Pearl x GemReader

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This was requested by LapisLazuli_Official, I hope you enjoy it!
PS. 400 READS! Thank you, guys!
I'll be doing a bonus chapter for all of you tomorrow because of the support!

*This is when Steven and Peridot are working on the cluster drill.*

Third Person POV:

Pearl was relaxing on Steven's bed, thinking about going into Amethyst's room and cleaning up a bit, when she heard Steven enter the house.

"Hey, Pearl!" yelled Steven.

"Hello, Steven."

"Guess what!? I met another gem today!"

Pearl was overjoyed.

"Steven, that's great! she from homeworld?"

"No. G/N is from one of the Kindergartens. She survived on her own."

"Yo, wassup?" you shouted to Pearl. Pearl hadn't seen many G/Ns on homeworld.

"H-hi..." said Pearl, nervously. She was obviously attracted to the new gem.

"Hi, Pearl," you said already knowing her name, from Steven.

"Could we talk in private, G/N?" asked Pearl in a concerned tone.

"Uh...sure?" you replied hastily, looking at the way Pearl stared at you. You weren't too fond of it, as Pearl was very protective over Steven. You were afraid Pearl was gonna think of you as a threat, or a bad influence on him. You both went in Pearl's gem room.

"It's beautiful..." you said, gazing at the beautiful trickling waterfall drops, slowly dropping down the liquid slopes.

"Why thank you, G/N." said Pearl, beaming. Then her expression changed. She grasped your shoulders.

"Are you a homeworld spy?" asked Pearl, pinning you to the ground.

Suddenly your Diamond Communication cube fell out of your suit pocket, falling to the ground.

Pearl looked like she just got stung by a million wasps. She summoned her spear and pointed it at you.

"Wait! I don't work for them anymore!" you whined, pulling out your double headed axe.

She struck the floor next to you and sent three Holo-Pearls to attack you. You sliced your axe through the hologram illusions and blocked their weapons.

"Just let me bubble you!" argued Pearl.

"No! Please! Hear me out!" you pleaded, even though you hated begging more than anything.

"Why were you sent here?" asked Pearl worriedly, as she stabbed into your arm, making it glitch.

"I was sent to check on the cluster!" you blurted at once.

"That's it. I know you're just a sad gem under Yellow Diamond's control, but you can't be tricking anyone else...I'm sure you're nice...deep down..." blushed Pearl.

She struck your gem, to the core and it poofed, while cracked.

"Steven!" called Pearl.

"Yes?" asked Steven, entering Pearl's room. "G/N!!!" yelled Steven, as he crouched down to look at your gem.

"Heal her, Steven." Pearl said, with doubt.

Steven did so, and Pearl bubbled you.

"She was with Yellow Diamond's cluster team..." said Pearl, sadly.

"Will we ever unbubble her?" begged Steven.

"Maybe one day..." said Pearl, with honesty and pity for the poor gem, as you went up into the bubble gallery, hoping that you would be released, and could redeem yourself to the Crystal Gems.

Hey guys, I'm sorry if that one was a bit sad, but I liked how it turned out. Please comment and request, it helps me a lot.
You guys are awesome!

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