Aquamarine x ScaredMaleReader

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This was my own idea for a 1 shot, so I hope you guys enjoy!
PS. This is for 400 reads! Also I would love if some of you guys requested some more stories! I'm running out of requests to do! XD

Third Person POV:

You were sitting on a bench in the middle of nowhere, trying to breathe about the whole situation. You were escaping from this dark navy blue ship in the sky that was chasing you.

"Oh-no..." you mumbled. You heard the ship swerve around to scan the perimeter and area of the little scan of land you were on,

You ducked under the bench and shivered. You heard the ship lower to the ground.

"Grr, I can't believe I have to go on another one of these missions...I hate this miserable planet..." you heard from the distance. You heard someone moving, but you didn't hear footsteps.

You bolted for a convenient store, or a porta potty to hide in, when you looked behind you and saw a pixie-like gem, with a gem on her cheek. You were a bit familiar with gems, as you had heard about them somewhere before.

"Wait! Come back!" the gem yelled, fiercely.

You ran into a seven eleven, and hid behind a shelf.

The gem burst through the door. The employee at the counter had his mouth wide open. Another worker stopped midstep.

"Uhm...hello?" said the gem, silently.

The female worker went along with her business, finding the gem cute. The male employee, went up to the small gem.

"Have you come with others of your kind?" he said, blushing.

"No. It's just me. Aquamarine, from Blue Diamond's Court. Have you seen a male human that came through here?" asked Aquamarine politely. It hurt her to communicate with these foul creatures, but she had to find you for Blue Diamond.

"Yes, I have." the human replied.

"Where? Where?" asked Aquamarine curiously.

You were shocked. Aquamarine was your friend's birthstone.

"I'll tell you if you help me with something..." the worker stuttered.

Aquamarine sighed. "What?" she asked in a very bored tone.

The employee puckered his lips. Aquamarine reacted quickly to the man's behavior, whipping out her wand and bubbling the human. She hurled him over to the aisle you were hiding behind. He collided with the shelf, making you stand up.

"Aha!" said Aquamarine with glee.

You ran as fast as you possibly could to the exit, but Aquamarine caught your leg with her wand.

"You've lost." said Aquamarine silently, with slight remorse in her quiet voice. You'd have thought it sounded very soothing, if she wasn't trying to capture you.

"No, I don't want to go!" you shouted. You had always been the emotional type, but you had been pushed over your breaking point.

You kept crying and sobbing in the bubble you were trapped in. Aquamarine looked away from you, because she didn't want to watch you.

"Enough!" yelled Aquamarine, causing you to sniffle and look up to her.

"I want to stay..." you pleaded.

"No. I'm...I'm sorry..." said Aquamarine desperately. "You're coming with me."

"Can you at least release me from the bubble?" you asked, with a begging tone in your voice.

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