice. He smiled with his struggling semi conscious eyes. He is trying to say something I couldn't hear. The windows are closed and the black smoke is eating him. "Chuk chuk gadi" I read his lips. "Yes Bihaan... I'm here... With you" I cried trying to open the locked door wildly. I tried all the four door to be opened but no... It was all useless. I kept his eyes open through my nonstop pats. He started coughing, breathing heavily, puffing hard, struggling to inhale some air. "Bihaan... Stay strong... Nothing will happen to you..." I assured crying wildly. My mind was all numb at the moment. I can't understand what I should do? Bihaan placed his trembling hands on the window. He smiled. I too placed my hands on the same position from outside. I cried. We were unable to touch each other... The helplessness killing me more. "No... I'll never let anyone harm you... You... you will be safe..." I assured him wiping my tears. "Stay awake Bihaan" I patted again and ran to find some help. I saw Chotu, who had repaired my scooty. Thankfully I found him. I requested him to come with me. Although he was some 16-17 year boy but he's the only one who could help me this time.

We reached to Bihaan again. His head is lying on the seat with his eyes closed and the interior getting more dark of smoke. "Bihaan.... You will be saved... Get up" I patted at the window again. But no response this time. Chotu is trying to open the door and I trying to wake up my Bihaan. He breathed heavily again. A satisfaction I felt "Bihaan see... Here is your chuk chuk gadi.... See Bihaan get up" I cried much harder. "Please be fast Chotu..." I requested. "It is jammed badly. It will take some time." Chotu said. "Please be faster" I cried joining my hands. "I'll be back with some equipments" he assured and left. I handed my scooty's key to him so he could be faster. Bihaan puffed again. "Bihaan.. See..see.. am I looking fat?" I asked controlling my tears to make him open his eyes. He smiled and gestured me to smile curving his trembling fingers near his lips. His eyes were closing again. "No... No Bihaan... Stay awake" I cried leaning my head on the window. Chotu arrived again thankfully. "Just some minutes Bihaan... Look at me... Stay awake..." I cried patting again. He was tired now. He had struggled so much to breath. And now his breath was getting slow. "No Bihaan... See.. Me" I kept patting continuously. My hands were hurt and bleeding somehow, but I don't care. "Bihaan... I..I want chocolates, you always keep them with you right!!" I don't know what silly things I was uttering. But all I want is my Bihaan. I patted again. But now Bihaan leaned on the door I was placing my hands. His semi conscious eyes were closed now.

Finally the door opened with a slight jeark. Bihaan's hand fell outside the door and I managed to hold his falling head in my grip. I caressed his hair and gripped his head much tight. Chotu helped me to get him out of the car. "Didi...I'm going to find some help" he assured and left after lying Bihaan on ground. I rubbed his cold palms, his chest. But no response. "Bihaan get up..." I cried rolling my fingers in his hair. I patted his cheeks, no response. Even pressed his chest to get the smoke out but no response.

I don't know why... I checked his breath. Collecting all my  guts I managed to place my trembling fingers on his upper lips. And....the ground  fetched away of me. I was quivering when I found no breath. I placed my ear on his chest, no heartbeat. The grip of his cold hands loosened from mine and splashed on the floor, lifeless.
OK guys firstly let me tell you that I'm quite free these days that's why you are getting tortured so fast 😂

Coming to the story before you all rush to kill me. Umm.. Guys hold on actually the last part wasn't a cliffhanger and I wasn't satisfied though. So... This one is here.

Hope you liked it.
Do comment your reviews ❤
Love you all❤

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