Passionate Tears

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I was surprised and was thankful when I saw Doctor aunty attending Bihaan. "Don't worry" said she patting on my shoulder. The door was closed.

I hugged Shraddha Di to cry. She consoled me caressing my hair. "Thapki he'll be fine don't worry" said she. "They... They will kill him..." I uttered when Dhruv heard me. "Who will kill him?" He asked. "Your Bauji and who else" I groaned breaking the hug. I showed him the video of last night. He was taken aback.

"How's he now?" I heard a worried voice from behind me. It was Bauji and Vasu Aunty. Acting like he cares very much for him. "How's my son?" He asked worriedly again. I was irked. "He's getting treatment done" Dhruv uttered. I rushed to pray to God.

"Please God... Save him.... He's been tortured since childhood... Don't... Don't be so merciless" I cried joining my hands. I don't got any news about him yet when suddenly the door was opened and a nurse came out. "How's He?" I asked rushing to her. "His body has so many wounds.... How could you all be so careless" nurse left disgustingly. I wiped my tears when I heard something. "Who told you to beat him so hard!!" Vasu Aunty hissed to Bauji. My eyes widened at the sudden moment. "I was irked... Don't you know he had recorded everything... About me!!" Bauji said. "Ugh... He said that it was mistake right" Aunty fumed. "I can't trust him." replied Bauji. "And where is his Doctor?" aunty asked. "He had gone abroad for some meeting" said he. "Damn.... Now everyone will know about him" aunty fumed again and left. Bauji left behind her.

I caught him finally. He laughed maniacally after seeing the video. "Don't act smart with me Balwinder Pandey." I groaned. "What will you do with this??... Your Bihaan even will never support you in this" He laughed. "Just because he loves you" I stated when he cut me in between "No.. No.. No... Just because he's scared of me" He laughed. "SCARED" He added sarcastically. "He might be scared of you but I'm not." I groaned louder. His laugh stopped. "I can do it viral. I don't care if he stops to talk me... But i'll be satisfied after seeing him free." I warned pointing at him. "Oh really" He fumed twisting my hand. "You can't harm me... I have many other copies... So better don't dare to harm me at least" I groaned pulling my hand from his grip. "What will you charge for deleting it?" He asked finally looking tensed. "Do one thing.... Leave your house forever... Don't come back again" said I folding my hands. "You stammering girl.... Vasundhara ji was right...!! You are smart enough." He said. "Just leave him free" I fumed. "FREE" He started laughing again..
I was waiting for my Bihaan to get up. The door finally opened. And I rushed to Doctor aunty. "Thapki... He's very weak... Physically.... We had saved him. But his body has many old and new wounds. As I had already warned you that day" she declared. "He needs full rest" she added. "Can I meet him?" I asked. "Yes you can... He will gain conscious in some time. I nodded and entered in the room.

Strong smell of medicines welcomed me. And I saw my Bihaan was lying lifelessly on the bed with various machines surrounding him and the oxygen mask covering his face. I can't see him like this anymore.... I have to do something now. My shivering hands touched his shirtless chest... I witnessed each wound of him helplessly. The medicines covered his whole body to give him some relief of pain. My hands moved towards his forehead when his head moved slightly and his fingers were showing some movements too. "Bihaan..." said I caressing his head. He slowly opened his eyes and seemed surprised to see me. My unknowingly carving lips welcomed him. "You...and...I... I'm again in hospital!! I need to go..." He struggled to sit. "Bihaan stop it" I groaned and he was paused. After making him sit properly, I pulled out my phone from my bag to show him the video. His eyes widened in shock and worry. "I'm going to show this to police... I know you will not talk to me... But I don't care this time." I fumed turning to the door and started walking slowly.... I knew he will stop me. "Thapki listen..." his weak voice stopped my legs. "Please del...delete it" He managed to speak. My heart cried as I was again feeling loosed. "Are you mad?" I groaned stepping near him. "Look at yourself... Why you are tolerating all this?" My stammering disappeared. "There's a rea...reason behind it... You don't ne...need to poke your nose in.. between" He huffed fuming at me. "But I love to poke my nose in your matter....and I'm going to show this to everyone." I was loud. "Tha..thapki..." his voice cracked me this time. I turned to him again. "No please" said he joining his trembling hands. "Bihaan please... Don't leave me helpless. I can't see you like this anymore." I cried running to him, holding his hands. "Why are you doing this to you Bihaan" I asked wiping my tears. "I mean he's beating you since your childhood.... And you...How can you be so selfless" I fumed sitting in front of him. "No he never beaten me in my childhood" said he. I was confused when "I want to say something today" his voice grabbed my attention. I nodded when he hugged me suddenly. I was hell confused now... When I heard his sobs on my shoulder. "Today when I was about to die... You know.... Your smiling face was the only thing I had seen with my closed eyes." He sobbed. "I was always scared to tell you.... But... I... I love you" He finally stated leaving me in shock. "We still can't be together.... But I wanted to confess my feelings before its too late" He broke the hug kissing my hands. "I can die peacefully as my heart is feeling relieved now" He cried and I shut his mouth placing my fingers. "Stop it Bihaan...." I cried wiping his tears. "You know what my heart says..." said I and he looked at me. "It says me to live.... To live with you... To live together...." said I caressing his cheeks. "No Thapki.... I'm not made for love..." He uttered again with fresh bunch of tears. "But I need you" He cried again placing his head on my shoulder. "I too need you Bihaan" My shivering hands caressed his wounded arms. "It must be hurting Bihaan" asked I as soon as I realised his wounds. "I don't care" He cried ignoring his pain. He was sobbing on my shoulder. "Bihaan... I'm sad and you are silent..." said I caressing his head. His sobs were piercing in my ears. "And I know it's true that it's all fault of time only.." I stated caressing his back. "I don't know whether it was the fault of time... Or mine... I just hate me" He cried in my embrace. "A sorrow stays there in my heartbeat... A sorrow of hurting you... Whenever you tried to help me... I was....." He sighed furiously "I'm sorry Thapki" I embraced him more and he cried more. "Bihaan... Let these clouds of sorrow pass, now let life be clear, better and fearless for you" said I caressing his back. " stop enduring the sadness of memories,
listen to what your heart says...." said I kissing him near his ears. "I love you" His snivelling for the first time relieved my heart. Oh Bihaan. "Then we will live together Bihaan... Always" I hissed near his ears. "It's not possible" said he. "It is Bihaan" I replied. "I know that the life is full of pain... But you have to be strong like you were till today" I added wiping his tears. Our foreheads touched and we both cried together. "I'm not strong.... I'm useless" He declared with his head bent down. I rolled my hands around his cheeks. "Life is beautiful Bihaan. See... there is relief in this life too... that I am yours and you're mine.." I stated kissing his forehead. "I hate this life... But I love you.." He uttered between his sobs. I looked at him. "I love you from the day we met...But... I can't be with you" He declared wiping my tears. "I'm... I'm scared to live..." He uttered. "Why are you so angry with life.... You don't need to be scared" I asked wiping his tears. His head was bent down still. He was rubbing his fingers which showed hatred for himself. I kissed his palms and he looked at me with his filled eyes. "Let's open the gates of our hearts...." I convinced. "Come, let's both cry our hearts out together.." I declared when he broke on my shoulder again. He embraced me tighter forgetting his pain and I rubbed his back to console him. "I craved for this moment my whole life..." He cried more. "I love you Thapki" the broken one cried his heart out. Every tear of his has been craved for a listener. Today I didn't asked him about his wound, about his past, about why, when and how.... We just poured our heart out today. I caressed him but didn't stopped him to cry... He was so devastated, broken.. I came to know that day.... We both sobbed passionately in each others embrace.

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