Jasper x Reader

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This was requested by Opal-Idk, I hope you'll enjoy it!

Third Person POV:

Jasper walked around the abandoned alleyways of the human streets. She had no where to go, and nothing left that meant anything to her.

"Change? Do you have any change?" asked a human on the sidewalk.

"Huh?" asked Jasper.

She chose to ignore it and keep walking. She was blinded by a bright light from a welcoming house across the street.

"Hm?" questioned Jasper as she went up to the house.

An alley cat went up to her and meowed.

"Go away, you piece of shattered Pearl!" roared Jasper. She remembered the times when that was a common insult on homeworld.

The cat backed away and leapt onto Jasper.

"Hmm...you're like me, huh? pondered Jasper. "Alone...frustrated...I'm gonna name you...Smoky Wind. Cause that's what you look like..."

Jasper never showed a soft side, but when it comes to animals, she has a weakness.

" Good creature..." she pet the cat on the nose and pushed it gently away.

She knocked on the door to the house. A human answered it, with good looking H/C hair.

"Hello?" you answered politely.

"Hi..." Jasper said awkwardly.

You glanced at Jasper's huge form and stepped back. Then you fainted and, she was so tall, you landed on her chest. When you woke, you could only see a Yellow Diamond and orange color.

"A-are you done?" asked Jasper, embarrassed.

Your friends tried to hold in their laughter, but failed miserably.

"Shut up! Leave the human alone!" hissed Jasper.

"I-it's Y/N..." you said, lovestruck.

"I'm Jasper..." she said, looking at you oddly.

"Thanks for standing up for me." you said, happily.

"It's alright..." replied Jasper, with a slight blush.

"Ooooh! Y/N's got a girlfriend!, one of your friends cooed.

"Yeah! Yeah, I do! And she's awesome!" you said with a smirk. "I ain't seeing you with one!"

Every single one of your other friends screamed in excitement at the same time.

"What's a girl...friend?" asked Jasper.

"It means someone who would stand up for the other in an argument, goes out for ice cream, uh...and loves her partner whenever and wherever."

Jasper bent down, grasped your head and pushed you over to her and kissed you deeply.

"I'm in!" she yelled, getting cheers from all your friends.

"Jas-per!! Jas-per!!" They cheered.

She picked you up and cheered along with them.

You had a good feeling about this relationship with a certain orange gem.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll see all of you guys tomorrow!
Be sure to comment, and request!
You guys are awesome!
G'night, and Bye!

Steven Universe Characters x Reader 1 ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt