Pearl x MaleReader Part 2

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This was suggested by rstay3, I hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV:

Pearl and Y/N had been bonding for the last couple months and Pearl was beginning to move on from Rose. It was all going well...until this evening.

"Y/N, I'm going back to the temple for tonight."


"Yes, Y/N?" replied Pearl with curiosity in her voice.

"Would you ever consider moving in with me?" You asked Pearl, blushing madly.

"I...I can't.." Pearl said sadly, but aggressively.

"Why not?" You said, a bit offended by her tone.

"I..." stuttered Pearl.

Pearl could think of a billion reasons why she wouldn't move in with Y/N. She'd miss Garnet, Amethyst, Steven...she would even miss Lion a bit, and the rose painting-

"Not that...not the painting..." whispered Pearl.

"Pearl, are you okay?" Y/N asked, a bit frightened by the situation they were in at the moment.

Pearl kept talking to herself and getting very emotional about some painting... it had to be important somehow.

"Rose..." choked Pearl.

You froze. Pearl hadn't brought up Rose since she said she would never bring her up. She moved on, she said. She's out of the picture, only you, Y/N...

You looked at her with a cold evil stare.

"You still love Rose. Don't you? I'm just some puny human who you saved from homeworld compared to you. Rose, Rose, it's always about ROSE!!!"

Everything went silent. Pearl was curled up in a ball, crying her eyes out.

"I just did that..." you realized what you had said and backed away slowly.

"Rose was a part of my life. She'll always be a part of it, and you have to accept that, in order for me to move on."

"I'm sorry Pearl, I really am...I just wanted you all to myself and that was wrong. You're just too beautiful and sweet to lose..."

Pearl leaned against you and kissed your cheek.

"I love you." Pearl whispered.

Rose, inside Steven's gem could feel what just happened.

"My Pearl..." she spoke.

             Pearl had moved on.
                         THE END

I hope you all liked Part 2! Please request anything you guys want, and I will put it on my list of things to write!

You guys are awesome!


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