Chapter Thirtren

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Ambra Mistle. Sophie had more important things to worry about, but the minx kept surfacing in her mind.

Sophie shook the thoughts away as Bad Dog shifted. Sophie focused on wiping the black sleep from Bad Dog's eyes. Bad Dog was indeed sick, and was going through a detox, and diet. After Fitz had explained who Ambra was, a level five at Foxfire, Fitz had also said she almost landed a kiss, had Fitz not ducked and she kissed a tree.

That cheered Sophie, after wishing everyone she knew a goodnight she went back to Havenfield with Sandor. "Sophie! You got a minute?" Grady called as he strode towards the enclosure. "Hold on." She called as she put a drop of elixir in Bad Dog's eyes, she patted the thick shoulder and it rolled to it's feet, before loping off to the food. Sophie gathered the bucket of warm water and slipped out of the enclosure, she met Grady. "What is it?" She asked, as she tossed the water onto the compost pile, and walked towards the storage. "Well, it's about Bad Dog." Grady said. Sophie opened the storage door and walked in. "Yeah?" She asked. "House been calling it a he." Grady said. Sophie nodded. "Yes, I guess I just assumed."

"Well he is a she." Grady said as Sophie scrubbed the bucket out. "What?" She asked stopping for a moment to look up at Grady. "You noticed the patch of purple fur at the back of the neck, only females have that." Grady said. "Oh...okay." Sophie nodded as she hung the bucket, before scrubbing her hands. "You seem distracted." Grady said. Sophie shrugged. "Not really." She answered, what was that? That burning in her chest? "Is...everything alright?" Grady asked. "Why wouldn't it be?" Sophie asked her voice sounding sharp, Grady's eyebrows rose. "Why don't you tell me?" He asked.

Sophie dried her hands and hung the towel up. "I'm going to Dex's for a little while." She said, "Why?" Grady asked, Sophie had skipped school, more as in she missed it, due to having woken up before dawn because of Bad Dog throwing a rage. "I haven't hung our with him in a while." Sophie said. Plus she needed to see if there was any way he could make her iPod call Kyle. She needed advice, she needed someone to really talk to her. Honestly.

"Alright then." Grady said.


Kesler answered the door, he smiled. "Sophie! Nice to see you. How have you been?" He asked as he let Sophie step in. "I'm good thanks. You?"

"Tip top shape." Kesler said straightening up. "Dex is in his room. Go on up. First door to the left." He said. "Thanks." Sophie said. When she reached Dex's door she found him, wrestling with spools of wire and a very tall branch. "Hey Dex?" She asked knocking on the door. Dex jumped and the spool of wire loosened he groaned and glared at Sophie before realizing it was her he straightened up. "Oh. Hey. What's up?" He asked. "I was wondering, can you have my iPod make a call?" She asked holding out her iPod. "Well yeah...." Dex frowned. "Who are you trying to call?" He asked. "Kyle." Sophie answered. "You can't!" Dex blurted loudly making Sophie jump. He looked away, "I mean I can't." He handed her the iPod back, not looking at her.

"It's to hard. Impossible." He said. Sophie didn't have to be an empath to know he was lying. Sophie closed the door, and leaned against it crossing her arms she looked at Dex. He shifted and fidgeted, before muttering under his breath. "Why weren't you at school today?" He asked, trying to change the subject. Sophie didn't answer, why was Dex lying to her? Why was her vest friend lying to her? It was just Kyle, he knew Kyle. He trusted Kyle. Dex glanced up at Sophie. Staring they held each other's gaze, neither of them willing to give up.

"Dex, what aren't you telling me?" Sophie asked, she didn't understand why her voice sounded so fragile, or soft. Dex's stare crumbled and he looked at his feet, digging his toe into the floor. "It was a group decision. I voted against it!" Dex said. Something inside of Sophie was starting to sink as her stomach started churning in a not so good way. "What are you talking about?" Sophie asked.

The Hope of Demise(KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)Where stories live. Discover now