To know Him

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I got a phone call.
"Hello Thapki"
"I'm Dhruv... I want to talk to you something very urgent.
"You have to come to my home today"
"But why?"
"For Bihaan... Please for once"
"Okay i'll be there."
Later I told everything to Shraddha Di. She asked me if she can join me. Of course she can!!!

We reached Pandey Nivas.

"Thapki... His house is so beautiful" Di looked mesmerised like me when I had visited here for the first time. Dhruv came to us. "I want to talk something about Bihaan" said he. "Say" I replied. "Come in first" I and Di followed Dhruv.

We passed through Bihaan's room. I saw Dhruv and Di was walking without even noticing me... They were straight to his own room. So, Without uttering a word I entered in Bihaan's room.

He was standing before the mirror and was applying some medicine on his wounded chest. He looked so weak. I entered in and he saw me widening his eyes. "Are you an idiot" He scoffed covering his chest from towel. I was feeling awkward.... Very much awkward but I have to take some bold steps for him. I entered in more while he was looking at me confusingly. "Hey..." He tried to utter when I shut him placing my palm on his lips. He looked into my eyes. "I will help" said I taking the ointment from his shocked hands.

"But..." He again tried to utter when I shushed him. He was confused. I applied some on his wounded arms remembering about the last night. The deep, red, merciless wounds he had been gifted last night filled my heart. His white skin was paled. He was silent and was just looking at me. His eyes were again screaming for help and I was helpless even after knowing about him...Not fully though. Their was a silence... Our eyes were speaking but we remained shut. I proceeded for his chest. It was very tough to touch his chest not because of my embarrassment... But because of his wounds. He moaned a little when I applied some. "Thapki..." He uttered finally. "Hmm" I said as I was pretty nervous but tried to act normally. "Will you not ask how I got these wounds?" He asked and I stopped suddenly. " might have been slipped some.... somewhere" I uttered smilingly trying to be normal. "You stammered so much!!" He glanced. "I... I use to stammer.... Di...Did you forgot?" said I shrugging about the truth. The truth which will again snatch him from me. And I can't afford it this time. "Why you came here again?" He scoffed. For you Bihaan... I know you want to hear this... And I want to heal your every pain. "For Dhruv" I uttered helplessly. "Okay come here" said I making him sit on bed. I placed his hand on my lap. To heal his wounded wrist. I felt some drops on my hand. His bended head doesn't let me see his tears. We both pretended to be normal and strong... Trying hard to control our emotions. After I made him to wear his shirt. "Thanks" said he.
"Aaaaaaaaaaa...." we both rushed to Dhruv's room after hearing two screams. Strangely, Bihaan was first to reach their.
"What happened Bhai?" He asked worriedly as soon as he rushed in. I was late and stood on the door looking at the scenario. Specially after seeing Bihaan, so concerned that he forgot his pain even.

I and Bihaan was much amazed after seeing the scene.
Dhruv was lying on his bed and Di.... She was beside him with their hands holding each other's arms. Bihaan's eyes widened but not more than mine. I and Bihaan dropped our jaws when they finally noticed Bihaan. They both composed themselves hurriedly. "Are you fine?" Dhruv asked to Shraddha Di shrugging his embarrassment. Di nodded. I can sense how awkward was she feeling. "Umm..... Actually she slipped so I held her...And we both slipped" said Dhruv faking smile on Bihaan.

"What happened" Vasu Aunty came rushing in the room. Everyone turned to see her and I was finally noticed by them. "Nothing much Maa.... Everything is fine" said Dhruv. She gazed everyone of us except Dhruv. She didn't uttered anything just glared at me and was about to leave when she noticed Bihaan. "What are you doing here?" she scoffed. "Maa he came here after hearing our scream like everyone else" said Dhruv. "Come with me" she ordered Bihaan. He nodded and followed her as if he knew what was she about to. They left.

"Say Dhruv... What you wanted to." I asked.
"Thapki... Bihaan, today whom you might be thinking is a very mysterious man.... He wasn't like this before" said he.
I and Di shared a confused glance.

"Thapki last night... I saw Bihaan's condition for the first time." he said. "I was passing to have water last night and saw Bihaan sleeping in his room..... He wasn't looking normal at all. I entered in slowly and was shocked to see his hand swinging down the bed." Bihaan..." I rushed to him. I shook him but no response. "Bihaan...." I shook his cheeks. "Hmm" He murmured. I was satisfied as he replied. "How you got these wounds Bihaan?" I asked patting his cheeks. "I... I again... ha...had Fi... Fight with some go....goons..." He uttered opening his eyes.... and that was the moment I had realised how wrong I was about him. I don't know how he got that wounds... And why was he lying to me. I had seen him in evening... He was normal and fine. Then suddenly the video clicked in my head.....You were right... I realised it last night" said Dhruv.

"Thapki.... He needs you" said he stepping towards me. I looked him confusingly. "Okay.... Let me start with the starting." He said. I nodded him to proceed.

One day... I was angry from Maa as she didn't let me go to play outside because of the sun, when Bauji brought him home.

He's an orphan. But from today... He'll live with us. "But what's the need to bring him home" Maa hissed to Dad but I heard it. "He will live with us... And that's an order." Bauji ordered and Maa kept quiet. I was curious to know about the person they were talking about. When I saw him. A boy looking of my age or younger was standing behind Bauji. He looked at me. "Hi I'm Dhruv... Dhruv Pandey" I introduced myself offering him a handshake. He looked hesitated. I gestured him to shake hands "Gajab" he said shaking his hand. "Humara naam Bihaan hai.... B phor Bihaan (My Name is Bihaan)" He impressed me in our first meeting. "Bihaan Pandey" interrupted Bauji. "And he's your brother" He added. I was happy cause I found a new friend. "Come I'll show you my house... Which is now yours too" I pulled him in the house holding his hand. Maa looked angry but I proceeded ignoring her as I was excited.

If his family was so nice... Then what happened suddenly!!

We used to play together, laugh together. This house always echoed by our giggles whenever we were together. He never had gone to school... I mean I always convinced him... But he didn't. So I made him learn some English words as he was interested in it.

One day after my 9th birthday. I remember I slept in Bihaan's room playing with our toys. But the next morning... I was in my room.

I remembered I had read about the same day in his diary.

That day I had realised the partiality between me and Bihaan. From that day I started observing him. He wasn't fit at all...but still we used to giggle like before. He never wanted me to know anything about him.... But something was abnormal. He used to moan sometimes when I used to pat him, he was scared of nights. I was silently observing him.

"Why you always sit on this window?" I always had watched him... And that day... I finally asked. "Nothing just looking at moon" He always replies. "You know.. Maa never tells me the story about moon. As it has a flaw" I said sitting in front of him. "But it is beautiful with its own flaw" He said. We were so little that time... But now every talks of those days seems so meaningful.

Suddenly we three heard a loud sound. I was first to rush to Bihaan's room. He was lying unconsciously on the floor holding a curtain rod. Seemed he had tried hard to stand properly. "Bihaan...." I rushed to him shaking his cheeks. No response. Vasu Aunty came rushing in the room and was shocked like three of us. "Dhruv call his doctor" said she. "Maa his phone is unreachable" Dhruv declared being busy with phone. "We should take him to hospital" I stated rubbing his palms. "No... Not hospital..." Vasu Aunty looked tensed. I was concerned and anger raised in me at the same time. "Dhruv continue calling his doctor" she ordered. "Maa... It's not reachable what can I do" said he. Shraddha Di rushed me with a glass of water... it wasn't worth at all to splash few drops it on his face... "Okay do one thing.... call your Bauji" said aunty. "First we need to take him to hospital for God sake" I yelled. Dhruv nodded agreeably and finally we made him to reach hospital meanwhile Aunty tried hard to stop us.

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