White Diamond x FemaleReader

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This was requested by jakebickle, I hope you enjoy it!
PS. 300 READS!!! Thanks, guys!

Third Person POV:

You were traveling in Korea for your vacation, as a reward for graduating college. You loved all the sights and stores, and historical value it brought to you.

"What's that?" you remarked, curiously, looking at a mysterious Pink Palanquin.

You saw a humongous white figure crouch beside the huge vehicle.

"Oh Pink...who could have done this to my sister..." grieved White Diamond. She touched the Palanquin, and rubbed her finger across the smooth material.

"Hello?" you called out.

The huge Diamond turned around. You noticed the huge Gemstone on her forehead.

"Is that a gem? I collect those!" you yelled.

"What did you say?" the Diamond asked, shapeshifting into a smaller form, so she could communicate better.

"I collect jewels and gems! Well...they're not like your gem..., they mostly have cracks...some of them are even broken entirely."

White Diamond, even in her shapeshifted seven foot form looked formidable when angry.

"YOU'VE SHATTERED GEMS!?" boomed White Diamond.

"I..I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Do you know who I am!? I am the leader of colonies, galaxies, millions of stars, even! I will crush this miserable planet, with the geo weapon that is placed in this planet's core!" yelled the huge gem.

"Don't know what that means, but ok!" you replied.

"Are you what your kind calls...mentally unstable?"

"Uh...no? I just graduated college with a degree in physics."

"I don't give a damn about physics, human...I just want to see your gems!"

"I brought some with me, actually." you said, to her liking.

You held out your gemstones you've collected.

"These...these are gems that were in the ground when the...rebels shut down the Kindergartens..." remarked White Diamond.

"Do you want them?" you asked, scooping up the precious gems with your hand. "Maybe your cool powers can heal them?"

White Diamond, for the first time felt the experience of being given something. A treasure. A gift.

"F-for me?" the huge Diamond asked, giving the most silly, wacky look an intergalactic Tyrant could give.

"Yeah, sure!" you replied, putting five gems in her hand.

White Diamond did a twirl around the boardwalk, making the ground shake. Suddenly the gemstones moved, floating in the air, like they were possessed. Then they all formed into gems. A Ruby, a Peridot, an Obsidian, an Amber, and finally, a Bloodstone.

"Let's get back to homeworld." said White Diamond, calmly.

"B-bye..." you said, shyly.

"Keep in touch..." blushed the gem, as she and the 5 others, blasted off into space.

You would never forget the experience you had that day.

I hope you guys liked that one! Please request and comment, it helps a lot! 300 reads...wow..., some people don't think that's a huge milestone, but it's really amazing for me. When we get to 1k reads in this book, I'm gonna do a drawing raffle for you guys, because you guys are so supportive and always comment, and vote.
You guys are awesome!

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