Lapis x Reader

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This was requested by LapisLazuli_Official, I hope you enjoy it!

Author's Note: Yeah, I know it's been a while, but I hope I can get back to a healthy rhythm at some point. I hope that I still have some old readers left and that I can get to all of the requests. If you wanna request anything, feel free to comment here or in the Read This page. 

Third Person POV:

Lapis was flying through the sky, zooming through the bright and colorful views ahead and behind her. Then she saw something.

"Hmm?" she asked herself as she put a hand above her eyes to see.

You were a pilot, taking your first actual flight. Soaring through the clouds was exciting for you, at least that's what you thought when you first applied and got the job as a pilot. Your fellow pilot mentor was very encouraging, guiding you through the fast turns and twists as you and the passengers flew to D/N (Destination Name). 

"What is that?" your pilot friend asked, pointing ahead of the plane. You peered through the opaque glass to see a blue humanoid thing with water wings flying ahead of the plane. 

"We're gonna hit it!" you shouted, as the creature swerved out of the way, making you gasp in terror as the plane tipped to the right severely because of your attempt to miss it. 

"Who are you?" you asked, hoping the thing would be able to read your lips. Apparently she did, as the female creature seemed to say "hi" to you. 

You noticed another plane from the distance, the pilot being in a somewhat drunken state. The plane was also heading straight for yours, going much faster than it probably should. You waved your arms frantically, hoping that the water being could do something. 

Lapis noticed this too, summoning a huge wave and splashing it onto the other plane, awakening the pilot and causing her to slam her heel on the brakes, also making the vehicle suddenly dive down into the ocean. You also stopped your plane, making the passengers shout and cry out in confusion. 

"Hold on!" your friend yelled, trying to reassure them. You watched as Lapis summoned a water bubble, absorbing the plane and pulling it out of the ocean effortlessly. The other plane then resumed flying as if nothing had happened. The creature then crashed through a window of your plane, making you shout in alarm. 

"Who are you!?" you questioned. 

"I'm Lapis Lazuli." she said. "I thought you were going to thank me for saving your plane." 

"Oh, w-well...thanks." you said. "I'm Y/N." 

"That's a nice name." she said, ignoring your friend in the corner, still shocked about everything that had occurred. 

"Well, I'll be on my way." she said, resuming flight. 

"Wait, don't go!" you said, making her turn around. 

"Why not?" she asked. 

"I could use a little company." you said, pointing to your friend, who had passed out in shock. 

"All right." she said, pushing your friend off and sitting in his chair. You two talked about your life experiences, you telling her about how you had became a pilot and her telling you about her lifetime in a mirror and being recently freed. 

"That must've been terrible." you said. 

"It was. It felt like an eternity being inside that mirror. At least I'm free now with the gems." 

"Wait, there's more of you?" you asked. 

"Yup. We live in Beach City. Where is this plane heading?" she asked. 

"Just to D/N." you replied. 

"I've always wanted to go there, actually." she said. "I could always use a little vacation. Maybe you could show me around." 

You blushed when she said this, still flying the plane smoothly. 

"I guess I could take a short break from flying." you said, grinning at her friendly advances. 

When you landed, you and Lapis spent lots of time together at D/N. You got to discuss Homeworld and human ways of living and meet several of the gems through warping. 

You felt so special that you had been flying that fateful plane instead of anyone else. 

Steven Universe Characters x Reader 1 Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن