Garnet x NervousFemale Reader Part 2

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Thank you, aehlyn13 for suggesting a Part 2! It'll be this little short' sweet ending, not too long, but I hope you enjoy! (I update this book way too much 😂)
Third Person POV:

Garnet sat on the couch waiting for Y/N to show up. She was scared that Y/N would leave, because today Ruby and Sapphire were arguing inside Garnet.

"My side of Garnet loves Y/N more!!!" yelled Ruby, who was winning her own argument.

"Sure." agreed Sapphire.

"You're supposed to share your piece!" Ruby gurgled.

"'re right?"


Sapphire was trying to keep her cool, from Ruby who kept starting arguments about Y/N that she never cared about.

You opened the door to see Garnet struggling to stand.

"Garnet!" you yelled, and rushed over to her aid.

Garnet unfused into Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby looked shocked, while Sapphire kept her silent serious look. Y/N had never actually seen Garnet unfused, even though she knew about her fusion counterparts.

"Ruby...Sapphire..." you blinked to see if you were dreaming.

"Y/N!" Ruby said with full pitch in her voice.

"Hello, Y/N." said Sapphire, unemotionally.

"Why did you guys unfuse?" you asked with curiosity.

"We were arguing about which side of Garnet likes you more." said Ruby, confidently.

"Which is a perfectly good reason to split up over-"

Ruby glanced over at you to see you were losing control of yourself.


"YOU DON'T NEED TO FIGHT OVER ME!!!" you roared. "I love Garnet, and she loves me!"

"Yes..." Ruby said in silent shame.

Sapphire was choking on tears.

"I didn't mean to make you mad...Y-Y/N..." Sapphire sobbed.

"I..." you protested, but decided to hug Sapphire.

Sapphire wept into your shoulder while Ruby played with her fingers in the background.

"I'm sorry for being stupid Sapphire..." apologized Ruby.

"You're not stupid, Ruby...I'm sorry for seeming like I have no emotions, and I promise to show them more to you and Y/N..."

Ruby and Sapphire embraced and cried in joy until they fused into Garnet.

"Thank you Y/N." whispered Garnet with a grin on her face.

Y/N and Garnet hugged, while Pearl and Amethyst entered the room.

"What's all this?" giggled Amethyst.

"Love." replied Garnet.

                       THE END

Hope you guys liked that chapter! Please comment and request! It helps a ton!
You guys are awesome!

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